Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Chem-Clean


Chem-Clean: A Powerful Tool for Tertiary Filtration in Wastewater Treatment

Chem-Clean, a technology developed by USFilter/Zimpro, represents a crucial component in the realm of environmental and water treatment. Specifically designed for tertiary filtration, Chem-Clean focuses on the efficient removal of grease and oil from wastewater, ensuring a cleaner and safer effluent discharge.

Tertiary filtration, the final stage of wastewater treatment, plays a critical role in removing remaining pollutants before the treated water is returned to the environment. While primary and secondary treatment focus on removing large solids and organic matter, tertiary treatment aims to eliminate the remaining contaminants, including grease and oil.

Here's how Chem-Clean works:

  • Chemical oxidation: Chem-Clean utilizes a powerful oxidation process that breaks down the complex structures of grease and oil molecules. This process converts them into smaller, more easily manageable particles.
  • Coagulation and flocculation: Following oxidation, the process utilizes chemical coagulants and flocculants. These chemicals cause the smaller oil and grease particles to clump together, forming larger, easily removable flocs.
  • Filtration: Finally, the flocculated particles are removed through a series of specialized filtration systems. This may involve sand filtration, membrane filtration, or other technologies depending on the specific requirements of the wastewater.

Key Benefits of Chem-Clean:

  • Efficient grease and oil removal: Chem-Clean boasts a high efficiency rate in removing even the most stubborn grease and oil residues.
  • Enhanced effluent quality: By effectively removing these pollutants, Chem-Clean ensures a cleaner and safer wastewater effluent discharge, meeting stringent environmental regulations.
  • Reduced maintenance costs: The robust design and reliable performance of Chem-Clean minimize the need for frequent maintenance, contributing to long-term cost savings.
  • Environmental protection: Chem-Clean promotes environmental sustainability by ensuring that discharged wastewater does not negatively impact the surrounding environment.

Applications of Chem-Clean:

Chem-Clean finds wide applications in various industrial settings, including:

  • Food processing plants: Handling large volumes of wastewater containing fats, oils, and greases.
  • Metalworking facilities: Dealing with cutting fluids, lubricants, and other oil-based contaminants.
  • Petroleum refineries: Managing wastewater containing hydrocarbons and other oil derivatives.
  • Wastewater treatment plants: Enhancing the overall efficiency of tertiary filtration processes.


Chem-Clean by USFilter/Zimpro stands as a valuable asset in the field of environmental and water treatment. Its effectiveness in removing grease and oil from wastewater, coupled with its numerous benefits, makes it a crucial component for achieving clean and safe water discharges. By investing in Chem-Clean technology, industries can contribute to environmental protection and ensure responsible wastewater management.

Test Your Knowledge

Chem-Clean Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of Chem-Clean in wastewater treatment?

a) Removing large solids and organic matter b) Eliminating remaining contaminants, including grease and oil c) Disinfecting the wastewater d) Adding nutrients to the wastewater


b) Eliminating remaining contaminants, including grease and oil

2. Which of the following is NOT a key step involved in the Chem-Clean process?

a) Chemical oxidation b) Coagulation and flocculation c) Filtration d) Reverse osmosis


d) Reverse osmosis

3. Which of these is NOT a benefit of using Chem-Clean?

a) High efficiency in grease and oil removal b) Reduced maintenance costs c) Increased water consumption d) Enhanced effluent quality


c) Increased water consumption

4. In which industrial setting would Chem-Clean be particularly useful?

a) A dairy farm b) A paper mill c) A metalworking facility d) A textile factory


c) A metalworking facility

5. What does Chem-Clean primarily target for removal from wastewater?

a) Heavy metals b) Nitrates and phosphates c) Grease and oil d) Pathogens


c) Grease and oil

Chem-Clean Exercise:


A food processing plant discharges wastewater containing high levels of grease and oil. They are currently using a traditional sand filtration system for tertiary treatment, but it is proving inefficient in removing these pollutants.

1. Explain why Chem-Clean would be a suitable solution for this plant.

2. Describe how Chem-Clean would improve the plant's overall wastewater treatment process.

3. Suggest two additional benefits the plant might experience by implementing Chem-Clean.

Exercice Correction

1. Why Chem-Clean is suitable:

  • Chem-Clean is specifically designed to remove grease and oil from wastewater, which is the primary concern of this food processing plant.
  • Traditional sand filtration alone is not effective in removing stubborn grease and oil residues, while Chem-Clean utilizes a multi-step process to effectively break down and remove these pollutants.

2. How Chem-Clean improves the treatment process:

  • Enhanced Effluent Quality: Chem-Clean will significantly improve the quality of the discharged wastewater by removing the grease and oil contaminants, resulting in cleaner and safer effluent.
  • Meeting Regulations: The improved effluent quality will help the plant meet stringent environmental regulations regarding pollutant levels.

3. Additional benefits:

  • Reduced Maintenance: Chem-Clean's robust design and reliable performance could lead to reduced maintenance costs compared to the traditional sand filtration system.
  • Environmental Responsibility: By effectively removing grease and oil, the plant can contribute to environmental protection and demonstrate responsible wastewater management practices.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (This comprehensive textbook covers tertiary filtration and various technologies including Chem-Clean)
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies by Mark J. Hammer (Provides an overview of advanced treatment processes like Chem-Clean)


  • "Tertiary Treatment: A Review of Technologies" by M.A. Qasim et al. (Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2018) - Discusses tertiary treatment technologies and their applications.
  • "Chem-Clean: An Innovative Technology for Tertiary Filtration" by USFilter/Zimpro (This article is likely to be on the USFilter/Zimpro website, as they are the developers of Chem-Clean)

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Zimpro Website: The official website of the company developing Chem-Clean is likely to have detailed information, case studies, and technical specifications.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): This organization focuses on wastewater treatment and may have articles and resources related to Chem-Clean or tertiary filtration in general.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): Similar to WEF, AWWA provides resources and information about water and wastewater treatment, potentially including Chem-Clean.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Chem-Clean", "tertiary filtration", "oil and grease removal", "USFilter/Zimpro" to refine your search.
  • Utilize quotation marks to find exact phrases, e.g. "Chem-Clean technology".
  • Include relevant industry terms such as "food processing", "metalworking", or "petroleum refining" to focus your results.
  • Try advanced search operators like "" to limit your search to specific websites.
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