Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: design storm

design storm

Designing for the Worst: Understanding Design Storms in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, effectively managing stormwater runoff is crucial. This involves ensuring that our infrastructure can handle the varying intensity and volume of rainfall. Enter the "design storm," a critical concept that guides the design of stormwater management facilities.

What is a Design Storm?

A design storm is a hypothetical storm event, defined by its intensity, duration, and frequency, that is used as a basis for designing stormwater management systems. It represents the worst-case scenario that a facility is expected to encounter, ensuring adequate capacity to handle the resulting runoff.

Why are Design Storms Important?

Imagine a city facing heavy rainfall. Without proper drainage, streets flood, basements are inundated, and public health is jeopardized. By designing stormwater facilities based on design storms, engineers can:

  • Minimize flooding: Design storms ensure that the infrastructure can handle the maximum anticipated rainfall volume. This helps prevent flooding and its associated damage.
  • Protect water quality: Excess runoff can carry pollutants into waterways, impacting water quality. Adequate drainage systems designed using design storms can mitigate this risk.
  • Safeguard public health: Flooding can create breeding grounds for disease-carrying mosquitoes, posing a health hazard. Design storms help prevent such scenarios.

How is a Design Storm Determined?

Determining the appropriate design storm involves considering several factors:

  • Return Period: This indicates the average time interval between occurrences of a storm of a given magnitude. A 100-year return period storm, for example, has a 1% chance of occurring in any given year.
  • Geographic Location: Rainfall patterns vary significantly across regions. The design storm used in one area may be different from another.
  • Land Use: Urban areas with impervious surfaces tend to experience higher runoff volumes compared to rural areas. This influences the design storm selection.
  • Project Scope: The specific requirements of the stormwater management facility dictate the appropriate design storm intensity.

Applying Design Storms in Practice:

Design storms are used to design a wide range of stormwater management facilities, including:

  • Stormwater retention ponds: These ponds collect and store runoff, allowing it to infiltrate the ground or evaporate gradually.
  • Stormwater detention basins: These basins temporarily store runoff before releasing it at a controlled rate.
  • Infiltration systems: These systems allow runoff to seep into the ground, replenishing groundwater reserves.
  • Green infrastructure: Rain gardens, bioswales, and permeable pavements use natural processes to manage stormwater runoff.


Design storms are essential tools for creating sustainable and resilient stormwater management systems. By accounting for worst-case rainfall scenarios, engineers can design infrastructure that protects communities from flooding, safeguards water quality, and promotes public health. Understanding this crucial concept is critical for effective environmental and water treatment practices.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Designing for the Worst

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a design storm?

a) A storm that has already occurred and caused significant damage. b) A hypothetical storm event used for designing stormwater management systems. c) A storm that is predicted to occur in the near future. d) A storm that is specifically designed to test the resilience of infrastructure.


b) A hypothetical storm event used for designing stormwater management systems.

2. Why are design storms important?

a) To predict the exact date and time of future storms. b) To determine the severity of past storms. c) To design stormwater management facilities that can handle extreme rainfall events. d) To study the effects of climate change on rainfall patterns.


c) To design stormwater management facilities that can handle extreme rainfall events.

3. Which of the following factors is NOT considered when determining a design storm?

a) Return period b) Geographic location c) Land use d) Cost of construction


d) Cost of construction

4. What is a stormwater retention pond?

a) A pond that collects and stores runoff for later use. b) A pond that is designed to release runoff at a controlled rate. c) A pond that uses natural processes to manage stormwater runoff. d) A pond that is specifically designed to prevent flooding.


a) A pond that collects and stores runoff for later use.

5. How can design storms help protect public health?

a) By reducing the risk of flooding and mosquito breeding. b) By improving water quality and reducing pollution. c) By providing a source of clean drinking water. d) By increasing the resilience of infrastructure to natural disasters.


a) By reducing the risk of flooding and mosquito breeding.

Exercise: Designing a Stormwater Management System

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a stormwater management system for a new residential development in an area prone to heavy rainfall. The development will cover 5 acres and include 200 single-family homes.


  1. Identify the key factors that need to be considered for this project, including return period, geographic location, land use, and project scope.
  2. Select a suitable design storm based on the factors identified.
  3. Propose a stormwater management system that would effectively handle the runoff from the development, considering the chosen design storm. Be specific and include potential solutions like retention ponds, detention basins, infiltration systems, or green infrastructure.

Note: This is a simplified exercise. Real-world design would involve more detailed calculations, analysis, and coordination with local authorities.

Exercice Correction

1. Key Factors:

  • Return Period: Considering the high rainfall potential, a 100-year return period would be appropriate to ensure the system can handle extreme events.
  • Geographic Location: This would be important for understanding typical rainfall patterns, intensity, and duration.
  • Land Use: The residential development with impervious surfaces will generate a significant amount of runoff.
  • Project Scope: The scale of the development (5 acres, 200 homes) requires a robust stormwater management system.

2. Suitable Design Storm:

  • Based on the factors above, the design storm would be chosen according to local rainfall data and engineering guidelines. A 100-year return period storm with specific intensity and duration would be selected for this project.

3. Proposed Stormwater Management System:

  • Combination of Solutions:
    • Stormwater Retention Pond: A large retention pond could be used to capture and store runoff, allowing gradual release and infiltration.
    • Infiltration Systems: Installing bio-retention areas, rain gardens, or permeable pavement around the development can encourage infiltration.
    • Green Infrastructure: Integrating green roofs, bioswales, and vegetated swales along roadsides would further enhance stormwater management.
  • System Design: The specific dimensions, capacity, and layout of each component would depend on the design storm, site characteristics, and local regulations.
  • Maintenance: Regular monitoring and maintenance of the system are crucial for its long-term effectiveness.


  • "Stormwater Management for the 21st Century: A Comprehensive Guide to Principles, Design, and Operations" by John C. Crittenden, Robert R. Trussell, Richard A. Tchobanoglous, Gilbert Tchobanoglous, and Mark Abbas: A comprehensive text covering all aspects of stormwater management, including design storms and their application.
  • "Handbook of Hydrology" edited by David R. Maidment: A classic resource in hydrology, providing extensive information on rainfall, storm frequency analysis, and design storm methodologies.
  • "Stormwater Management in Urban Areas: A Guide for Developers and Municipal Engineers" by William C. Fenton: This book focuses on stormwater management in urban environments, discussing design storm selection for various projects and infrastructure.


  • "Design Storms: A Critical Component of Stormwater Management" by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): This article provides a concise overview of design storms, their importance, and best practices for determining appropriate storm events.
  • "Design Storm Selection for Urban Stormwater Management: A Review" by Z. Z. Zheng, H. Y. Zhang, and Z. Z. Li: A recent review paper that explores the different methods for design storm selection and their impact on stormwater management systems.
  • "Climate Change Impacts on Design Storm Estimation" by K. A. Rajagopal, S. A. Changnon, and S. J. Changnon: This article examines the influence of climate change on design storm estimates and the need for updated methodologies to account for changing rainfall patterns.

Online Resources

  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): - ASCE offers a wealth of resources on stormwater management, including guidelines, standards, and publications related to design storms.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - EPA provides information on stormwater management practices, regulations, and resources for implementing design storms.
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): - NOAA offers extensive data and information on rainfall patterns, storm frequency, and climate trends, essential for understanding design storms.

Search Tips

  • "Design Storm + [your location]": Refine your search to find information specific to your region.
  • "Design Storm + [specific project type]": Target your search for design storm applications related to specific infrastructure projects (e.g., detention ponds, green infrastructure).
  • "Design Storm + [storm frequency]": Focus your search on design storms with specific return periods (e.g., 100-year storm, 50-year storm).
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