Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Dewa


Dewa: A Powerful Tool for Environmental and Water Treatment

Dewa, a term originating from the Japanese word "dewa" meaning "place" or "location," has gained significant importance in the field of environmental and water treatment. It signifies the site-specific nature of treatment solutions and emphasizes the importance of considering the unique characteristics of a particular location when designing and implementing a treatment system. This approach, commonly referred to as "Dewa Engineering", is championed by companies like DWT-Engineering Oy, a Finnish engineering firm specializing in environmentally sound water and wastewater treatment solutions.

What Makes Dewa Engineering Unique?

Dewa Engineering emphasizes a holistic approach, factoring in:

  • Specific water quality: DWT-Engineering Oy analyzes the water source, identifying contaminants and their levels, to tailor the treatment process accordingly.
  • Environmental conditions: Considerations like climate, topography, and local regulations are integrated into the design to minimize environmental impact.
  • Local resources: Utilizing readily available materials and technologies within the region promotes sustainability and cost-effectiveness.
  • Community needs: DWT-Engineering Oy engages with local communities to understand their specific requirements and ensure the treatment system aligns with their needs.

DWT-Engineering Oy's Water and Wastewater Treatment Solutions

DWT-Engineering Oy offers a diverse range of solutions encompassing both water and wastewater treatment:

Water Treatment Systems:

  • Drinking water treatment: Advanced filtration systems, disinfection technologies, and water softening processes are employed to provide safe and palatable drinking water.
  • Industrial water treatment: Customized solutions are designed to meet the specific requirements of various industries, ensuring optimal water quality for production processes.
  • Wastewater treatment: Innovative technologies like membrane filtration, biological treatment, and advanced oxidation processes are utilized to effectively remove contaminants from wastewater.

Wastewater Treatment Systems:

  • Municipal wastewater treatment: DWT-Engineering Oy provides comprehensive solutions for urban and rural communities, adhering to stringent environmental standards and ensuring safe discharge.
  • Industrial wastewater treatment: Specialized systems are designed to manage specific industrial wastewater types, minimizing environmental impact and maximizing resource recovery.

Benefits of Dewa Engineering and DWT-Engineering Oy's Solutions:

  • Sustainable and environmentally friendly: DWT-Engineering Oy's solutions minimize resource consumption and waste generation, promoting a circular economy approach.
  • Cost-effective: By optimizing design and utilizing local resources, DWT-Engineering Oy helps minimize project costs and ensure long-term operational efficiency.
  • Reliable and efficient: DWT-Engineering Oy's systems are designed and built to ensure high performance and reliability, minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.


Dewa Engineering represents a crucial shift towards a more sustainable and site-specific approach to water and wastewater treatment. DWT-Engineering Oy, with its dedication to Dewa principles, offers innovative and tailored solutions, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment. By embracing Dewa engineering, we can ensure the effective and responsible management of our most precious resource – water.

Test Your Knowledge

Dewa Engineering Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the meaning of "Dewa" in the context of environmental and water treatment?

a) A type of water filtration technology b) A specific water contaminant c) Site-specific nature of treatment solutions d) A measurement of water quality


c) Site-specific nature of treatment solutions

2. What is the key principle behind Dewa Engineering?

a) Using only the most advanced technologies for treatment. b) Focusing on minimizing cost at all times. c) Designing treatment systems tailored to the unique characteristics of a location. d) Relying solely on local resources for treatment.


c) Designing treatment systems tailored to the unique characteristics of a location.

3. Which of these factors are NOT considered in Dewa Engineering?

a) Water quality b) Local regulations c) Global climate patterns d) Community needs


c) Global climate patterns

4. Which company is a champion of Dewa Engineering?

a) DWT-Engineering Oy b) Aqua Solutions Inc. c) Global Water Technologies d) Environmental Solutions Group


a) DWT-Engineering Oy

5. What is a key benefit of Dewa Engineering?

a) Increased reliance on expensive imported technologies. b) Greater environmental impact compared to traditional methods. c) More cost-effective and sustainable treatment solutions. d) Reduced community engagement in treatment processes.


c) More cost-effective and sustainable treatment solutions.

Dewa Engineering Exercise

Scenario: A small village in a remote mountainous region needs a new water treatment system. The village has access to a nearby stream as a water source, but the water is contaminated with high levels of bacteria. The village has limited resources and electricity access.


  1. Using the principles of Dewa Engineering, propose a water treatment system for the village.
  2. Explain how your proposed system addresses the specific challenges of this location.
  3. Discuss why your system is considered sustainable and cost-effective.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution:

**Proposed System:**

  • Water Source: The stream water will be collected in a sedimentation tank to allow heavier particles to settle.
  • Disinfection: A simple and low-cost ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system can be used to kill bacteria. UV systems require minimal electricity, which can be generated by solar panels.
  • Filtration: A locally sourced sand filter can be constructed to remove remaining contaminants.
  • Storage: A covered water storage tank will be built to ensure safe storage of treated water.

**Addressing Specific Challenges:**

  • Limited Resources: The system utilizes readily available materials like sand for filtration and relies on sustainable energy sources like solar power.
  • Electricity Access: The UV disinfection system is designed to operate with minimal electricity, making it suitable for the village's limited access.
  • High Levels of Bacteria: The UV disinfection system effectively kills bacteria, ensuring safe drinking water.

**Sustainability and Cost-Effectiveness:**

  • Sustainable: The system utilizes renewable energy, minimizes waste, and relies on locally sourced materials.
  • Cost-Effective: The use of low-cost technologies and minimal electricity consumption keeps operational costs low.


  • Sustainable Water Treatment: Technologies and Applications by M.A.A. Khan, S.U. Khan, and A.M. Khan. (This book covers various sustainable water treatment technologies, some of which are aligned with the principles of Dewa Engineering).
  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Davis and Cornwell (This textbook provides a comprehensive understanding of water treatment processes and design considerations, which can be valuable for understanding Dewa Engineering's principles).


  • Site-Specific Water Treatment: A Dewa Engineering Approach by [Author Name] (This article could be a theoretical discussion on the Dewa approach, its benefits, and applications, and potentially highlight DWT-Engineering Oy's work).
  • DWT-Engineering Oy: A Pioneer in Sustainable Water Treatment by [Author Name] (This article would focus on the company's achievements, innovations, and its contribution to Dewa Engineering principles).
  • Case Studies: Dewa Engineering in Action by [Author Name] (This could be a series of case studies highlighting specific projects by DWT-Engineering Oy, showcasing how they apply Dewa Engineering principles).

Online Resources

  • DWT-Engineering Oy Website: (This website offers detailed information on DWT-Engineering Oy's services, projects, and technologies, providing insights into their Dewa approach).
  • Research Papers: Search for "Dewa Engineering" and "DWT-Engineering Oy" on research platforms like Google Scholar and ResearchGate to find relevant research papers and publications.
  • Environmental Engineering Journals: Explore journals such as "Water Research," "Environmental Science & Technology," and "Journal of Environmental Engineering" for articles related to water treatment technologies and sustainable practices.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Dewa Engineering," "DWT-Engineering Oy," "site-specific water treatment," "sustainable water treatment," and "water and wastewater treatment technologies."
  • Combine keywords: "Dewa Engineering AND case studies," "DWT-Engineering Oy AND projects," and "site-specific water treatment AND Finland."
  • Use Boolean operators: Employ "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your search queries.
  • Filter results: Use filters for "articles," "websites," "videos," and "images" to focus your search.
  • Explore related searches: Google automatically suggests related searches at the bottom of the results page, which can lead you to relevant information.
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