Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: calcium hydroxide

calcium hydroxide

The Power of Calcium: Hydroxide and Hypochlorite in Environmental & Water Treatment

Calcium compounds play a vital role in maintaining a healthy environment and ensuring safe drinking water. Two prominent examples, calcium hydroxide and calcium hypochlorite, are widely used in environmental and water treatment processes.

Calcium Hydroxide: A Multifaceted Solution

Often referred to as hydrated lime, calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂) is a versatile chemical with a wide range of applications. It acts as a:

  • pH Modifier: Its alkaline nature allows it to neutralize acidic wastewaters, improving their pH balance and preventing corrosion in pipes.
  • Coagulant: Calcium hydroxide helps in the removal of suspended solids and pollutants from water by promoting their clumping together (flocculation), making them easier to settle and remove.
  • Softener: It effectively removes hardness-causing minerals like calcium and magnesium, reducing scale formation and improving water quality.
  • Phosphorus Remover: Calcium hydroxide reacts with phosphates, removing them from wastewater and preventing algal blooms in lakes and reservoirs.

Calcium Hypochlorite: The Disinfecting Powerhouse

Calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)₂) is a powerful chlorine compound used extensively as a disinfectant in water and wastewater treatment. Its key function is:

  • Disinfection: It effectively kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and pathogens, ensuring the safety of drinking water and reducing the risk of waterborne diseases.
  • Chlorination: It adds chlorine to water, providing long-lasting disinfection and protecting against contamination.
  • Algaecide: It effectively eliminates algae growth in water bodies, maintaining their clarity and reducing the impact on water quality.

Beyond the Basics: Environmental Considerations

While both calcium hydroxide and calcium hypochlorite play vital roles in water and wastewater treatment, their use requires careful consideration:

  • Dosage: Overdosing can lead to undesired side effects like high pH levels or excessive chlorine concentrations.
  • Storage: Calcium hypochlorite is a powerful oxidizer and needs to be stored carefully, away from heat and organic materials.
  • Environmental Impact: Both compounds can have an impact on the environment. Careful monitoring and responsible disposal practices are crucial to minimize their environmental footprint.


Calcium hydroxide and calcium hypochlorite are essential tools in the fight for clean water and a healthy environment. Their diverse properties and efficacy make them valuable assets in various treatment processes. However, responsible usage, proper storage, and careful consideration of their environmental impacts are key to maximizing their benefits and minimizing potential risks.

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