Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: best management practice (BMP)

best management practice (BMP)

Best Management Practices (BMPs): Protecting Our Waters, One Step at a Time

The phrase "Best Management Practices" (BMPs) may sound like bureaucratic jargon, but it represents a vital cornerstone of environmental protection, particularly in water treatment and management. In essence, BMPs are a set of proactive strategies and practices implemented to minimize pollution and maintain water quality. Think of them as a comprehensive toolkit for safeguarding our water resources, ensuring their cleanliness and sustainability for future generations.

A Closer Look at BMPs:

BMPs encompass a diverse range of actions, from simple adjustments in daily operations to sophisticated technological solutions. They are tailored to specific industries, activities, and geographic locations, addressing the unique pollution risks associated with each context. Here's a breakdown of key aspects:

  • Schedules of Activities: BMPs establish clear timelines for implementing various practices, ensuring consistent and timely application. This includes regular monitoring, maintenance, and updates to adapt to evolving needs.
  • Methods & Measures: These represent the heart of BMPs, outlining specific techniques and technologies employed to prevent or mitigate pollution. Examples include:
    • Erosion and Sediment Control: Utilizing silt fences, straw bales, and vegetative buffers to prevent soil runoff into waterways.
    • Wastewater Treatment: Implementing advanced wastewater treatment technologies to remove contaminants before discharge.
    • Stormwater Management: Incorporating green infrastructure like rain gardens and permeable pavements to capture and filter stormwater runoff.
  • Industry Management Practices: BMPs integrate accepted industry standards and best practices to ensure the most effective and efficient pollution control.
  • Compliance with Regulations: BMPs are designed to facilitate compliance with all relevant environmental regulations, minimizing the risk of fines and legal challenges.

Benefits of Implementing BMPs:

  • Reduced Pollution: BMPs directly target the sources of water pollution, significantly reducing the amount of contaminants entering our waterways.
  • Improved Water Quality: By minimizing pollution, BMPs contribute to cleaner and healthier water resources, benefiting aquatic life and human health.
  • Enhanced Environmental Sustainability: BMPs promote environmentally responsible practices, fostering long-term sustainability of water resources.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Although initial investments may be required, BMPs often lead to long-term cost savings by preventing expensive pollution cleanup and legal consequences.
  • Community Engagement: Implementing BMPs often involves collaboration with local communities, building a shared sense of responsibility and stewardship for water resources.

Examples of BMPs in Action:

  • Construction Sites: Utilizing erosion control mats, sediment basins, and temporary fencing to prevent soil runoff.
  • Agricultural Farms: Implementing no-till farming techniques, buffer strips, and manure management strategies to minimize fertilizer and pesticide runoff.
  • Industrial Facilities: Utilizing wastewater treatment plants, closed-loop water systems, and chemical spill prevention measures to prevent hazardous materials from entering waterways.


Best Management Practices are not merely a regulatory requirement but a fundamental approach to safeguarding our precious water resources. By embracing BMPs, we can create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come. From reducing pollution to enhancing water quality, these proactive measures offer a powerful toolkit for protecting the lifeblood of our planet.

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