Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: crest gate

crest gate

Crest Gates: Regulating Water Flow for Environmental and Water Treatment Applications


Crest gates are essential components in dam and spillway structures, playing a crucial role in controlling water flow and managing water resources. They act as adjustable barriers, allowing operators to precisely regulate discharge and maintain desired water levels. This article delves into the functionality, applications, and significance of crest gates in environmental and water treatment scenarios.

What are Crest Gates?

Crest gates, as their name suggests, are gates positioned atop the crest of a dam or spillway. They typically consist of a movable steel structure designed to slide vertically, opening and closing to control the amount of water passing over the spillway.

Types of Crest Gates:

Several types of crest gates are employed, each suited for different applications:

  • Radial Gates: These gates are hinged at the bottom and swing outward, often used for larger spillways.
  • Roller Gates: These gates move horizontally on rollers, providing smooth and efficient operation.
  • Tainter Gates: These curved gates rotate around a horizontal axis, offering flexibility in discharge control.
  • Slide Gates: These gates slide vertically on a track, suitable for smaller openings and precise flow regulation.

Applications in Environmental and Water Treatment:

Crest gates find widespread application in various environmental and water treatment scenarios:

  • Flood Control: During periods of heavy rainfall or snowmelt, crest gates help regulate water discharge from dams and reservoirs, preventing flooding downstream.
  • Water Level Management: By adjusting the gate opening, operators can maintain optimal water levels in reservoirs, ensuring adequate water supply for irrigation, drinking water, and hydropower generation.
  • Water Quality Control: Crest gates can be used to control the flow of water into and out of treatment plants, optimizing water quality parameters like turbidity, pH, and dissolved oxygen levels.
  • Fish Passage: Specific crest gate designs incorporate fish passage mechanisms, allowing safe migration of aquatic species over the dam structure.
  • Sediment Control: By controlling water flow, crest gates minimize erosion and sediment transport, protecting downstream ecosystems.

Benefits of Crest Gates:

  • Precise Discharge Control: Crest gates offer accurate and adjustable control over water discharge, ensuring optimal water management.
  • Durability and Reliability: Robust construction and design ensure long-term performance and minimal maintenance requirements.
  • Flexibility: Different gate types cater to specific site conditions and flow requirements.
  • Safety: Crest gates provide a safe and controlled means of releasing water, minimizing the risk of catastrophic failure.
  • Environmental Considerations: Properly designed and operated crest gates minimize environmental impact and promote sustainable water management practices.


Crest gates are essential tools in environmental and water treatment applications, playing a vital role in regulating water flow, maintaining water quality, and protecting ecosystems. Their versatility, reliability, and precise control capabilities make them indispensable in managing water resources and ensuring safe and sustainable water management practices.

Test Your Knowledge

Crest Gates Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of crest gates?

(a) To prevent water from flowing over a dam. (b) To control the flow of water over a dam or spillway. (c) To generate electricity from water flow. (d) To store water in a reservoir.


(b) To control the flow of water over a dam or spillway.

2. Which type of crest gate rotates around a horizontal axis?

(a) Radial Gate (b) Roller Gate (c) Tainter Gate (d) Slide Gate


(c) Tainter Gate

3. How do crest gates contribute to flood control?

(a) By diverting floodwater to a different location. (b) By regulating water discharge from dams and reservoirs. (c) By storing excess water in reservoirs. (d) By preventing rainfall from reaching rivers.


(b) By regulating water discharge from dams and reservoirs.

4. What is a benefit of using crest gates for water quality control?

(a) They can remove contaminants from water. (b) They can control the flow of water into and out of treatment plants. (c) They can generate electricity from water flow. (d) They can prevent water from evaporating.


(b) They can control the flow of water into and out of treatment plants.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using crest gates?

(a) Precise discharge control (b) Durability and reliability (c) Increased risk of dam failure (d) Flexibility in gate types


(c) Increased risk of dam failure

Crest Gates Exercise

Scenario: A dam is used to regulate water flow for a nearby city. The dam has a crest gate with a maximum opening of 10 meters. During periods of heavy rainfall, the water level in the reservoir rises, requiring the crest gate to be opened to release excess water.


You are the dam operator and need to determine the optimal opening of the crest gate based on the following information:

  • Current water level in reservoir: 15 meters
  • Maximum allowed water level: 17 meters
  • Rate of water inflow: 500 cubic meters per hour
  • Desired rate of water outflow: 200 cubic meters per hour

Calculate the required opening of the crest gate to achieve the desired outflow rate, assuming a linear relationship between gate opening and outflow rate.

Exercise Correction

Here's how to solve the problem: 1. **Calculate the needed outflow:** To maintain the water level below the maximum, we need an outflow rate that matches the inflow rate: 500 cubic meters per hour. 2. **Determine the gate opening ratio:** Since the desired outflow is 200 cubic meters per hour and the maximum outflow corresponds to a 10-meter gate opening, we need an opening that is 200/500 = 0.4 (40%) of the maximum. 3. **Calculate the required gate opening:** Multiply the maximum opening by the opening ratio: 10 meters * 0.4 = 4 meters. **Therefore, the required opening of the crest gate is 4 meters to achieve the desired outflow rate and maintain a safe water level in the reservoir.**


  • "Dam Engineering" by Richard L. D'Appolonia (Covers comprehensive aspects of dam design and construction, including crest gates)
  • "Spillway Design" by James F. Keener (Dedicated to the principles and practices of spillway design, including crest gates)
  • "Hydraulic Structures" by Ven Te Chow (A standard reference for hydraulic engineers, including sections on crest gates and their applications)
  • "Water Resources Engineering" by David R. Maidment (A comprehensive textbook covering various aspects of water resources management, including dam and spillway structures)


  • "Crest Gate Design and Operation: A Guide to Best Practices" by the American Society of Civil Engineers (Technical guidelines for the design, construction, and operation of crest gates)
  • "Innovative Design for Crest Gates: Improving Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name] (Recent research on advancements in crest gate design for improved performance and reduced environmental impact)
  • "Impact of Crest Gate Operation on Downstream Fish Passage" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name] (Research article exploring the effects of crest gate operations on aquatic ecosystems)

Online Resources

  • US Bureau of Reclamation: Dam Safety and Engineering (Provides information on dam safety, including design and operation of crest gates)
  • International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) (Global organization dedicated to dam safety and knowledge sharing, including resources on crest gates)
  • ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (Academic journal publishing research articles on hydraulic structures, including crest gates)
  • Water Education Colorado (Non-profit organization providing educational resources on water management, including information on dams and crest gates)

Search Tips

  • "Crest Gate Design" + "Dam Engineering" (For detailed information on crest gate design principles)
  • "Crest Gate Operation" + "Water Treatment" (To find resources on crest gate use in water treatment processes)
  • "Crest Gate + "Environmental Impact" (To research the environmental effects of crest gate operation)
  • "Crest Gate Types" + "Spillway" (To explore different types of crest gates and their applications)
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