Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Cone Screen

Cone Screen

Cone Screens: A Crucial Tool in Environmental & Water Treatment

Cone screens, also known as rotary fine screens, are essential components in many environmental and water treatment processes. They play a critical role in removing suspended solids from various water streams, safeguarding downstream equipment and ensuring the quality of treated water. These screens are particularly useful for treating industrial wastewater, municipal wastewater, and surface water sources.

How Cone Screens Work:

Cone screens operate on the principle of mechanical filtration. They consist of a rotating drum covered with a fine mesh screen. As water flows into the screen, solids larger than the screen openings are captured. The drum rotates, carrying the collected solids upwards, where they are discharged.

Key Benefits of Cone Screens:

  • High Efficiency: Cone screens achieve high solids removal rates, even with very fine screen openings. This ensures efficient treatment and minimizes the risk of clogging in downstream equipment.
  • Low Maintenance: The robust design of cone screens ensures minimal maintenance requirements. The self-cleaning mechanism reduces the need for manual cleaning and prevents clogging.
  • Versatile Applications: Cone screens are adaptable to a wide range of water treatment applications, including industrial wastewater, municipal wastewater, and surface water treatment.
  • Reliable Performance: Cone screens are built for continuous operation, ensuring consistent and reliable performance in demanding environments.

Internally Fed Rotary Fine Screens by Andritz-Ruthner and USFilter/Contra-Shear:

Two prominent providers of internally fed rotary fine screens are Andritz-Ruthner and USFilter/Contra-Shear. These companies offer a variety of screen designs tailored to specific applications and flow rates.


Andritz-Ruthner offers internally fed rotary fine screens characterized by their robust construction and innovative design. They offer screens with screen openings ranging from 50µm to 20mm, catering to a wide range of applications. Their screens are known for their high efficiency and low maintenance requirements.


USFilter/Contra-Shear provides a comprehensive range of internally fed rotary fine screens. Their screens are designed for efficient solids removal and are often used in industrial wastewater treatment. They offer screens with various screen materials, including stainless steel and polyurethane, to meet specific application demands.


Cone screens are indispensable components in environmental and water treatment, offering efficient solids removal, low maintenance, and reliable performance. Their versatility and adaptability make them suitable for a wide range of applications. Companies like Andritz-Ruthner and USFilter/Contra-Shear are at the forefront of providing high-quality, innovative cone screen solutions for various industries.

Test Your Knowledge

Cone Screens Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a cone screen in water treatment?

a) To remove dissolved impurities from water b) To disinfect water using UV light c) To remove suspended solids from water d) To regulate water flow rate


c) To remove suspended solids from water

2. How do cone screens achieve solids removal?

a) Using a chemical process to dissolve solids b) Through sedimentation and gravity c) By mechanically filtering water through a mesh screen d) By using an electric field to attract and capture solids


c) By mechanically filtering water through a mesh screen

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using cone screens in water treatment?

a) High efficiency in solids removal b) Low maintenance requirements c) High energy consumption d) Versatile applications


c) High energy consumption

4. Which company specializes in internally fed rotary fine screens with screen openings ranging from 50µm to 20mm?

a) USFilter/Contra-Shear b) Andritz-Ruthner c) Siemens d) GE Water


b) Andritz-Ruthner

5. Cone screens are particularly useful in treating:

a) Only industrial wastewater b) Only municipal wastewater c) Only surface water sources d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Cone Screens Exercise:

Scenario: A municipality is facing challenges with high levels of suspended solids in its wastewater treatment plant. This is leading to clogging in downstream equipment and compromising the quality of treated water. The plant manager is considering installing a cone screen to address this issue.


  1. Research and identify two key factors the plant manager should consider when selecting a cone screen for their specific needs.
  2. Explain how these factors will influence the choice of cone screen and its effectiveness in treating the wastewater.

Exercice Correction

Here are two key factors the plant manager should consider when selecting a cone screen:

  1. **Flow Rate:** The wastewater flow rate through the plant will determine the required capacity of the cone screen. A higher flow rate requires a larger and more powerful screen to handle the volume of water and ensure efficient solids removal.
  2. **Desired Screen Opening Size:** The size of the screen openings will dictate the size of solids that can be removed. The plant manager needs to determine the acceptable level of solids in the treated water and choose a screen opening size accordingly. Smaller openings will remove finer solids but may require higher maintenance.

These factors will influence the choice of cone screen in the following ways:

  • **Flow Rate:** The manager will need to select a cone screen with a flow rate capacity that matches or exceeds the plant's wastewater flow. This ensures the screen can handle the volume of water without compromising efficiency.
  • **Screen Opening Size:** The size of the screen openings must be carefully chosen to ensure the removal of all unwanted solids while minimizing the risk of clogging and ensuring efficient treatment.

By carefully considering these factors, the plant manager can select a cone screen that effectively addresses the municipality's wastewater treatment challenges and ensures the delivery of clean, high-quality water.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: This comprehensive book covers various aspects of water treatment, including the use of cone screens, and can be a valuable resource for understanding their applications.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse: This textbook offers in-depth information on wastewater treatment processes, including the role of cone screens in removing solids.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies: This handbook provides detailed information on a wide range of water and wastewater treatment technologies, including cone screens.


  • "Rotary Fine Screens: A Crucial Tool in Water Treatment" by [Author Name] (Journal Name, Year): This article focuses specifically on the functionality and benefits of rotary fine screens, including cone screens, in water treatment processes.
  • "Design and Operation of Internally Fed Rotary Fine Screens" by [Author Name] (Journal Name, Year): This article dives deeper into the design principles and operational aspects of internally fed rotary fine screens, highlighting the importance of cone screens in various applications.
  • "Optimizing Solids Removal Efficiency in Wastewater Treatment using Cone Screens" by [Author Name] (Journal Name, Year): This article discusses the optimization of solids removal using cone screens, focusing on their efficiency and impact on downstream processes.

Online Resources

  • Andritz-Ruthner website: [Link to website]: Visit the Andritz-Ruthner website for comprehensive information about their internally fed rotary fine screens, including their range of products, technical specifications, and application examples.
  • USFilter/Contra-Shear website: [Link to website]: Explore the USFilter/Contra-Shear website to learn about their offerings in internally fed rotary fine screens, their applications, and their expertise in this field.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) website: [Link to website]: This organization provides valuable resources on water and wastewater treatment, including publications, webinars, and research related to cone screens.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA) website: [Link to website]: AWWA offers resources on drinking water treatment and distribution, including information on various technologies, including cone screens.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Try searches such as "cone screen applications," "rotary fine screen technology," "internally fed rotary fine screen manufacturers," "cone screen efficiency," "cone screen maintenance."
  • Combine keywords with industry: Add industry-specific keywords like "industrial wastewater treatment," "municipal wastewater treatment," or "surface water treatment" to refine your search.
  • Include specific brand names: Search for "Andritz-Ruthner cone screen," "USFilter/Contra-Shear cone screen" to find information directly related to their products.
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