Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Resource Management: Bio Dredge

Bio Dredge

Bio Dredge: A Sustainable Solution for Lagoon Sludge Management


Lagoons are widely used for wastewater treatment, but they face challenges related to sludge accumulation. Excessive sludge can hinder treatment efficiency, create odor problems, and pose environmental risks. Bio Dredge, a revolutionary process developed by Unisol, provides a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for lagoon sludge management.

What is Bio Dredge?

Bio Dredge is a natural, biological oxidation process that breaks down organic matter in lagoon sludge, transforming it into harmless byproducts. This process utilizes a unique combination of specialized microbial cultures and oxygenation techniques to accelerate the breakdown of sludge, reducing its volume and improving its characteristics.

How Bio Dredge Works:

The process involves the following steps:

  1. Microbial Inoculation: Specialized microbial cultures are introduced into the lagoon sludge. These microbes are specifically selected for their ability to break down complex organic matter, including fats, oils, and grease.
  2. Oxygenation: The lagoon is aerated to provide the microbes with the oxygen they need to thrive and perform their biological oxidation processes.
  3. Sludge Degradation: The microbes consume the organic matter in the sludge, converting it into carbon dioxide, water, and other harmless byproducts.
  4. Volume Reduction: As the sludge decomposes, its volume significantly reduces, making it easier to manage and dispose of.

Benefits of Bio Dredge:

  • Environmentally Friendly: Bio Dredge utilizes natural biological processes, eliminating the need for harsh chemicals or dredging techniques that can harm aquatic life.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional dredging methods, Bio Dredge offers a more cost-effective solution by reducing the need for frequent sludge removal and disposal.
  • Improved Lagoon Performance: By reducing sludge accumulation, Bio Dredge enhances the treatment efficiency of lagoons, ensuring optimal water quality and reducing the risk of odors.
  • Reduced Risk of Odour: The process helps to eliminate the odor problems often associated with lagoon sludge by reducing the amount of volatile organic compounds.
  • Sustainable Solution: Bio Dredge is a sustainable approach that promotes the natural degradation of sludge, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment.

Unisol's Lagoon Sludge Oxidation Process:

Unisol offers a comprehensive Bio Dredge solution that includes:

  • Expert Consultation: Unisol's team of engineers and scientists provide customized solutions for each lagoon, taking into account its specific conditions and requirements.
  • Microbial Cultures: Unisol provides highly effective microbial cultures, specifically formulated for lagoon sludge treatment.
  • Oxygenation Technology: Unisol offers various oxygenation systems, including diffusers, surface aerators, and other technologies to ensure efficient oxygen transfer.
  • Monitoring and Support: Unisol offers ongoing monitoring and technical support throughout the Bio Dredge process, ensuring successful sludge reduction and lagoon optimization.


Bio Dredge offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for lagoon sludge management. By utilizing the power of nature, it effectively reduces sludge volume, improves lagoon performance, and contributes to a healthier environment. Unisol's comprehensive Bio Dredge solution provides a cost-effective and efficient approach to managing lagoon sludge, ensuring optimal treatment efficiency and reducing the environmental impact.

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