Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: ClariFlow


Clarifying the Waters: A Look at Walker Process Equipment's ClariFlow Technology


Water treatment plays a crucial role in ensuring access to safe and clean water for human consumption, industrial processes, and environmental protection. Among the various treatment technologies employed, clarification stands out as a vital step in removing suspended solids from water. Walker Process Equipment, a leading provider of water treatment solutions, has developed a revolutionary technology called ClariFlow, specifically designed for upflow clarifier systems.

Understanding Upflow Clarifiers:

Upflow clarifiers, also known as upward-flow clarifiers, are a type of sedimentation basin where wastewater flows upwards through a bed of settled solids. This counter-current flow promotes efficient particle separation, allowing heavier particles to settle at the bottom while lighter particles are carried away with the clarified water.

ClariFlow Technology: A Game Changer for Upflow Clarifiers:

Walker Process Equipment's ClariFlow technology takes upflow clarifier performance to a new level. It is a unique design that incorporates advanced features, including:

  • High-Performance Plate Settlers: These innovative plates maximize settling surface area, significantly enhancing the solids removal efficiency. The increased surface area allows for a greater volume of water to be treated within the same footprint, leading to higher flow rates and lower operating costs.
  • Enhanced Sludge Removal: The ClariFlow system features a carefully designed sludge collection system that ensures efficient removal of settled solids. This minimizes the risk of sludge build-up, improving operational efficiency and reducing maintenance requirements.
  • Flexible Design: ClariFlow systems can be customized to suit specific site conditions and water treatment needs. They are available in various configurations, including single-stage and multi-stage systems, catering to a wide range of flow rates and effluent quality requirements.
  • Improved Efficiency and Reduced Footprint: ClariFlow's advanced design delivers significant improvements in operational efficiency and reduces the required footprint compared to traditional upflow clarifiers. This translates into lower capital expenditure and a smaller environmental impact.

Applications of ClariFlow:

ClariFlow technology has proven to be a valuable asset in various water treatment applications, including:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Effectively removes suspended solids, reducing the load on downstream treatment processes.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Contributes to cleaner effluent discharge, complying with regulatory standards.
  • Drinking Water Treatment: Improves water quality and enhances the effectiveness of other treatment processes.
  • Stormwater Runoff Management: Treats stormwater runoff, preventing pollution of receiving waters.


Walker Process Equipment's ClariFlow technology represents a significant advancement in upflow clarifier design. Its high-performance plate settlers, efficient sludge removal system, and flexible design have made it a preferred choice for municipalities, industries, and environmental agencies seeking efficient and effective water treatment solutions. By optimizing the sedimentation process, ClariFlow helps ensure cleaner water for our communities and a healthier environment for all.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Clarifying the Waters - ClariFlow Technology

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What type of clarifier does ClariFlow technology enhance? a) Downflow clarifier b) Upflow clarifier c) Horizontal clarifier d) Rotary drum clarifier


b) Upflow clarifier

2. What is the key feature of ClariFlow technology that significantly improves solids removal efficiency? a) High-speed centrifugal force b) High-performance plate settlers c) Advanced filtration membranes d) Chemical coagulation


b) High-performance plate settlers

3. How does ClariFlow technology reduce maintenance requirements? a) By using automated cleaning systems. b) By eliminating the need for sludge removal. c) By ensuring efficient sludge removal, minimizing build-up. d) By using self-cleaning filters.


c) By ensuring efficient sludge removal, minimizing build-up.

4. Which of the following applications is NOT a benefit of ClariFlow technology? a) Municipal wastewater treatment b) Industrial wastewater treatment c) Drinking water treatment d) Wastewater desalination


d) Wastewater desalination

5. What is the primary advantage of ClariFlow technology in terms of environmental impact? a) It uses less energy than traditional clarifiers. b) It reduces the amount of chemicals used in water treatment. c) It reduces the required footprint for the treatment system. d) It eliminates the need for sludge disposal.


c) It reduces the required footprint for the treatment system.


Scenario: A municipality is planning to upgrade their existing upflow clarifier system. They are considering using ClariFlow technology.


  1. Based on the information provided in the text, list three key benefits of using ClariFlow technology for the municipality's wastewater treatment plant.
  2. Explain how these benefits would contribute to the overall efficiency and sustainability of the wastewater treatment process.

Exercise Correction

**Possible Key Benefits:**

  • Improved Solids Removal Efficiency: ClariFlow's high-performance plate settlers increase the settling surface area, leading to higher removal rates of suspended solids. This translates to cleaner effluent, reducing the load on downstream treatment processes.
  • Reduced Sludge Accumulation and Maintenance: The efficient sludge removal system minimizes build-up, reducing the frequency of sludge removal operations and decreasing maintenance requirements.
  • Smaller Footprint and Reduced Environmental Impact: ClariFlow's compact design requires less space compared to traditional upflow clarifiers, reducing the overall footprint of the treatment plant. This minimizes the environmental impact of construction and operation.

**Contribution to Efficiency and Sustainability:**

  • Efficiency: Increased solids removal efficiency leads to better effluent quality, reducing the burden on downstream processes and ultimately improving the overall efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant. Reduced maintenance requirements also contribute to operational efficiency.
  • Sustainability: The smaller footprint and reduced sludge accumulation contribute to environmental sustainability by minimizing land use and reducing the need for sludge disposal. This aligns with the municipality's goals of operating a sustainable and environmentally responsible wastewater treatment facility.


  • Water Treatment Engineering by Metcalf & Eddy: A comprehensive textbook covering various aspects of water treatment, including sedimentation and clarification technologies.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations by Tchobanoglous, Burton, & Stensel: A detailed guide on operating and maintaining water treatment facilities, discussing different clarifier designs.


  • "Upflow Clarifiers: A Review of Design and Performance" by [Author(s)] - Search for relevant articles in journals like Water Research, Journal of Environmental Engineering, and Water Science & Technology.
  • "High-Rate Upflow Clarifiers: A Case Study" by [Author(s)] - Look for specific case studies highlighting ClariFlow or similar upflow clarifier technologies in industry publications.
  • "Advances in Plate Settlers for Wastewater Treatment" by [Author(s)] - Find articles discussing advancements in plate settler technology and its impact on sedimentation efficiency.

Online Resources

  • Walker Process Equipment Website: Visit their website for detailed information on ClariFlow technology, including case studies, technical specifications, and contact information.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) Website: Explore WEF's website for resources on water treatment technologies, including articles, webinars, and conferences related to clarifier systems.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA) Website: AWWA provides valuable information on water treatment and distribution, including articles and publications on sedimentation and clarification technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "ClariFlow", "upflow clarifiers", "plate settlers", and "Walker Process Equipment" in your search.
  • Combine keywords with relevant industry terms like "wastewater treatment", "drinking water treatment", and "stormwater management" for targeted results.
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, e.g., "ClariFlow technology".
  • Utilize the "site:" operator to narrow your search to specific websites, e.g., " ClariFlow".
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