Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Waste Management: distributor


Distributors: Essential Components for Efficient Environmental and Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, distributors play a crucial role in ensuring efficient and effective processes. These devices are responsible for evenly distributing liquids or gases across a treatment system, maximizing performance and minimizing waste. Let's delve into the diverse world of distributors and their applications in various treatment scenarios.

Understanding Distributors:

Distributors serve as the "gatekeepers" of treatment processes. They take a concentrated flow of liquid or gas and spread it evenly across a specific area. This uniform distribution is essential for optimizing several critical aspects of treatment:

  • Even Contact: Ensuring uniform contact between the treatment medium and the target substance for maximum efficiency.
  • Optimal Flow Patterns: Facilitating efficient flow patterns within the treatment system, preventing channeling and dead zones.
  • Uniform Treatment: Achieving consistent treatment across the entire system, leading to uniform output.

Types of Distributors:

The type of distributor used depends on the specific application and treatment process. Here are some common types:

  • Rotary Distributors: These are commonly used in wastewater treatment for distributing wastewater over trickling filters or biological aerated filters. They consist of a rotating arm with nozzles that spray the wastewater in a circular pattern.
  • Fixed Distributors: These distributors are stationary and utilize a series of holes or slots to distribute the flow. They are commonly found in applications like sand filters and media filters.
  • Submerged Distributors: These distributors are positioned below the liquid surface in a tank or basin. They are used in various applications, including aeration systems, sedimentation tanks, and equalization tanks.
  • Surface Distributors: These distributors are placed on the surface of a liquid or solid bed, such as in a bioreactor or a drying bed. They are often used for distributing air or liquid over the treatment media.

Rotary Distributor: A Closer Look

Rotary distributors are specifically designed for applications involving a continuous and controlled distribution of liquids over a large surface area. They are often used in wastewater treatment plants for efficient distribution of wastewater over trickling filters and biological aerated filters.

Components of a Rotary Distributor:

  • Rotating Arm: This arm rotates on a central pivot point and carries the distribution nozzles.
  • Nozzles: These nozzles are strategically placed on the arm and spray the liquid in a controlled pattern.
  • Drive Mechanism: This mechanism powers the rotation of the arm, often driven by a motor or water pressure.
  • Support Structure: This structure provides stability and support for the entire system.

Advantages of Rotary Distributors:

  • Even Distribution: Their rotating motion ensures uniform distribution of wastewater across the treatment media.
  • Efficient Operation: They are designed for optimal flow patterns, maximizing the treatment process.
  • Low Maintenance: They are typically durable and require minimal maintenance.

Applications of Rotary Distributors:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Distributing wastewater over trickling filters and biological aerated filters.
  • Industrial Applications: Distributing process liquids over cooling towers and other industrial equipment.
  • Agricultural Applications: Distributing irrigation water over fields and crops.


Distributors are vital components in the efficient operation of environmental and water treatment systems. By ensuring uniform distribution of liquids or gases, they optimize treatment performance and minimize waste. Rotary distributors, in particular, play a crucial role in wastewater treatment, ensuring optimal distribution and maximizing treatment efficiency. Understanding the different types of distributors and their applications is essential for achieving successful and sustainable water and environmental management.

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