Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: carbon chloroform extract (CCE)

carbon chloroform extract (CCE)

Carbon Chloroform Extract (CCE): Unmasking the Hidden Contaminants in Water

The purity of our water is paramount to human health and the well-being of our ecosystems. While many contaminants are readily detectable, others lurk beneath the surface, hidden within complex organic matter. This is where the Carbon Chloroform Extract (CCE) test comes in, revealing the presence of these often-overlooked contaminants and aiding in comprehensive water quality assessment.

What is CCE?

The CCE test is a standard laboratory procedure used to identify and quantify non-polar organic compounds in water. These compounds, often referred to as "non-extractable residues," are not easily removed by conventional water treatment methods and can pose significant risks to human and environmental health.

How does it work?

The process involves a series of steps:

  1. Activated Carbon Adsorption: A known volume of water is passed through a column containing activated carbon. This material acts like a sponge, absorbing the non-polar organic compounds from the water.
  2. Chloroform Extraction: The activated carbon is then washed with chloroform, a solvent that efficiently extracts the absorbed compounds.
  3. Analysis: The chloroform extract is analyzed using various techniques, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), to identify and quantify the individual compounds present.

Why is CCE important?

The CCE test provides valuable insights into the quality of water, revealing the presence of:

  • Pesticides: Many pesticides are highly persistent and can accumulate in the environment, posing threats to aquatic life and human health.
  • Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs): These industrial chemicals are known carcinogens and can bioaccumulate in the food chain.
  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): Found in fossil fuels and combustion products, PAHs can be carcinogenic and have harmful effects on aquatic ecosystems.
  • Other Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): These compounds are resistant to degradation and can travel long distances in the environment, posing global threats.

What does the residue tell us?

The residue from a CCE test, often referred to as CCE-extractable organic matter (CCE-EOM), represents the non-polar organic compounds extracted from the water sample. The amount and composition of CCE-EOM can provide information about:

  • Source of contamination: The presence of specific compounds can indicate potential sources of pollution, such as industrial discharges or agricultural runoff.
  • Water treatment efficiency: The CCE test helps evaluate the effectiveness of water treatment processes in removing these contaminants.
  • Environmental risk assessment: The presence of CCE-EOM can indicate the potential for harmful effects on aquatic life and human health.

CCE in Environmental and Water Treatment Applications:

The CCE test plays a crucial role in various environmental and water treatment applications, including:

  • Drinking water quality monitoring: Ensuring the safety of public drinking water supplies.
  • Industrial wastewater treatment: Monitoring and controlling the discharge of pollutants from industrial facilities.
  • Wastewater treatment plant optimization: Evaluating the effectiveness of treatment processes in removing organic contaminants.
  • Environmental monitoring: Assessing the level of contamination in rivers, lakes, and groundwater.


The Carbon Chloroform Extract (CCE) test is an essential tool for understanding the true extent of organic contamination in water. By revealing the presence of often-overlooked contaminants, the CCE test helps ensure water quality and protect human health and the environment. As we strive for a cleaner and safer future, the CCE test will continue to play a vital role in safeguarding our water resources.

Test Your Knowledge

CCE Quiz: Unmasking Hidden Contaminants

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the Carbon Chloroform Extract (CCE) test primarily analyze for?

a) Dissolved salts and minerals


Incorrect. The CCE test focuses on organic contaminants.

b) Non-polar organic compounds


Correct! The CCE test specifically targets non-polar organic compounds.

c) Bacteria and viruses


Incorrect. This is typically analyzed through other methods.

d) Heavy metals


Incorrect. Heavy metals are not the primary focus of the CCE test.

2. Which of the following is NOT a step in the CCE test procedure?

a) Activated carbon adsorption


Incorrect. This is a crucial step in the CCE test.

b) Chloroform extraction


Incorrect. Chloroform is used to extract the adsorbed compounds.

c) Filtration through a membrane


Correct! Filtration through a membrane is not typically part of the CCE test.

d) Analysis using GC-MS


Incorrect. GC-MS is a common technique used to analyze the extracted compounds.

3. What type of information can the CCE test provide about the source of contamination?

a) The presence of specific pollutants indicates the possible source, such as industrial discharge.


Correct! The identification of specific compounds can help pinpoint the source.

b) The CCE test can only determine the overall level of contamination, not the source.


Incorrect. The presence of certain compounds can point to specific sources.

c) The CCE test primarily identifies the age of the contamination.


Incorrect. The test focuses on the type of pollutants, not the age of contamination.

d) The CCE test can identify the exact geographical location of the contamination source.


Incorrect. While it can indicate the source, it doesn't pinpoint the exact location.

4. What does the term "CCE-EOM" represent?

a) The total amount of water treated


Incorrect. This refers to the extracted organic matter, not the total amount of water treated.

b) The non-polar organic compounds extracted from the water sample


Correct! CCE-EOM stands for CCE-extractable organic matter.

c) The amount of chloroform used in the extraction process


Incorrect. This refers to the extracted organic matter, not the amount of chloroform.

d) The level of heavy metal contamination in the water sample


Incorrect. Heavy metals are not the focus of the CCE test.

5. Which of the following is NOT a common application of the CCE test?

a) Monitoring drinking water quality


Incorrect. The CCE test is crucial for ensuring safe drinking water.

b) Analyzing the effectiveness of wastewater treatment


Incorrect. CCE is used to evaluate the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

c) Assessing the level of contamination in soil samples


Correct! While the CCE test is used for water, it's not typically applied to soil samples.

d) Monitoring industrial wastewater discharge


Incorrect. CCE is essential for controlling pollution from industries.

CCE Exercise: Evaluating Treatment Efficiency

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant is using a new filtration system to remove organic contaminants. To evaluate its effectiveness, a CCE test is performed on both the influent (incoming wastewater) and effluent (treated water).


| Sample | CCE-EOM (mg/L) | |---|---| | Influent | 15.0 | | Effluent | 2.5 |


  1. Calculate the percentage reduction in CCE-EOM achieved by the new filtration system.
  2. Discuss the implications of this result in terms of the treatment plant's efficiency.

Exercise Correction

1. **Percentage Reduction:** - Reduction = (Influent CCE-EOM - Effluent CCE-EOM) / Influent CCE-EOM - Reduction = (15.0 mg/L - 2.5 mg/L) / 15.0 mg/L - Reduction = 0.833 - Percentage Reduction = 0.833 * 100% = **83.3%** 2. **Implications:** - The filtration system demonstrates a significant reduction in CCE-EOM, indicating effective removal of non-polar organic contaminants. - This high reduction suggests the treatment plant is efficiently removing pollutants and achieving a high level of water quality improvement. - However, further analysis of the specific compounds remaining in the effluent is necessary to determine if any contaminants still pose a risk and if additional treatment measures are needed.


  • "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater": This widely-used reference book contains detailed protocols and information on the CCE test, including its applications in water quality analysis.
  • "Environmental Organic Chemistry" by René Schwarzenbach, Philip Gschwend, and Dieter Imboden: This book provides a comprehensive overview of organic compounds in the environment, including their fate and transport. It covers the CCE test and its role in understanding organic contaminants.


  • "Evaluation of Different Extraction Methods for the Analysis of Organic Micropollutants in Water Samples" by M.A.S.A.L.M. de Oliveira et al.: This article compares different extraction methods, including CCE, for analyzing organic micropollutants in water.
  • "The Use of Carbon Chloroform Extract (CCE) Analysis in Assessing the Quality of Drinking Water" by M.J. Smith: This article discusses the relevance of the CCE test in monitoring the safety of drinking water supplies.

Online Resources

  • US EPA website: Search for "Carbon Chloroform Extract" on the US Environmental Protection Agency website to find relevant documents, regulations, and research related to the test.
  • Water Research Foundation (WRF) website: The WRF is a leading research organization for the water industry. Their website may have publications and resources related to CCE and water quality assessment.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA) website: The AWWA is a professional association for the water industry. Their website may offer information on the CCE test and its use in drinking water treatment.

Search Tips

  • Use precise terms: Search for "Carbon Chloroform Extract" or "CCE test" for specific results.
  • Include additional keywords: Combine "CCE test" with terms like "water quality," "contaminants," "organic pollutants," or "environmental analysis."
  • Filter your search: Use Google's advanced search options to refine your results by date, source, or file type.
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