Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Copawash


Copawash: A Revolution in Stormwater Tank Cleaning

The term "Copawash" refers to a specific method of cleaning stormwater tanks, primarily associated with a revolutionary system developed by a collaboration between Waste-Tech, Inc. (U.S.) and Copa Group (U.K.). This system utilizes a rotating boom wash system, offering an efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cleaning methods.

Traditional Challenges in Stormwater Tank Cleaning:

Stormwater tanks play a crucial role in managing urban runoff, but they are susceptible to accumulating debris, sediment, and organic matter. Traditional cleaning methods often involve:

  • Manual labor: This is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and poses safety risks for workers.
  • Chemical cleaning: These can be harsh on the environment and require disposal, creating additional challenges.
  • Emptying the tank: This is disruptive, costly, and can cause water loss.

Copawash: A Sustainable Solution:

The Copawash system addresses these challenges by employing a rotating boom wash system. This involves:

  • A motorized boom: This extends into the tank and rotates, equipped with high-pressure water jets.
  • Precise control: The boom's movement and water pressure can be adjusted to optimize cleaning effectiveness.
  • Minimal disruption: The tank doesn't need to be emptied, reducing water loss and operational downtime.
  • Environmentally friendly: It relies on water and minimal detergents, minimizing chemical contamination.
  • Safety: It eliminates the need for manual cleaning, improving worker safety.

Benefits of Copawash:

  • Reduced cleaning time: This translates to significant cost savings and increased efficiency.
  • Improved stormwater management: Clean tanks operate effectively, mitigating flooding and pollution.
  • Enhanced sustainability: The system promotes environmental responsibility by minimizing waste and chemical use.
  • Extended tank lifespan: Regular cleaning with Copawash helps prevent damage and extends the tank's lifespan.

Waste-Tech and Copa Group:

Waste-Tech, Inc., a leading provider of environmental solutions, collaborated with Copa Group, a UK-based specialist in water treatment technologies, to develop the Copawash system. This partnership combines American ingenuity with European innovation, resulting in a robust and reliable solution.


Copawash represents a significant advancement in stormwater tank cleaning. This innovative approach offers a sustainable, efficient, and safe alternative to traditional methods, making it a valuable tool for municipalities, industries, and environmental professionals seeking to improve stormwater management practices and protect the environment. The collaborative efforts of Waste-Tech and Copa Group have brought this technology to the forefront, promising a cleaner and more sustainable future for urban water management.

Test Your Knowledge

Copawash Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary innovation behind the Copawash system?

a) Using a high-pressure water jet to clean tanks manually.


Incorrect. Copawash utilizes a rotating boom wash system, not manual labor.

b) Employing a rotating boom wash system with water jets.


Correct. This is the core innovation of the Copawash system.

c) Using chemical cleaning agents for efficient cleaning.


Incorrect. Copawash emphasizes environmentally friendly cleaning with minimal chemical use.

d) Emptying the tank completely before cleaning.


Incorrect. Copawash allows cleaning without emptying the tank, minimizing water loss.

2. What is a significant advantage of the Copawash system compared to traditional methods?

a) Reduced cleaning time and cost.


Correct. Copawash offers efficiency and cost savings compared to manual cleaning.

b) Increased use of chemicals for better cleaning.


Incorrect. Copawash emphasizes minimal chemical use for environmental friendliness.

c) Longer cleaning duration for more thorough cleaning.


Incorrect. Copawash aims for quicker and more efficient cleaning.

d) Increased risk of water loss during cleaning.


Incorrect. Copawash minimizes water loss by not requiring tank emptying.

3. Which companies collaborated to develop the Copawash system?

a) Waste-Tech, Inc. and CleanTech, Inc.


Incorrect. CleanTech, Inc. is not involved in the Copawash development.

b) Waste-Tech, Inc. and Copa Group.


Correct. These two companies collaborated to develop the Copawash system.

c) CleanTech, Inc. and Copa Group.


Incorrect. CleanTech, Inc. is not involved in the Copawash development.

d) Waste-Tech, Inc. and AquaTech, Inc.


Incorrect. AquaTech, Inc. is not involved in the Copawash development.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using the Copawash system?

a) Improved stormwater management through cleaner tanks.


Incorrect. Copawash contributes to better stormwater management.

b) Increased reliance on chemical cleaning agents.


Correct. Copawash emphasizes reduced chemical use.

c) Enhanced worker safety during cleaning.


Incorrect. Copawash improves worker safety by eliminating manual cleaning.

d) Extended lifespan of stormwater tanks.


Incorrect. Regular cleaning with Copawash helps maintain tanks and prolong their lifespan.

5. What is the primary function of the rotating boom wash system?

a) To empty the tank efficiently.


Incorrect. Copawash does not involve emptying the tank.

b) To control the flow of water into the tank.


Incorrect. The boom wash system focuses on cleaning, not water flow control.

c) To clean the tank effectively using water jets.


Correct. The rotating boom with water jets is the core cleaning mechanism.

d) To measure the amount of debris in the tank.


Incorrect. The boom wash system's primary function is cleaning, not measurement.

Copawash Exercise


A municipality is considering implementing the Copawash system for cleaning its stormwater tanks. They have a budget of $100,000 for the initial investment and are looking for a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution.


  1. Research: Find out the typical cost of a Copawash system.
  2. Compare: Compare the cost of the Copawash system to traditional cleaning methods for their existing tanks. Consider labor, chemical use, and downtime.
  3. Evaluate: Assess the environmental impact of both the Copawash system and traditional methods. Consider chemical use, water consumption, and waste generation.
  4. Recommendation: Based on your research, make a recommendation to the municipality regarding the implementation of the Copawash system. Explain your reasoning, considering both cost and environmental factors.

Exercice Correction

**Research:** The cost of a Copawash system can vary depending on the size of the tank and the specific equipment required. A typical system can cost between $50,000 to $150,000. **Compare:** * **Traditional Methods:** * **Labor:** Manual cleaning requires a significant number of workers, resulting in high labor costs. * **Chemicals:** Traditional methods often use harsh chemicals, leading to disposal costs and environmental concerns. * **Downtime:** Emptying tanks for cleaning is disruptive and time-consuming, causing operational downtime. * **Copawash System:** * **Labor:** The system minimizes labor requirements, reducing costs. * **Chemicals:** Copawash uses minimal detergents, reducing chemical costs and environmental impact. * **Downtime:** The system allows cleaning without emptying, minimizing downtime and water loss. **Evaluate:** * **Traditional Methods:** * **Environmental impact:** High chemical use can pollute water sources and soil. Emptying and refilling tanks can lead to water waste. * **Copawash System:** * **Environmental impact:** Minimal chemical use and reduced water consumption make it a more sustainable option. **Recommendation:** Based on the research, the municipality should consider implementing the Copawash system. While the initial investment might be higher than traditional methods, the system offers significant cost savings in the long term due to reduced labor, chemical use, and downtime. Furthermore, the Copawash system is a more environmentally friendly option, minimizing pollution and water waste, aligning with the municipality's sustainability goals.



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