Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: cooling tower blowdown

cooling tower blowdown

Cooling Tower Blowdown: Essential for Efficiency and Environmental Protection

Cooling towers are essential components in various industrial processes, providing a means to cool water for applications such as power generation, manufacturing, and air conditioning. While effective, cooling towers face a constant challenge: the build-up of dissolved minerals and salts in the circulating water. This build-up, if left unchecked, can lead to scaling, corrosion, and reduced cooling efficiency. This is where cooling tower blowdown comes into play.

What is Cooling Tower Blowdown?

Blowdown is a controlled discharge of a small portion of the circulating water from the cooling tower system. It acts as a safety valve, preventing the concentration of dissolved solids in the water from exceeding a critical threshold. The blowdown water is removed from the system and discharged either to a drain or, in some cases, to a treatment facility for further processing.

Why is Blowdown Necessary?

  • Preventing Scaling: As water evaporates from the cooling tower, dissolved minerals become increasingly concentrated. If not removed, these minerals can precipitate out, forming scale deposits on the heat exchanger surfaces. This scaling impedes heat transfer, leading to reduced efficiency and higher energy consumption.
  • Controlling Corrosion: Some dissolved minerals, such as chlorides and sulfates, can contribute to corrosive environments within the cooling tower. Blowdown helps maintain a balanced water chemistry, reducing corrosion risks and extending the lifespan of the tower components.
  • Maintaining Water Quality: Blowdown ensures that the recirculating water remains within safe and acceptable quality standards. This is crucial for the efficient operation of the cooling tower and for preventing the spread of harmful bacteria or microorganisms.

Types of Blowdown Systems:

  • Continuous Blowdown: A constant flow of water is continuously discharged from the system, providing a consistent level of control.
  • Intermittent Blowdown: This method involves periodic discharge of water, typically triggered by a sensor that monitors the concentration of dissolved solids.
  • Automatic Blowdown: Modern systems often utilize automatic blowdown controls, which adjust the discharge rate based on real-time water quality data and system conditions.

Environmental Considerations:

While blowdown is necessary for efficient cooling tower operation, the discharged water can pose environmental challenges. It often contains high concentrations of dissolved solids, including chemicals used for treatment, and can lead to water pollution if not managed properly.

To mitigate these concerns, several practices are employed:

  • Treatment: Blowdown water can be treated using various techniques, such as reverse osmosis or evaporation, to remove dissolved solids and contaminants.
  • Reuse: Treated blowdown water can be reused for non-potable purposes, such as irrigation or industrial processes.
  • Discharge to Sewer: In some cases, blowdown water can be discharged to the sewer system, but this requires compliance with local regulations.

Optimizing Blowdown for Sustainability:

Effective blowdown management is a key factor in achieving sustainability in cooling tower operation. By optimizing the blowdown rate and implementing efficient treatment methods, it's possible to reduce water consumption, minimize environmental impact, and enhance overall system performance.

In Conclusion:

Cooling tower blowdown is a vital process that ensures the efficient operation and longevity of cooling towers while minimizing environmental impact. By carefully managing blowdown and adopting environmentally responsible practices, industries can harness the benefits of cooling technology while safeguarding water resources and promoting sustainability.

Test Your Knowledge

Cooling Tower Blowdown Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of cooling tower blowdown? a) To increase the water temperature in the cooling tower. b) To prevent the build-up of dissolved solids in the circulating water. c) To add chemicals to the cooling tower water. d) To remove air from the cooling tower system.


b) To prevent the build-up of dissolved solids in the circulating water.

2. Which of these is NOT a benefit of cooling tower blowdown? a) Reduced scaling on heat exchanger surfaces. b) Decreased corrosion of cooling tower components. c) Increased water evaporation rate. d) Maintenance of water quality.


c) Increased water evaporation rate.

3. What is the difference between continuous and intermittent blowdown? a) Continuous blowdown discharges water at a constant rate, while intermittent blowdown discharges water periodically. b) Continuous blowdown uses a timer, while intermittent blowdown uses sensors. c) Continuous blowdown is more efficient, while intermittent blowdown is more environmentally friendly. d) Continuous blowdown is only used for small cooling towers, while intermittent blowdown is used for larger systems.


a) Continuous blowdown discharges water at a constant rate, while intermittent blowdown discharges water periodically.

4. How can blowdown water be managed to minimize environmental impact? a) By discharging it directly to the nearest water body. b) By using it to water plants and crops. c) By treating it to remove contaminants before reuse or disposal. d) By storing it in large tanks until it evaporates.


c) By treating it to remove contaminants before reuse or disposal.

5. What is the most sustainable approach to managing blowdown water? a) Minimizing the blowdown rate through optimized water treatment. b) Utilizing blowdown water for irrigation without any treatment. c) Discharging blowdown water to the sewer system. d) Reusing blowdown water without any treatment.


a) Minimizing the blowdown rate through optimized water treatment.

Cooling Tower Blowdown Exercise

Scenario: A cooling tower system has a daily water usage of 100,000 gallons. The current blowdown rate is set to 5% of the circulating water.


  1. Calculate the daily volume of blowdown water discharged from the system.
  2. Suggest two ways to reduce the blowdown rate while maintaining efficient cooling tower operation.
  3. Explain how reducing the blowdown rate can contribute to sustainability and environmental protection.

Exercice Correction

**1. Daily Blowdown Calculation:**

Daily blowdown volume = 5% of 100,000 gallons = (5/100) * 100,000 gallons = 5,000 gallons

**2. Reducing Blowdown Rate:**

  • **Improved Water Treatment:** Implement more effective water treatment methods to reduce the concentration of dissolved solids in the circulating water. This can allow for a lower blowdown rate while maintaining water quality standards.
  • **Optimize Blowdown Frequency:** Switch to a more controlled, intermittent blowdown system that only discharges water when necessary, based on sensor readings for dissolved solids concentration. This reduces the overall volume of blowdown water.

**3. Sustainability and Environmental Impact:**

Reducing the blowdown rate directly translates to a lower volume of water discharged from the system. This minimizes the environmental impact by:

  • Conserving water resources: Less water is wasted through blowdown, leading to more efficient water usage.
  • Reducing wastewater treatment costs: Fewer contaminants need to be treated if the blowdown volume is lower, reducing costs and environmental burden.
  • Minimizing potential pollution: Less blowdown water containing dissolved solids and chemicals is discharged into the environment, reducing potential water pollution risks.


  • "Cooling Tower Fundamentals" by R.H. Perry and D.W. Green: This comprehensive book covers various aspects of cooling towers, including blowdown.
  • "Cooling Tower Handbook" by N.P. Cheremisinoff: This handbook provides detailed information on cooling tower design, operation, and maintenance, including blowdown practices.
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by J.C. Crittenden et al.: This book focuses on water treatment technologies and includes a chapter on cooling tower blowdown and its implications.


  • "Cooling Tower Blowdown: A Comprehensive Review" by [Author Name]: This article provides a detailed overview of cooling tower blowdown, covering its purpose, types, and environmental considerations. Search online databases like ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, or Google Scholar for relevant articles.
  • "Optimizing Blowdown in Cooling Towers" by [Author Name]: This article discusses strategies for minimizing blowdown volume while maintaining efficient cooling tower performance.
  • "Environmental Impact of Cooling Tower Blowdown" by [Author Name]: This article explores the environmental concerns associated with cooling tower blowdown and offers solutions for sustainable management.

Online Resources

  • American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE): ASHRAE offers various resources, including standards and guidelines related to cooling towers and blowdown.
  • Cooling Tower Institute (CTI): CTI provides valuable information on cooling tower design, operation, and maintenance, including best practices for blowdown.
  • Water Quality Association (WQA): WQA offers resources related to water treatment and the impact of cooling tower blowdown on water quality.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "cooling tower blowdown," "blowdown rate calculation," "cooling tower blowdown treatment," "environmental impact of cooling tower blowdown."
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms such as "best practices," "optimization," "sustainability," and "regulations."
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases to find exact matches.
  • Explore different search engines, such as Google Scholar, for more technical and academic articles.
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