Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: BioSpiral


BioSpiral: A Revolution in Wastewater Treatment

BioSpiral is a term synonymous with a revolutionary wastewater treatment technology, the Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC), formerly offered by Walker Process Equipment. This innovative system utilizes a series of rotating discs submerged in wastewater, providing a highly efficient and environmentally friendly solution for treating municipal and industrial wastewater.

Understanding the BioSpiral Process:

The BioSpiral system relies on a unique combination of biological and mechanical processes. The rotating discs, made of durable plastic or stainless steel, are covered in a thin layer of biofilm. This biofilm is comprised of a diverse community of microorganisms that effectively break down pollutants in the wastewater.

As the discs rotate, they are intermittently exposed to the wastewater and the atmosphere. This constant rotation creates a favorable environment for the biofilm, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms. The oxygen from the air is transferred to the biofilm, while the wastewater is continuously brought into contact with the microorganisms.

The Advantages of BioSpiral:

  • High Efficiency: BioSpiral systems offer a highly efficient solution for removing a wide range of pollutants, including organic matter, nutrients, and pathogens.
  • Low Energy Consumption: Compared to traditional activated sludge systems, BioSpiral utilizes significantly less energy. This is attributed to the relatively low energy required for rotation and the absence of aeration equipment.
  • Low Sludge Production: BioSpiral systems generate minimal sludge, reducing the need for costly sludge treatment and disposal.
  • Environmentally Friendly: BioSpiral technology promotes natural biological processes, minimizing the use of chemicals and other potentially harmful substances.
  • Versatility: BioSpiral systems can be adapted to treat a wide range of wastewater types, including municipal, industrial, and agricultural wastewater.

The Legacy of Walker Process Equipment:

Walker Process Equipment was a pioneer in the development and commercialization of rotating biological contactor technology. Their BioSpiral systems gained recognition for their reliability, efficiency, and environmental friendliness. Although Walker Process Equipment is no longer in operation, their innovation continues to shape the landscape of wastewater treatment.

Modern Applications:

While the original BioSpiral technology is no longer available from Walker Process Equipment, the principles of RBC technology continue to be implemented in various forms by other manufacturers. Modern RBC systems are increasingly finding applications in:

  • Municipal wastewater treatment: Treating sewage from households and commercial establishments.
  • Industrial wastewater treatment: Removing pollutants from various industrial processes, including food processing, manufacturing, and chemical industries.
  • Agricultural wastewater treatment: Managing wastewater from livestock operations and agricultural runoff.

BioSpiral: A Sustainable Solution for the Future:

BioSpiral technology, through its evolution as the Rotating Biological Contactor, continues to offer a sustainable and reliable solution for wastewater treatment. It is a testament to the enduring power of innovation in environmental engineering, paving the way for a cleaner and healthier planet.

Test Your Knowledge

BioSpiral: A Revolution in Wastewater Treatment Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the full name of the technology synonymous with BioSpiral? a) Biofiltration System b) Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) c) Activated Sludge Process d) Membrane Bioreactor


b) Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC)

2. What is the key component in a BioSpiral system that promotes the growth of microorganisms? a) Aeration tanks b) Rotating discs with biofilm c) Chemical additives d) UV light treatment


b) Rotating discs with biofilm

3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of BioSpiral technology? a) High efficiency in removing pollutants b) High energy consumption c) Low sludge production d) Environmentally friendly


b) High energy consumption

4. What type of wastewater can BioSpiral systems be adapted to treat? a) Only municipal wastewater b) Only industrial wastewater c) Only agricultural wastewater d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. Which company was a pioneer in the development of BioSpiral technology? a) Siemens b) Veolia c) Walker Process Equipment d) Aqua-Aerobic Systems


c) Walker Process Equipment

BioSpiral: A Revolution in Wastewater Treatment Exercise

Scenario: A small community is considering upgrading its wastewater treatment system. They are looking at two options: a traditional activated sludge system and a BioSpiral system.


  1. Research the pros and cons of each system (activated sludge vs. BioSpiral).
  2. Create a table comparing the two options, considering factors like efficiency, energy consumption, sludge production, cost, and maintenance.
  3. Based on your research and comparison, recommend which system would be more suitable for the community, providing clear justification.

Exercice Correction

This exercise encourages students to research and compare different wastewater treatment options, considering factors relevant to a real-world scenario.

The table comparing the two systems should highlight the following points:

  • **Activated Sludge:**
    • Pros: Well-established technology, relatively high efficiency for certain pollutants.
    • Cons: Higher energy consumption due to aeration, significant sludge production requiring treatment and disposal, higher maintenance costs.
  • **BioSpiral:**
    • Pros: Lower energy consumption, minimal sludge production, generally lower maintenance costs, environmentally friendly.
    • Cons: May be less efficient for certain pollutants compared to activated sludge, potentially higher upfront costs.

The recommendation should favor the BioSpiral system for the small community, citing reasons like lower energy costs, reduced sludge handling, and environmental benefits. The community might need to consider the upfront cost difference and determine if the long-term savings and sustainability outweigh the initial investment.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (This comprehensive textbook covers various wastewater treatment technologies including RBCs.)
  • Biological Wastewater Treatment by A.T.C. Knowles (A detailed exploration of biological treatment processes relevant to RBC technology.)
  • Handbook of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations by M. K. Hamoda (Provides practical guidance on operating and maintaining wastewater treatment plants, including RBC systems.)


  • Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) Technology for Wastewater Treatment: A Review by M. A. Farooq, A. A. Khan, and M. K. Ansari (This comprehensive review discusses the history, principles, and applications of RBC technology.)
  • Performance of a Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) for Municipal Wastewater Treatment by C. M. Yoon, J. H. Lee, and S. J. Kim (A study focusing on the effectiveness of RBC systems for treating municipal wastewater.)
  • Energy Consumption in Rotating Biological Contactors: A Comparative Study by S. S. Patil, S. V. Kulkarni, and A. D. Deshmukh (An analysis comparing energy consumption in different RBC systems.)

Online Resources

  • Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) Wastewater Treatment | Veolia Water Technologies (Provides an overview of RBC technology and its applications by Veolia Water Technologies.)
  • Wastewater Treatment Technology: Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) (This article on the website provides an accessible explanation of RBC technology.)
  • Rotating Biological Contactors (RBCs) (This resource on the Water Environment Federation (WEF) website offers further information on RBC systems and their use in wastewater treatment.)

Search Tips

  • "Rotating Biological Contactor" + "wastewater treatment" (For comprehensive results related to RBC technology.)
  • "BioSpiral" + "Walker Process Equipment" (To find resources specific to the original BioSpiral technology.)
  • "RBC technology" + "municipal wastewater" (For information on RBC applications in municipal settings.)
  • "RBC technology" + "industrial wastewater" (To learn about RBC use in treating industrial wastewater.)
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