Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: Bioscrubbers


Bioscrubbers: Nature's Solution to Odorous Problems

Odor pollution is a significant environmental concern, affecting public health, property values, and overall quality of life. While traditional methods like combustion and chemical scrubbing exist, they often come with high operating costs and potential secondary pollution. This is where bioscrubbers, a natural and sustainable solution, shine.

Bioscrubbers utilize the power of microorganisms to eliminate odorous compounds from air streams. This biological-based system, pioneered by WRc Process Engineering, offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach to odor control. Here's how it works:

1. The Biological Reactor: At the heart of a bioscrubber lies a bioreactor packed with a specialized media. This media provides a surface for colonization by a diverse community of microorganisms. These microorganisms are carefully selected for their ability to break down odorous compounds through a process called biodegradation.

2. Air Contact: The contaminated air stream is introduced into the bioreactor, where it comes into contact with the microbially-populated media. As the air passes through, the microorganisms utilize the odorous compounds as a food source, effectively removing them from the air.

3. Breakdown & Clean Air: Through metabolic processes, the microorganisms break down the odorous compounds into harmless byproducts such as water, carbon dioxide, and biomass. The cleaned air is then released back into the environment, free of offensive odors.

Benefits of Bioscrubbers:

  • Cost-effective: Bioscrubbers offer long-term savings compared to traditional methods, with minimal energy consumption and low maintenance requirements.
  • Environmentally friendly: By utilizing natural processes, bioscrubbers minimize the generation of secondary pollutants and reduce the environmental footprint.
  • High efficiency: Bioscrubbers can achieve high removal rates for a wide range of odorous compounds, including sulfides, amines, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • Versatility: Bioscrubbers can be tailored to handle specific odor profiles and flow rates, making them adaptable to various industrial applications.

Applications of Bioscrubbers:

  • Wastewater treatment plants: Eliminating odors from sewage treatment processes.
  • Industrial facilities: Controlling odors from manufacturing, chemical production, and food processing.
  • Livestock operations: Reducing odors from animal waste and manure.
  • Composting facilities: Minimizing odor emissions during organic waste decomposition.

WRc Process Engineering's Expertise:

WRc Process Engineering is a leading authority in the field of odor control and has extensive experience in the design, installation, and operation of bioscrubbers. They provide tailored solutions based on specific needs and offer comprehensive services, including:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Process design and optimization
  • Equipment supply and installation
  • Operation and maintenance support


Bioscrubbers represent a significant advancement in odor control technology. They offer a sustainable and cost-effective solution to eliminate odorous compounds from various industrial and environmental sources. By harnessing the power of nature, bioscrubbers contribute to cleaner air, improved environmental quality, and a better quality of life for all. As the demand for sustainable solutions grows, bioscrubbers are poised to play an increasingly important role in odor control and environmental protection.

Test Your Knowledge

Bioscrubbers Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary mechanism by which bioscrubbers eliminate odorous compounds?

a) Chemical scrubbing b) Combustion c) Biodegradation d) Filtration


c) Biodegradation

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using bioscrubbers?

a) Cost-effectiveness b) Environmental friendliness c) High energy consumption d) Versatility


c) High energy consumption

3. What type of microorganisms are responsible for breaking down odorous compounds in a bioscrubber?

a) Algae b) Fungi c) Bacteria d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. Which of the following is NOT a common application for bioscrubbers?

a) Wastewater treatment plants b) Industrial facilities c) Residential homes d) Livestock operations


c) Residential homes

5. What is the primary role of the bioreactor in a bioscrubber system?

a) To filter out particulate matter b) To provide a surface for microorganisms to colonize c) To chemically neutralize odorous compounds d) To heat the air stream


b) To provide a surface for microorganisms to colonize

Bioscrubber Exercise:

Task: Imagine you are an environmental engineer tasked with designing a bioscrubber system for a large industrial facility that produces strong odors from chemical production.

Consider the following factors:

  • Odor profile: Identify the main odorous compounds being released.
  • Air flow rate: Estimate the volume of air that needs to be treated.
  • Budget constraints: Determine a cost-effective design that meets the facility's needs.

Research and write a brief report outlining the design and functionality of your bioscrubber system. Include details about the chosen microorganisms, media type, bioreactor design, and any additional considerations for effective odor removal.

Exercice Correction

A sample report could include:

* **Introduction:** Briefly describe the purpose of the bioscrubber system and the industrial facility's odor issues. * **Odor profile and air flow rate:** Research and identify the specific odorous compounds being released, and estimate the volume of air needing treatment. * **Microorganisms:** Select specific microbial strains known to efficiently degrade the identified odor compounds. * **Media type:** Choose a suitable media that provides ample surface area for microbial colonization and efficient air contact. * **Bioreactor design:** Describe the design of the bioreactor, considering factors like size, airflow patterns, and media packing. * **Additional considerations:** Mention any necessary pre-treatment steps (e.g., particle removal), monitoring systems, and maintenance procedures. * **Cost-effectiveness:** Analyze the budget implications of the chosen design and compare it to alternative odor control solutions.

The report should demonstrate a clear understanding of bioscrubber functionality, the ability to identify relevant parameters, and the capacity to propose a feasible design within budget constraints.


  • "Biofiltration: Principles and Applications" by A.C.C. De Visscher and B. Van Langenhove: A comprehensive exploration of biofiltration technology, including the principles of bioscrubber design and operation.
  • "Air Pollution Control: A Comprehensive Guide" by Kenneth Wark and Cecil Warner: A standard textbook covering various air pollution control technologies, including bioscrubbers.


  • "Bioscrubbers for Odor Control: A Review" by K.L. S. Kumar and M. S. Shukla: An in-depth review article discussing the principles, advantages, and applications of bioscrubbers.
  • "Performance Evaluation of a Bioscrubber for Odor Control in a Wastewater Treatment Plant" by A. R. S. Kumar, S. Kumar, and M. S. Shukla: A case study evaluating the effectiveness of a bioscrubber in a real-world application.
  • "Biotrickling Filtration: A Sustainable Technology for Odor Control" by S. C. Lee and M. S. Shukla: Focuses on biotrickling filtration, a specific type of bioscrubber, exploring its benefits and applications.

Online Resources

  • WRc Process Engineering Website: This website offers detailed information on bioscrubbers, their applications, and the company's expertise in this field. (
  • "Bioscrubber Technology: A Comprehensive Guide" by Envitech: A comprehensive online guide discussing the principles, design, operation, and maintenance of bioscrubbers.
  • "Biofiltration for Air Pollution Control" by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): This EPA website provides information on biofiltration technologies, including bioscrubbers, and their role in air pollution control.

Search Tips

  • "Bioscrubber design principles": To learn about the fundamental concepts behind bioscrubber design.
  • "Bioscrubber applications in [specific industry]": To find case studies and research on bioscrubber applications in different industries (e.g., wastewater treatment, food processing).
  • "Bioscrubber maintenance and operation": To learn about the practical aspects of operating and maintaining a bioscrubber system.
  • "Bioscrubber cost-effectiveness": To find information on comparing bioscrubber costs to traditional odor control methods.
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