Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: building-related illness (BRI)

building-related illness (BRI)

Building-Related Illness: When Your Workspace Makes You Sick

The modern workplace is often touted as a hub of innovation and productivity. But what happens when the very environment designed to foster these qualities becomes a source of illness? This is the reality of Building-Related Illness (BRI), a growing concern in environmental and water treatment.

BRI is defined as a condition where at least 20% of a building's occupants experience symptoms of illness for more than two weeks, with the source of these symptoms directly linked to a specific building feature or element. While the term "illness" might seem severe, BRI encompasses a wide range of ailments, including:

  • Respiratory problems: Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and asthma exacerbation.
  • Neurological issues: Headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.
  • Skin problems: Dermatitis, itching, and rashes.
  • Eye irritation: Redness, burning, and watery eyes.

The underlying causes of BRI are diverse, often stemming from a combination of factors:

1. Poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ): This is the most common culprit. Airborne contaminants like mold, dust mites, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and bacteria can accumulate in buildings with inadequate ventilation systems, leading to respiratory and allergic reactions.

2. Water-Related Issues: Problems in water systems, including contaminated water sources, faulty plumbing, and inadequate disinfection, can lead to the growth of microbes and release of harmful chemicals. This can result in Legionnaires’ disease, humidifier fever, and other waterborne illnesses.

3. Building Materials and Furnishings: Certain building materials like glues, paints, carpets, and furnishings can release VOCs and other harmful substances into the air, causing irritation and long-term health problems.

4. Inadequate Ventilation: Buildings with insufficient air circulation can trap contaminants, leading to poor IAQ and the development of BRI symptoms.

5. Thermal Discomfort: Extreme temperatures, humidity levels, and lack of proper air conditioning can contribute to discomfort and create conditions conducive to microbial growth.

The impact of BRI on individuals and organizations is significant. It can lead to reduced productivity, absenteeism, and increased healthcare costs. Moreover, the psychological impact of feeling unwell in your workspace can be detrimental to employee morale and overall workplace well-being.

Prevention and Mitigation of BRI:

  • Thorough Building Inspections: Regular inspections for mold, leaks, and other potential hazards.
  • Effective Ventilation Systems: Proper ventilation and air filtration to remove contaminants.
  • Water System Maintenance: Regular testing and maintenance of water systems to prevent microbial growth and contamination.
  • Selection of Safe Materials: Choosing low-VOC emitting materials and furnishings.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of air quality, temperature, and humidity levels.
  • Employee Education and Training: Raising awareness about BRI and promoting healthy practices in the workplace.

By addressing the root causes of BRI through comprehensive preventive measures and effective mitigation strategies, we can create healthier and more productive work environments. Environmental and water treatment professionals play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of building occupants by preventing and managing BRI.

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