Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: corner sweep

corner sweep

Corner Sweep: A Vital Tool for Efficient Clarifier Sludge Removal

In the world of environmental and water treatment, efficient sludge removal is crucial for maintaining optimal performance. Clarifiers, essential components in wastewater treatment plants, rely on gravity to separate solids from liquids. However, sludge tends to accumulate in the corners of square clarifiers, hindering sedimentation and potentially leading to operational issues. This is where the "corner sweep" comes into play, a vital piece of equipment designed to tackle this challenge.

What is a Corner Sweep?

A corner sweep is a specialized scraper, typically a chain-driven mechanism with blades, that traverses the corners of a square clarifier. Its primary function is to dislodge and collect sludge that builds up in these hard-to-reach areas. The collected sludge is then transported to the center of the clarifier, where it is further processed for removal.

How Corner Sweeps Work:

  • Mechanical Action: The corner sweep's blades scrape the bottom and sides of the clarifier, breaking up and dislodging sludge.
  • Conveyor System: The scraped sludge is then transported along the sweep's chain to the center of the clarifier, where it is collected in a hopper.
  • Continuous Operation: Corner sweeps are typically designed for continuous operation, ensuring constant sludge removal and preventing accumulation.

Benefits of Using Corner Sweeps:

  • Improved Clarifier Efficiency: By preventing sludge buildup in corners, corner sweeps improve the settling process and enhance clarifier performance.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: Regular sludge removal minimizes the risk of blockages and reduces the need for costly manual cleaning.
  • Enhanced Water Quality: Efficient sludge removal contributes to cleaner effluent and improved water quality.
  • Increased Plant Uptime: Minimizing sludge buildup helps avoid disruptions in plant operation and maximizes uptime.

Key Considerations for Corner Sweep Selection:

  • Clarifier Dimensions: The size and shape of the clarifier dictate the appropriate sweep size and configuration.
  • Sludge Characteristics: The type and viscosity of sludge influence the scraper blade design and drive mechanism.
  • Operating Environment: Environmental factors, such as temperature and corrosion potential, should be considered when selecting materials.


Corner sweeps play a vital role in optimizing the performance of square clarifiers by ensuring efficient sludge removal from corners. Their continuous operation and mechanical action help to maintain optimal sedimentation, reduce maintenance requirements, improve water quality, and enhance overall plant efficiency. By understanding the importance of corner sweeps and considering the factors outlined above, water treatment professionals can select the right equipment to ensure the reliable and effective operation of their clarifiers.

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