Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: dissolved oxygen (DO)

dissolved oxygen (DO)

Dissolved Oxygen: A Vital Element in Environmental and Water Treatment

Dissolved oxygen (DO) refers to the amount of oxygen gas (O2) that is dissolved in a liquid, typically water. This seemingly simple concept plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy aquatic ecosystems and in various water treatment processes.

The Importance of Dissolved Oxygen

  • Aquatic Life: DO is essential for the survival of fish, plants, and other aquatic organisms. Many species rely on dissolved oxygen for respiration, the process of converting food into energy.
  • Water Treatment: DO is vital in several water treatment processes, such as:
    • Wastewater Treatment: Aerobic bacteria, which consume organic matter in wastewater, require dissolved oxygen to function effectively.
    • Drinking Water Treatment: Dissolved oxygen helps to remove iron and manganese from water, improving taste and preventing staining.
  • Environmental Health: DO levels are a key indicator of water quality. Low DO levels can indicate pollution, while high DO levels can be problematic in some situations.

Measuring Dissolved Oxygen

DO levels are typically measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm). Various methods are used to measure DO, including:

  • Winkler Titration: A classic chemical method using reagents to react with dissolved oxygen.
  • Electrochemical Probes: Sensors that measure the electric current generated by the reaction between dissolved oxygen and an electrode.
  • Optical Sensors: Devices that use light absorbance to determine DO concentration.

Factors Affecting Dissolved Oxygen Levels

  • Temperature: As water temperature increases, the solubility of oxygen decreases.
  • Salinity: Salinity (salt content) also influences oxygen solubility. Higher salinity leads to lower DO levels.
  • Photosynthesis: Aquatic plants release oxygen during photosynthesis, increasing DO levels.
  • Respiration: Animals and microorganisms consume oxygen during respiration, decreasing DO levels.
  • Organic Matter Decomposition: The breakdown of organic matter consumes oxygen, reducing DO levels.

Maintaining Healthy DO Levels

  • Controlling Pollution: Reducing pollution from industrial and agricultural sources helps maintain adequate DO levels.
  • Managing Water Flow: Maintaining proper water flow in rivers and lakes helps to mix oxygenated water with deeper, less oxygenated water.
  • Protecting Wetlands: Wetlands act as natural filters, improving water quality and supporting high DO levels.
  • Aerating Water Bodies: Artificial aeration can be used to increase DO levels in water bodies.


Dissolved oxygen is a critical factor in environmental and water treatment processes. Understanding how DO levels are influenced and maintained is crucial for protecting aquatic ecosystems and ensuring safe, high-quality water for human use. By monitoring DO levels and implementing appropriate strategies to manage them, we can promote a healthy and sustainable aquatic environment.

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