Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: ClariThickener


Clarithickeners: A Powerful Solution for Water and Wastewater Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, maximizing efficiency and minimizing footprint are crucial goals. Enter the Clarithickener, a versatile technology that combines clarification and thickening into one compact unit, offering significant advantages over traditional separate systems. This article delves into the concept of Clarithickeners, focusing on the innovative solution offered by Baker Process, a leading provider in water treatment technology.

What is a Clarithickener?

As the name suggests, a Clarithickener is a piece of equipment that performs two essential functions:

  • Clarification: Removing suspended solids from a liquid, resulting in a clear effluent.
  • Thickening: Concentrating the removed solids into a sludge, reducing its volume and facilitating easier handling.

Benefits of Clarithickeners:

  • Space Saving: By integrating both processes in one unit, Clarithickeners significantly reduce the overall footprint required, making them ideal for installations with limited space.
  • Cost Efficiency: Combining processes eliminates the need for separate clarifiers and thickeners, resulting in lower capital and operating costs.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: The integrated design allows for optimized flow patterns and sludge handling, leading to improved overall efficiency and reduced energy consumption.
  • Reduced Sludge Volume: The thickening process reduces the volume of sludge, simplifying disposal and potentially generating valuable byproducts.

Baker Process Clarithickeners:

Baker Process, known for its expertise in water and wastewater treatment, offers a range of Clarithickeners tailored to specific applications. Their innovative design features:

  • High-Performance Clarification: Utilizing advanced settling technology, Baker Process Clarithickeners ensure efficient removal of suspended solids, achieving high-quality effluent.
  • Efficient Thickening: The design incorporates specialized mechanisms for maximizing sludge concentration, minimizing sludge volume and reducing disposal costs.
  • Modular Design: Baker Process Clarithickeners are modular, allowing for customization and scalability based on individual project requirements.
  • Reliable Operation: The units are built with robust materials and advanced control systems, ensuring consistent performance and minimizing downtime.

Applications of Clarithickeners:

Clarithickeners are versatile units finding applications in various water and wastewater treatment scenarios, including:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Removing suspended solids from wastewater, generating reusable water and reducing sludge volume.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Treating wastewater from manufacturing processes, removing pollutants and complying with regulatory standards.
  • Potable Water Treatment: Removing suspended solids and other impurities from raw water sources, ensuring safe drinking water.
  • Sludge Dewatering: Further reducing the volume of sludge by removing excess water, simplifying handling and disposal.


Clarithickeners represent a significant advancement in water and wastewater treatment, combining efficiency and space optimization. Baker Process, with its extensive experience and innovative design, offers robust and reliable Clarithickener solutions, helping industries achieve sustainable and cost-effective treatment goals. By adopting this technology, we can pave the way for cleaner water and a more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Clarithickeners Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are the two primary functions of a Clarithickener?

a) Filtration and disinfection


Incorrect. Clarithickeners focus on clarification and thickening, not filtration or disinfection.

b) Clarification and thickening

Correct! Clarithickeners combine these two essential processes.

c) Aeration and sedimentation

Incorrect. While aeration and sedimentation are important in water treatment, they are not the primary functions of a Clarithickener.

d) Coagulation and flocculation

Incorrect. These processes are typically used before clarification, not within the Clarithickener itself.

2. What is the main benefit of using a Clarithickener compared to separate clarification and thickening systems?

a) Improved water quality


Incorrect. While water quality is important, it's not the primary benefit of the integrated system.

b) Reduced energy consumption

Incorrect. While energy efficiency is a benefit, there are others more directly related to the integration.

c) Space savings and cost efficiency

Correct! Combining processes saves space and reduces capital and operating costs.

d) Increased sludge volume

Incorrect. Clarithickeners actually reduce sludge volume, not increase it.

3. Which company is highlighted as a leading provider of Clarithickeners?

a) Aqua Tech


Incorrect. While Aqua Tech may be involved in water treatment, the text focuses on Baker Process.

b) Baker Process

Correct! Baker Process is the company mentioned in the text.

c) Water Solutions Inc.

Incorrect. While Water Solutions Inc. may be a water treatment company, the text focuses on Baker Process.

d) Hydro Tech

Incorrect. While Hydro Tech may be involved in water treatment, the text focuses on Baker Process.

4. What is one key feature of Baker Process Clarithickeners that contributes to high-quality effluent?

a) Advanced settling technology


Correct! Baker Process uses advanced settling technology for efficient solid removal.

b) High-pressure filtration

Incorrect. Filtration is not mentioned as a key feature of Baker Process Clarithickeners.

c) UV disinfection

Incorrect. UV disinfection is not mentioned as a key feature of Baker Process Clarithickeners.

d) Chemical injection systems

Incorrect. While chemical injection may be part of the overall water treatment process, it's not specifically mentioned as a key feature of the Clarithickener.

5. Which of the following is NOT a potential application of Clarithickeners?

a) Municipal wastewater treatment


Incorrect. Clarithickeners are widely used for municipal wastewater treatment.

b) Industrial wastewater treatment

Incorrect. Clarithickeners are also used for industrial wastewater treatment.

c) Potable water treatment

Incorrect. Clarithickeners are used in potable water treatment to remove impurities.

d) Desalination of seawater

Correct! Desalination is a specialized process not typically addressed by Clarithickeners.

Clarithickeners Exercise:

Scenario: A small municipality needs to upgrade its wastewater treatment plant. They currently have separate clarifiers and thickeners, leading to high operating costs and limited space. They are considering a Clarithickener from Baker Process.

Task: Based on the information provided in the text, list three key benefits the municipality would likely experience by switching to a Clarithickener. Briefly explain each benefit.

Exercice Correction

Here are three key benefits the municipality would likely experience:

  1. **Space Savings:** By combining clarification and thickening into one unit, the municipality can significantly reduce the footprint of their wastewater treatment plant. This is especially important for smaller municipalities with limited space.
  2. **Cost Efficiency:** Integrating the processes eliminates the need for separate clarifiers and thickeners, leading to lower capital costs (initial purchase) and operating costs (energy, maintenance).
  3. **Reduced Sludge Volume:** The thickening process within the Clarithickener effectively reduces the volume of sludge produced, simplifying disposal and potentially opening up opportunities for sludge reuse or beneficial utilization.


  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by AWWA (American Water Works Association) - Covers various aspects of water treatment plant design, including clarification and thickening technologies.
  • "Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse" by Metcalf & Eddy - A comprehensive resource on wastewater treatment processes, including solid-liquid separation technologies.
  • "Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations" by Chris Rossman - Provides practical information for operating water and wastewater treatment plants, covering equipment and processes.


  • "Clarifier-Thickener Performance Optimization: A Case Study" by [Author Name] (journal/publication) - Look for articles in water/wastewater treatment journals that discuss optimization of combined clarification-thickening systems.
  • "Advanced Clarifier Technology for Improved Water Treatment" by [Author Name] (journal/publication) - Search for articles about recent advancements in clarification technology, including clarithickeners.

Online Resources

  • Baker Process Website: [Insert website URL] - Explore Baker Process's website for detailed information on their Clarithickeners, applications, and case studies.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): [Insert website URL] - WEF is a leading organization in the water and wastewater sector. Their website has resources, publications, and research on various treatment technologies.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): [Insert website URL] - AWWA provides information, standards, and resources for water professionals, including on clarification and thickening.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Clarithickener", "Clarifier-Thickener", "Combined Clarification and Thickening", "Water Treatment Technologies", "Wastewater Treatment Technologies".
  • Include company names: "Baker Process Clarithickeners", "[Other Company Name] Clarithickeners".
  • Specify applications: "Clarithickeners for Municipal Wastewater", "Clarithickeners for Industrial Wastewater", "Clarithickeners for Potable Water Treatment".
  • Focus on research: "Clarithickeners Research", "Clarithickeners Case Studies", "Clarithickeners Optimization".
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