Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: blowdown


Blowdown: Keeping Air Clean Through Controlled Release

In air quality management, the term "blowdown" refers to a specific and controlled discharge from a recirculating system. This controlled release is essential for preventing the buildup of unwanted materials that can negatively impact air quality and system performance.

Understanding the Need for Blowdown:

Recirculating systems, common in industries like power generation, chemical processing, and even HVAC systems, work by constantly recycling a fluid or gas. However, these systems can accumulate impurities over time. These impurities might be:

  • Dissolved solids: In cooling water systems, salts and minerals can accumulate, affecting the system's efficiency and potentially leading to corrosion.
  • Chemicals: In industrial processes, chemical byproducts or residues can build up, compromising product quality or posing safety hazards.
  • Particulate matter: In air handling systems, dust and other particles can accumulate, reducing airflow and increasing the risk of system failure.

The Role of Blowdown:

Blowdown acts as a safety valve, preventing these impurities from accumulating to dangerous levels. It involves:

  • Controlled release: A portion of the recirculating fluid or gas is discharged from the system at a controlled rate.
  • Removal of impurities: The discharged material carries with it the accumulated impurities, ensuring their removal from the system.
  • Maintaining system performance: By preventing buildup, blowdown maintains the efficiency, safety, and longevity of the recirculating system.

Examples of Blowdown in Action:

  • Cooling water systems: Blowdown removes dissolved solids and minerals, preventing scaling and corrosion in heat exchangers.
  • Boiler systems: Blowdown helps to remove impurities that can cause fouling and reduce boiler efficiency.
  • HVAC systems: Blowdown removes accumulated dust and debris, ensuring optimal airflow and maintaining indoor air quality.

Importance in Air Quality Management:

Blowdown plays a critical role in air quality management by:

  • Reducing emissions: By preventing the accumulation of impurities, blowdown minimizes the release of harmful pollutants into the atmosphere.
  • Promoting system longevity: By maintaining system performance, blowdown extends the operational life of equipment, reducing the need for replacement and associated emissions.
  • Enhancing safety: By removing potentially hazardous materials, blowdown ensures the safe operation of recirculating systems and protects workers and the environment.


Blowdown is an essential practice in air quality management, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of recirculating systems. By controlling the release of impurities and maintaining system performance, blowdown contributes to cleaner air and a healthier environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Blowdown Quiz: Keeping Air Clean

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of blowdown in recirculating systems?

a) To increase the pressure within the system. b) To add additional fluid or gas to the system. c) To prevent the accumulation of impurities. d) To measure the temperature of the circulating fluid.


The correct answer is **c) To prevent the accumulation of impurities.** Blowdown is specifically designed to remove unwanted materials that can build up in recirculating systems.

2. Which of the following is NOT a type of impurity that can accumulate in recirculating systems?

a) Dissolved solids b) Chemicals c) Particulate matter d) Oxygen


The correct answer is **d) Oxygen.** While oxygen can play a role in corrosion, it is not typically considered a primary impurity in recirculating systems.

3. How does blowdown maintain system performance?

a) By increasing the flow rate of the circulating fluid. b) By reducing the viscosity of the circulating fluid. c) By preventing the buildup of impurities that can affect efficiency. d) By adding heat to the circulating fluid.


The correct answer is **c) By preventing the buildup of impurities that can affect efficiency.** Impurities can lead to scaling, corrosion, and other problems that reduce system efficiency.

4. Which of the following is an example of how blowdown is used in industrial settings?

a) Removing dust from air filters in a home. b) Removing excess water from a swimming pool. c) Removing dissolved minerals from a cooling water system. d) Removing excess fuel from a car engine.


The correct answer is **c) Removing dissolved minerals from a cooling water system.** This is a common application of blowdown in industrial settings to maintain the efficiency of cooling systems.

5. How does blowdown contribute to air quality management?

a) By increasing the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere. b) By reducing the release of harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. c) By increasing the use of fossil fuels. d) By reducing the lifespan of recirculating systems.


The correct answer is **b) By reducing the release of harmful pollutants into the atmosphere.** Blowdown helps to prevent the accumulation of impurities that can lead to harmful emissions.

Blowdown Exercise: The Cooling Tower

Scenario: You are working at a power plant that uses a cooling tower to regulate the temperature of the water used in the power generation process. The cooling tower relies on a recirculating water system. Over time, dissolved minerals accumulate in the water, potentially leading to scaling and corrosion in the heat exchangers.

Task: Explain how blowdown is used in the cooling tower system to maintain its efficiency and prevent damage. Include the following in your explanation:

  • How blowdown removes impurities from the system
  • Why removing these impurities is important for the cooling tower's performance
  • How blowdown contributes to overall air quality management.

Exercice Correction

In the cooling tower system, blowdown plays a crucial role in maintaining efficiency and preventing damage. Here's how it works:

**Impurity Removal:** A controlled portion of the recirculating water is periodically discharged from the system. This discharged water carries with it the accumulated dissolved minerals, effectively removing them from the system. The discharged water is then treated or disposed of properly.

**Performance Importance:** Removing dissolved minerals is critical to maintain the cooling tower's performance for several reasons:

  • **Scaling Prevention:** Dissolved minerals, when concentrated, can form deposits (scaling) on the heat exchangers. Scaling reduces heat transfer efficiency, leading to decreased cooling capacity and increased energy consumption.
  • **Corrosion Prevention:** Dissolved minerals can contribute to corrosion in the cooling tower system. Corrosion weakens the system's components, leading to leaks and potential equipment failure.

**Air Quality Management:** Blowdown contributes to air quality management by:

  • **Reducing Emissions:** By preventing the accumulation of impurities, blowdown minimizes the potential for the release of harmful substances from the cooling tower into the atmosphere.
  • **System Longevity:** Maintaining the efficiency and preventing damage to the cooling tower system extends its operational life. This reduces the need for frequent replacements, minimizing the associated emissions from manufacturing and disposal.

In conclusion, blowdown is an essential practice in the cooling tower system, ensuring efficient operation, preventing damage, and contributing to cleaner air quality.


  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by AWWA - This comprehensive book provides detailed information on various aspects of water treatment, including blowdown in cooling water systems.
  • "Industrial Wastewater Treatment" by Metcalf & Eddy - This book delves into industrial wastewater treatment methods, covering the importance of blowdown in various industrial processes.
  • "Handbook of Industrial Boiler Operations" by Charles H. Berryman - This handbook covers boiler operations and maintenance, including the role of blowdown in maintaining boiler efficiency and safety.


  • "Blowdown: A Vital Component of Cooling Water Systems" by Water Technology - An informative article on the importance of blowdown in cooling water systems, its mechanisms, and best practices.
  • "Understanding Blowdown and its Importance in Boiler Water Treatment" by Power Engineering - This article discusses the role of blowdown in boiler water treatment, explaining its benefits and different types of blowdown systems.
  • "HVAC System Blowdown: Maintaining Indoor Air Quality" by ASHRAE Journal - This article focuses on the significance of blowdown in HVAC systems, particularly its contribution to air quality and system performance.

Online Resources

  • EPA Website: The Environmental Protection Agency website provides information on air quality regulations, emission standards, and best practices for controlling emissions from various industries. Search for "blowdown" and "air quality" to find relevant information.
  • ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Website: ASHRAE offers technical resources, standards, and guidelines related to HVAC systems and air quality, including information on blowdown practices.
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH): NIOSH provides information on workplace safety and health, including guidelines and recommendations for handling hazardous materials and controlling emissions.

Search Tips

  • "Blowdown" + "Cooling Water Systems" - This search will find articles and resources specific to blowdown in cooling water systems.
  • "Blowdown" + "Boiler Systems" - This search will retrieve information on blowdown related to boiler operations and maintenance.
  • "Blowdown" + "HVAC" - This search will lead you to resources about blowdown in HVAC systems and its impact on indoor air quality.
  • "Blowdown" + "Environmental Regulations" - This search will provide information on the regulations and guidelines governing blowdown practices related to air quality and emissions control.
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