Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Waste Management: detritus tank

detritus tank

The Detritus Tank: A Crucial Element in Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment plants employ a series of processes to remove contaminants and pollutants from water before it is discharged back into the environment. One essential component of this intricate system is the detritus tank, also known as a grit chamber. This article will delve into the function and significance of detritus tanks, focusing on the widely used square tank grit chamber with a revolving rake.

What is a Detritus Tank?

A detritus tank serves as the initial stage of solid waste removal in wastewater treatment. It acts as a settling basin where heavier materials like grit (sand, gravel, and other inorganic matter) settle out of the incoming wastewater flow. The tank's primary goal is to eliminate these materials before they can cause damage to downstream equipment or interfere with the overall treatment process.

Why is Grit Removal Important?

Grit removal is crucial for several reasons:

  • Equipment Protection: Heavy grit can wear down and damage pumps, pipes, and other equipment, leading to costly repairs and downtime.
  • Improved Treatment Efficiency: Grit can settle in and clog treatment basins, hindering the effectiveness of biological processes like aeration and sedimentation.
  • Sludge Handling: Grit increases the volume and weight of sludge, making it more difficult and expensive to handle and dispose of.
  • Reduced Odors: Grit decomposition can produce unpleasant odors, which can be a nuisance for neighboring communities.

The Square Tank Grit Chamber with Revolving Rake:

A popular and effective design for detritus tanks is the square tank grit chamber with a revolving rake. This design incorporates the following features:

  • Square Tank: The square shape provides a large surface area for settling and efficient grit removal.
  • Revolving Rake: A slowly rotating rake continuously scrapes the settled grit from the bottom of the tank and deposits it into a sump. This prevents the build-up of grit and ensures consistent removal.
  • Sump: The sump collects the scraped grit, allowing for easy removal and disposal.

Advantages of the Square Tank Grit Chamber:

  • High Grit Removal Efficiency: The combination of the square tank and revolving rake ensures efficient grit removal, reducing the risk of grit accumulation and downstream problems.
  • Low Maintenance: The rake mechanism is relatively simple and requires minimal maintenance.
  • Flexibility: The design can be easily adapted to different flow rates and grit loads.

In Conclusion:

The detritus tank, particularly the square tank grit chamber with a revolving rake, plays a vital role in wastewater treatment by effectively removing grit. This process safeguards equipment, enhances treatment efficiency, and contributes to a smoother and more effective overall treatment system. Understanding the function and importance of detritus tanks is key to ensuring optimal wastewater treatment and a clean and healthy environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Detritus Tank

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a detritus tank?

(a) To remove dissolved organic matter from wastewater. (b) To kill harmful bacteria in wastewater. (c) To settle out heavy inorganic materials from wastewater. (d) To add oxygen to wastewater.


(c) To settle out heavy inorganic materials from wastewater.

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why grit removal is important?

(a) Protecting equipment from wear and tear. (b) Increasing the effectiveness of biological treatment processes. (c) Reducing the volume of sludge produced. (d) Reducing the amount of water needed for treatment.


(d) Reducing the amount of water needed for treatment.

3. What is the main feature of a square tank grit chamber with a revolving rake?

(a) A rotating drum that filters out grit. (b) A series of screens that trap grit particles. (c) A slowly moving rake that collects settled grit. (d) A system of baffles that slows down the flow of water.


(c) A slowly moving rake that collects settled grit.

4. What is the advantage of using a square tank design for a grit chamber?

(a) It allows for a faster flow of water. (b) It provides a larger surface area for grit to settle. (c) It is easier to clean and maintain. (d) It reduces the amount of space needed for the tank.


(b) It provides a larger surface area for grit to settle.

5. Why is the revolving rake mechanism important in a grit chamber?

(a) It helps to aerate the wastewater. (b) It ensures that grit is continuously removed from the tank. (c) It speeds up the sedimentation process. (d) It prevents the formation of sludge.


(b) It ensures that grit is continuously removed from the tank.

Exercise: Grit Chamber Design

Scenario: A new wastewater treatment plant is being built, and it requires a square tank grit chamber with a revolving rake. The plant engineers have provided you with the following information:

  • Flow rate: 10,000 m³/h
  • Grit loading: 100 kg/h
  • Desired settling time: 1 minute

Task: Using this information, calculate the following:

  1. Surface area required for the grit chamber.
  2. Volume of the grit chamber.
  3. Approximate diameter of the grit chamber (assuming a square shape).


  • You can use the formula: Surface area = Flow rate x Settling time
  • You can use the formula: Volume = Surface area x Depth

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

  1. Surface area required:

    • Flow rate = 10,000 m³/h
    • Settling time = 1 minute = 1/60 hour
    • Surface area = 10,000 m³/h * (1/60) h = 166.67 m²
  2. Volume of the grit chamber:

    • You'll need the depth of the grit chamber. This information is not provided in the scenario. Assume a depth of 2 meters for this example.
    • Volume = Surface area x Depth = 166.67 m² * 2 m = 333.34 m³
  3. Approximate diameter of the grit chamber:

    • Assuming a square shape, the side length of the square would be the square root of the surface area.
    • Side length = √166.67 m² = 12.91 m
    • Approximate diameter = 12.91 m * √2 ≈ 18.28 m

Note: The calculated values are approximations and may vary depending on the specific design parameters and the depth of the grit chamber.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (Latest Edition): A comprehensive textbook covering all aspects of wastewater treatment, including grit removal.
  • Water Treatment Plant Design by AWWA (American Water Works Association): Provides detailed information on the design and operation of various water treatment plant components, including detritus tanks.
  • Manual of Practice: Wastewater Treatment Plant Design by AWWA: A practical guide for designing and constructing wastewater treatment facilities, with a specific section on grit chambers.


  • "Grit Chamber Design: A Review" by B.C. Abeyratne and A.N. Parshad (Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2001): This article presents a detailed overview of grit chamber design principles and different types of grit chambers.
  • "Optimization of Grit Chamber Design Using Computational Fluid Dynamics" by S. Sharma, A. Kumar, and P.K. Jain (Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2017): This research article explores the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to improve grit chamber design for better performance.
  • "A Case Study of Grit Chamber Performance Evaluation in a Wastewater Treatment Plant" by M. Kumar, R. Singh, and S.K. Singh (Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2015): This case study provides insights into the performance evaluation of a specific grit chamber in a real-world setting.

Online Resources

  • "Grit Chambers" on Water Environment Federation (WEF) website: Provides basic information about grit chambers, their function, and different design types.
  • "Grit Chamber Design and Operation" on the US EPA website: Offers guidance on designing and operating grit chambers for effective grit removal.
  • "Detritus Tank Design" on Civil Engineering Portal: A resource with detailed explanations of detritus tank design, including calculations and key factors.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "detritus tank," "grit chamber design," "grit removal," and "wastewater treatment" to narrow down your search.
  • Combine these keywords with other relevant terms like "square tank," "revolving rake," "hydraulic efficiency," and "grit chamber performance" to find more specific information.
  • Use quotation marks (" ") around specific phrases to ensure Google finds only pages with the exact phrase you are searching for.
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