Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: chloramines


Chloramines: A Powerful Tool for Water Disinfection with Considerations

Chloramines are a family of chemical compounds used in water treatment to disinfect and control microbial growth. They are formed by the reaction of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) with ammonia or organic amines, resulting in compounds containing nitrogen, chlorine, and hydrogen. These compounds are commonly known as "combined available chlorine" and are a powerful tool for water purification.

The Benefits of Chloramines in Water Treatment:

  • Longer-lasting disinfection: Chloramines are more stable than free chlorine, providing longer-lasting disinfection in the distribution system. This is crucial for ensuring safe water delivery to consumers, especially over long distances.
  • Reduced formation of disinfection byproducts: Chloramines, unlike free chlorine, produce lower levels of trihalomethanes (THMs) and other disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that are associated with health risks.
  • Corrosion control: Chloramines are less corrosive than free chlorine, helping to prevent damage to water distribution pipes.

However, there are some considerations with chloramines:

  • Lower disinfection efficacy: Chloramines are less effective than free chlorine at killing certain microorganisms, especially some viruses and bacteria.
  • Taste and odor: Chloramines can impart a taste and odor to the water, which may be objectionable to some consumers.
  • Reaction with organic matter: Chloramines can react with organic matter in the water, forming potentially harmful DBPs.

Regulation and Monitoring:

The use of chloramines in water treatment is regulated by agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Water treatment plants are required to monitor chloramine levels in their distribution systems to ensure compliance with these regulations.

Applications of Chloramines:

Chloramines are used in various applications, including:

  • Public water systems: Most large public water systems utilize chloramines for disinfection.
  • Swimming pools and spas: Chloramines are also used to disinfect these recreational water sources.
  • Industrial water treatment: Chloramines are effective in controlling microbial growth in industrial water systems.


Chloramines are a valuable tool for water disinfection, offering advantages over free chlorine in terms of stability and DBP formation. However, it's important to be aware of their limitations and ensure proper monitoring to guarantee safe and palatable water for consumers. Balancing the benefits and drawbacks of chloramines, alongside continuous research and technological advancements, will play a key role in maintaining safe and effective water treatment practices in the future.

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