Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Discostrainer


Discostrainer: Fine Screening Power for Clean Water

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, fine screening plays a crucial role in removing unwanted debris from water sources. The Discostrainer, a cutting-edge device by Waterlink Separations, Inc., stands out as a reliable and efficient solution for this critical task.

What is a Discostrainer?

The Discostrainer is a rotating, self-cleaning, drum screen designed for fine screening of water. Its unique design features a perforated drum that rotates slowly, allowing water to flow through while capturing debris larger than the screen openings. The screen's continuous rotation ensures consistent, high-performance filtration, preventing clogging and maximizing throughput.

Why Choose a Discostrainer?

Unmatched Efficiency:

  • Exceptional Screening Accuracy: The Discostrainer boasts a high degree of precision, effectively removing debris down to 0.5 mm, significantly exceeding the capabilities of traditional screens.
  • Self-Cleaning Operation: The rotating drum's design prevents clogging by continuously removing accumulated debris, eliminating the need for manual cleaning. This automation optimizes performance and minimizes downtime.
  • Minimal Maintenance: Its robust construction and self-cleaning functionality reduce maintenance requirements, ensuring long-term, reliable operation.
  • High Flow Rates: The Discostrainer can handle a vast range of water flow rates, meeting the demands of various applications.
  • Versatility: It's suitable for diverse water treatment scenarios, including municipal water treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, and irrigation applications.

Environmental Advantages:

  • Improved Water Quality: The Discostrainer's fine screening effectively eliminates debris, ensuring cleaner, safer water for consumption or industrial use.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: By capturing pollutants and preventing their release into the environment, the Discostrainer contributes to sustainability and environmental protection.

Key Applications:

The Discostrainer finds applications in numerous areas, including:

  • Drinking Water Treatment: Protecting water supplies from debris and contaminants.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Removing solids and debris from wastewater streams.
  • Industrial Process Water: Ensuring clean process water for industrial operations.
  • Irrigation Systems: Preventing clogging in irrigation systems and ensuring optimal water delivery to crops.

The Discostrainer: A Leader in Fine Screening

Waterlink Separations, Inc., is renowned for its commitment to innovative and reliable water treatment solutions. The Discostrainer exemplifies this dedication, delivering unmatched fine screening capabilities to ensure clean, safe, and sustainable water for all.

By offering a compelling combination of high efficiency, low maintenance, and environmental benefits, the Discostrainer has established itself as a leading solution for fine screening in water treatment applications.

Test Your Knowledge

Discostrainer Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What type of screening device is the Discostrainer? a) A stationary, manually cleaned screen b) A rotating, self-cleaning, drum screen c) A filter press d) A sedimentation tank


b) A rotating, self-cleaning, drum screen

2. What is the minimum size of debris the Discostrainer can effectively remove? a) 10 mm b) 5 mm c) 2 mm d) 0.5 mm


d) 0.5 mm

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a Discostrainer? a) Reduced maintenance requirements b) High flow rates c) Manual cleaning required d) Versatility for various applications


c) Manual cleaning required

4. The Discostrainer contributes to environmental protection by: a) Reducing water usage b) Capturing pollutants and preventing their release c) Eliminating the need for chemical treatment d) All of the above


b) Capturing pollutants and preventing their release

5. Which of the following is a key application for the Discostrainer? a) Food processing b) Construction c) Wastewater treatment d) Agriculture


c) Wastewater treatment

Discostrainer Exercise

Scenario: A municipality is planning to upgrade its water treatment plant to improve water quality and reduce environmental impact. They are considering implementing a Discostrainer as part of the upgrade.


  1. Identify three potential benefits of using a Discostrainer for the municipality's water treatment plant.
  2. Suggest two potential challenges the municipality might face when implementing the Discostrainer and how they could be addressed.

Exercise Correction

**Potential Benefits:** * **Improved water quality:** The Discostrainer will remove fine debris and pollutants, improving the overall quality of the treated water. * **Reduced maintenance costs:** The self-cleaning mechanism reduces the need for manual cleaning, decreasing maintenance costs and labor requirements. * **Enhanced environmental protection:** By effectively capturing debris, the Discostrainer prevents pollution and contributes to a cleaner environment. **Potential Challenges:** * **Initial investment:** Installing a Discostrainer might involve a significant upfront investment. This can be addressed by exploring funding options or factoring in long-term savings from reduced maintenance and improved water quality. * **Space requirements:** The Discostrainer might require sufficient space for installation. This can be addressed by careful planning and considering the available space at the water treatment plant.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: This book provides a comprehensive overview of water treatment processes, including screening, and could offer insights into the role of fine screening in water treatment.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment: This book explores various treatment technologies, including advanced filtration methods like fine screening, offering a broader context for understanding the Discostrainer's applications.
  • The Complete Guide to Water Treatment: This guide provides a detailed explanation of different water treatment techniques, potentially touching upon fine screening technologies and their advantages.


  • "Fine Screening: A Critical Step in Water Treatment" by [Author Name] (Journal Name, Year): Look for articles focusing on fine screening in water treatment, discussing its benefits, challenges, and the various technologies available, including the Discostrainer.
  • "Advances in Water Treatment Technology" by [Author Name] (Journal Name, Year): This article might explore recent advancements in water treatment, potentially including the Discostrainer and its contributions to the field.

Online Resources

  • Waterlink Separations, Inc. website: This is the primary source of information about the Discostrainer. Their website will likely have detailed product specifications, technical documents, case studies, and customer testimonials.
  • Industry journals and publications: Browse websites like Water Technology, Water Environment & Technology, and WaterWorld for articles and news related to water treatment technologies, including fine screening.
  • Water treatment technology forums and online communities: Engaging with online communities focused on water treatment can provide insights into the use of fine screening technologies and the Discostrainer's role in the industry.

Search Tips

  • Specific keywords: Use keywords like "Discostrainer", "fine screening", "drum screen", "water treatment", "wastewater treatment", "industrial water treatment", and "irrigation systems" in your searches.
  • Combine keywords: Use different keyword combinations to narrow down your search results. For instance, "Discostrainer water treatment applications", "Discostrainer vs [other screening technologies]", or "Discostrainer case studies".
  • Advanced search operators: Use operators like "+" (include), "-" (exclude), and "OR" to refine your search results. For example, "Discostrainer + water treatment - review" would exclude reviews while focusing on water treatment applications.
  • Filter your results: Use Google's search filters to narrow down results by date, region, and source type (e.g., news, articles, videos).
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