Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: cathodic protection

cathodic protection

Shielding the Vulnerable: Cathodic Protection in Environmental & Water Treatment

Corrosion, the gradual deterioration of materials due to chemical reactions with their environment, is a significant issue in various industries, particularly those dealing with water treatment and environmental remediation. This silent threat can compromise infrastructure integrity, lead to costly repairs, and even pose environmental risks. To combat this, a powerful tool known as cathodic protection has emerged as a reliable and effective solution.

The Science Behind the Shield:

Cathodic protection works by manipulating the electrochemical reactions that drive corrosion. When two dissimilar metals come into contact, a galvanic potential develops, leading to the more active metal (anode) corroding while the less active metal (cathode) remains protected.

Cathodic protection leverages this principle by applying an external electrical current to the metal being protected, effectively turning it into the cathode. This external current forces electrons to flow towards the metal, counteracting the natural electron flow that would have caused corrosion. In essence, the protected metal becomes the recipient of electrons, making it less susceptible to oxidation.

Two Popular Approaches:

There are two primary methods for achieving cathodic protection:

  1. Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP): This method utilizes an external power source, typically a rectifier, to generate a direct current that flows from the power source to the metal being protected. Anodes made of materials like graphite or high-silicon cast iron are strategically placed in the environment, acting as the source of the electrons.
  2. Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection: In this technique, a more active metal, such as zinc, magnesium, or aluminum, is directly connected to the structure to be protected. The sacrificial anode corrodes preferentially, providing electrons to the protected metal and preventing it from corroding.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

Cathodic protection plays a crucial role in safeguarding infrastructure within the environmental and water treatment sectors:

  • Water Treatment Plants: Cathodic protection protects steel tanks, pipes, and other components from corrosion caused by the presence of dissolved oxygen and corrosive chemicals in the water.
  • Wastewater Treatment Systems: In wastewater treatment plants, cathodic protection safeguards against corrosion caused by the aggressive nature of the wastewater, ensuring the longevity of crucial equipment.
  • Underground Storage Tanks: Cathodic protection prevents corrosion of underground storage tanks holding various substances, including hazardous materials, preventing leaks and contamination.
  • Pipelines: Cathodic protection shields pipelines transporting water, chemicals, or oil from corrosion, ensuring reliable transportation and minimizing environmental hazards.

Benefits of Cathodic Protection:

  • Extended Lifespan: Cathodic protection significantly extends the lifespan of metal structures, reducing maintenance costs and minimizing replacement needs.
  • Reduced Corrosion Costs: By preventing corrosion, cathodic protection saves money by avoiding repairs, replacements, and lost productivity due to corrosion-related failures.
  • Environmental Protection: Cathodic protection prevents the release of harmful contaminants into the environment, safeguarding ecosystems and human health.
  • Safety: By preventing corrosion, cathodic protection enhances the safety of structures and equipment, reducing the risk of accidents and breakdowns.


Cathodic protection has become an indispensable tool in environmental and water treatment industries, providing a reliable and effective method to combat corrosion. By understanding the principles and applications of this technology, we can ensure the longevity of essential infrastructure, protect the environment, and maintain the safety and integrity of critical systems. As we continue to strive for sustainability and responsible resource management, cathodic protection will undoubtedly play an increasingly vital role in safeguarding our world for generations to come.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Shielding the Vulnerable - Cathodic Protection

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary mechanism behind cathodic protection?

a) Increasing the metal's resistance to oxidation b) Introducing a protective coating to the metal surface c) Manipulating the electrochemical reactions to prevent corrosion d) Using chemicals to neutralize corrosive agents


c) Manipulating the electrochemical reactions to prevent corrosion

2. Which of the following is NOT a method for achieving cathodic protection?

a) Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) b) Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection c) Electromagnetic Field Protection d) Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection


c) Electromagnetic Field Protection

3. In Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection, what happens to the sacrificial anode?

a) It becomes the cathode and is protected from corrosion. b) It corrodes preferentially, providing electrons to the protected metal. c) It reacts with the environment to form a protective layer on the protected metal. d) It absorbs the corrosive agents, preventing them from reaching the protected metal.


b) It corrodes preferentially, providing electrons to the protected metal.

4. Which of the following applications is NOT a common use of cathodic protection?

a) Water treatment plants b) Wastewater treatment systems c) Nuclear power plants d) Underground storage tanks


c) Nuclear power plants

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of cathodic protection?

a) Extended lifespan of metal structures b) Reduced corrosion costs c) Increased risk of environmental contamination d) Enhanced safety of structures and equipment


c) Increased risk of environmental contamination

Exercise: Cathodic Protection in Practice

Scenario: You are a consultant for a water treatment plant. The plant uses a large steel storage tank to hold treated water before distribution. The tank is experiencing corrosion issues, leading to leaks and potential contamination.


  1. Explain to the plant manager why cathodic protection is a suitable solution for this problem.
  2. Recommend either Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) or Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection, explaining your choice and justifying your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

1. Explanation for the Plant Manager:

Cathodic protection is a proven and effective way to prevent corrosion. It works by manipulating the electrochemical reactions that cause the deterioration of the steel tank. By applying an external current or using a sacrificial anode, we can make the tank the cathode, preventing it from corroding. This will significantly extend the lifespan of the tank, reduce maintenance costs, and most importantly, prevent contamination of the treated water, ensuring public safety.

2. Recommended Solution:

Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) would be the best option for the water treatment plant's steel storage tank.


  • Large Scale: ICCP is particularly suitable for large structures like the steel storage tank.
  • Controllability: ICCP allows for precise control of the current applied, ensuring effective protection.
  • Long-Term Efficiency: ICCP is a long-term solution that can provide continuous protection for years.
  • Monitoring: ICCP systems can be easily monitored to ensure proper functioning and effectiveness.

Alternative Reasoning:

If the tank is relatively small and maintenance access is limited, Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection could be considered as a simpler and less expensive option. However, the lifespan of the sacrificial anode would need to be factored in for long-term cost-effectiveness.


  • Corrosion Engineering: by Mars G. Fontana and Norbert D. Greene
  • Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control: by R. Winston Revie and Herbert Leidheiser Jr.
  • Cathodic Protection: Theory and Practice: by M. Stern and A. L. Geary
  • Cathodic Protection Handbook: by NACE International
  • Corrosion: Understanding the Basics: by ASM International


  • "Cathodic Protection: A Corrosion Control Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants" by A. K. Basak and S. K. Ghosh
  • "Cathodic Protection of Underground Storage Tanks" by J. R. Martin
  • "Cathodic Protection for Pipeline Systems" by NACE International
  • "Cathodic Protection in the Oil and Gas Industry" by D. R. Arman
  • "Cathodic Protection in Environmental Remediation" by M. J. Hatch

Online Resources

  • NACE International (National Association of Corrosion Engineers): - A global authority on corrosion control, offering resources, standards, and training.
  • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): - Provides standards for materials, products, systems, and services related to cathodic protection.
  • Corrosion Doctors: - A comprehensive online resource for corrosion information, including a section on cathodic protection.
  • Cathodic Protection Services: - A company specializing in cathodic protection services, with informative articles and resources.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Cathodic protection," "water treatment," "environmental remediation," "underground storage tanks," "pipelines."
  • Combine keywords: "Cathodic protection for water tanks," "types of cathodic protection for pipelines."
  • Use quotation marks: "cathodic protection" to find exact phrases.
  • Use operators: "+" to include a term, "-" to exclude a term, "site:gov" to limit search to government websites.
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