Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Contreat


Contreat: The Unsung Hero of Wastewater Treatment

When discussing environmental and water treatment, the term "Contreat" might not immediately ring a bell. This is because "Contreat" is not a specific technology, but rather a general term that encompasses various contractual arrangements for wastewater treatment. It refers to third-party providers that handle the complete process of wastewater treatment, from initial assessment to final disposal.

The Contreat Approach:

Contreat agreements offer a flexible and cost-effective solution for municipalities, industries, and businesses struggling with wastewater management. By outsourcing the entire treatment process, clients can:

  • Reduce capital expenditure: They avoid investing in costly infrastructure and equipment.
  • Focus on core competencies: They can divert resources to their primary business operations.
  • Benefit from expertise: They gain access to specialized knowledge and technologies.
  • Ensure regulatory compliance: They rely on experienced providers to navigate complex regulations.

Contreat Options:

There are various types of Contreat agreements, each tailored to specific needs:

  • Operation and Maintenance (O&M): The provider manages the daily operation and maintenance of existing treatment facilities.
  • Design-Build-Operate (DBO): The provider designs, builds, and operates the treatment facility for a specific period.
  • Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Public entities collaborate with private providers to finance and manage wastewater treatment infrastructure.

EnviroSystems Supply: A Leader in Aerobic Wastewater Treatment

EnviroSystems Supply is a leading provider of aerobic wastewater treatment package plants, offering comprehensive Contreat solutions. Their systems are designed for efficient and reliable treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater, offering benefits like:

  • High removal efficiency: Aerobic systems effectively remove organic matter, nutrients, and pathogens.
  • Reduced energy consumption: They operate with minimal energy requirements.
  • Low maintenance: They require minimal operator intervention and are designed for long-term reliability.
  • Flexibility: They can be customized to accommodate specific wastewater characteristics and flow rates.

EnviroSystems Supply's Contreat packages typically include:

  • Design and engineering: Tailored to meet client needs and regulatory standards.
  • Equipment supply and installation: Efficient and timely delivery of high-quality components.
  • Start-up and commissioning: Ensuring smooth and seamless operation.
  • O&M support: Providing ongoing maintenance and technical assistance.


Contreat arrangements, combined with innovative technologies like EnviroSystems Supply's aerobic package plants, offer a comprehensive and sustainable approach to wastewater treatment. By leveraging expertise and sharing responsibilities, Contreat solutions empower clients to meet environmental regulations, conserve resources, and contribute to a healthier planet.

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