Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: chlorine residual

chlorine residual

Chlorine Residual: Keeping Water Safe, One Molecule at a Time

Chlorine, a powerful disinfectant, is a vital component of public water treatment systems. It effectively kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause illness. However, the battle against these microorganisms doesn't end with initial chlorine application. The critical concept of chlorine residual comes into play, ensuring continuous water safety throughout the distribution system.

What is Chlorine Residual?

Imagine a water treatment plant where chlorine is added to the water. As the treated water flows through pipes, the chlorine reacts with organic matter, leaving behind a certain amount of chlorine, which is called chlorine residual. Essentially, it's the amount of chlorine remaining in the water after the initial application.

Why is Chlorine Residual Important?

Chlorine residual acts as a safety net, providing continuous disinfection throughout the water distribution system. This is essential for several reasons:

  • Maintaining disinfection: The chlorine residual ensures that water remains disinfected as it travels through the vast network of pipes, reaching homes and businesses.
  • Preventing regrowth: It keeps harmful microorganisms from multiplying within the distribution system, minimizing the risk of contamination.
  • Protecting against future contamination: The residual chlorine acts as a buffer, ensuring that the water remains safe even if new contaminants enter the system.

Types of Chlorine Residual:

  • Free Chlorine Residual: This is the most effective form of chlorine residual, actively killing pathogens. It is represented by the amount of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite ion (OCl-) present in the water.
  • Combined Chlorine Residual: This form results from the reaction of chlorine with ammonia or organic matter. While it still has some disinfection potential, it is less effective than free chlorine.

Monitoring Chlorine Residual:

Public water treatment systems constantly monitor the chlorine residual throughout the distribution network. This is achieved through various methods like:

  • Colorimetric test kits: These simple kits use reagents that change color based on chlorine concentration.
  • Electronic monitors: These devices provide continuous readings of chlorine levels.
  • Laboratory analysis: Samples are taken regularly and analyzed in laboratories to ensure accuracy and provide detailed information.

Maintaining Adequate Chlorine Residual:

Maintaining a sufficient chlorine residual is crucial for ensuring water safety. The ideal range varies depending on several factors, including the quality of the water, the length of the distribution system, and the temperature. Generally, the free chlorine residual should be between 0.2 and 0.5 mg/L (ppm).


Chlorine residual is a silent guardian, working behind the scenes to ensure the safety of our drinking water. By understanding the importance of this key element in water treatment, we can appreciate the essential role it plays in protecting our health and well-being.

Test Your Knowledge

Chlorine Residual Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is chlorine residual? a) The amount of chlorine initially added to water during treatment. b) The amount of chlorine remaining in water after it has reacted with contaminants. c) The type of chlorine used in water treatment. d) The maximum amount of chlorine allowed in drinking water.


b) The amount of chlorine remaining in water after it has reacted with contaminants.

2. What is the primary function of chlorine residual in water distribution systems? a) To enhance the taste and odor of water. b) To remove dissolved minerals from the water. c) To prevent the regrowth of harmful microorganisms. d) To increase the water pressure in the pipes.


c) To prevent the regrowth of harmful microorganisms.

3. Which type of chlorine residual is most effective in killing pathogens? a) Combined chlorine residual b) Free chlorine residual c) Residual chlorine d) Chloramine


b) Free chlorine residual

4. How is chlorine residual monitored in water treatment systems? a) Through regular taste and odor testing. b) By using colorimetric test kits and electronic monitors. c) By measuring the water pressure in the pipes. d) By examining the physical properties of the water.


b) By using colorimetric test kits and electronic monitors.

5. What is the generally recommended range for free chlorine residual in drinking water? a) 0.01 - 0.1 mg/L b) 0.2 - 0.5 mg/L c) 1.0 - 2.0 mg/L d) 5.0 - 10.0 mg/L


b) 0.2 - 0.5 mg/L

Chlorine Residual Exercise


Imagine you are working at a water treatment plant. The chlorine residual level at the plant is 0.8 mg/L. However, the level drops to 0.2 mg/L at a sampling point 10 miles downstream.


Explain the possible reasons for the decrease in chlorine residual and suggest steps to address the problem.

Exercice Correction

Here are some possible reasons for the decrease in chlorine residual: * **High organic matter content:** The water flowing through the pipes may contain significant amounts of organic matter. This can react with chlorine, reducing the residual level. * **Pipe corrosion:** Corrosion in the pipes can consume chlorine, leading to a decrease in the residual. * **Long distribution system:** The longer the water travels through the pipes, the more opportunities there are for chlorine to react and dissipate, especially in warm temperatures. * **Leaks:** Leaks in the distribution system can result in water loss and decrease the chlorine concentration. **Possible steps to address the problem:** * **Increase chlorine dosage:** Adjusting the chlorine dosage at the treatment plant can help maintain a higher residual throughout the system. * **Optimize water flow:** Ensuring optimal water flow can reduce the time water spends in contact with organic matter and help maintain the chlorine residual. * **Pipe maintenance:** Regular inspection and maintenance of the pipes can help prevent corrosion and minimize chlorine consumption. * **Leak detection:** Identifying and repairing leaks in the distribution system is essential to prevent water loss and maintain chlorine levels. * **Water quality analysis:** Regular water quality analysis can help identify the specific causes of the chlorine residual decrease and provide a better understanding of the situation.


  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by AWWA (American Water Works Association). This comprehensive resource covers all aspects of water treatment, including disinfection and chlorine residual management.
  • "Water Quality and Treatment" edited by American Water Works Association (AWWA). This detailed book provides a thorough understanding of water quality parameters, including chlorine residual.
  • "Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment" by M.A. Malaiyandi and A.J. Sinsabaugh. This comprehensive resource discusses various treatment processes, including disinfection and chlorine residual.


  • "Chlorine Residual: A Comprehensive Overview" by American Water Works Association (AWWA). This article delves into the importance of chlorine residual, its types, and monitoring methods.
  • "Chlorine Residual: A Silent Guardian" by [Author Name]. This article discusses the role of chlorine residual in ensuring water safety, addressing the various factors that influence its efficacy.
  • "The Impact of Chlorine Residual on Water Quality" by [Author Name]. This article explores the relationship between chlorine residual and water quality parameters, highlighting the importance of maintaining optimal levels.

Online Resources

  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): The AWWA website provides a wealth of information on water treatment, including detailed articles, technical reports, and standards related to chlorine residual.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA website offers valuable information on drinking water regulations, including guidelines for chlorine residual levels.
  • Water Research Foundation (WRF): The WRF website provides research reports and technical information related to water treatment, including chlorine residual management.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "chlorine residual," "disinfection," "water treatment," "free chlorine," "combined chlorine," "monitoring," and "regulation" for more targeted results.
  • Specify your search: Include terms like "water treatment plant," "distribution system," "drinking water," or "public health" to refine your search.
  • Explore related topics: Search for "chlorine chemistry," "chlorine byproducts," or "chlorine disinfection" to gain a broader understanding of the subject.
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