Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Waste Management: barrel (bbl)

barrel (bbl)

The Barrel (bbl): A Unit of Measurement in Environmental and Water Treatment

The term "barrel" (bbl) is a familiar one in the oil and gas industry. However, it also plays a significant role in the realm of environmental and water treatment. Understanding the definition and usage of "bbl" is crucial for comprehending the quantities involved in these critical processes.

What is a Barrel (bbl)?

In the context of environmental and water treatment, a barrel (bbl) refers to a standard unit of volume equal to 42 U.S. gallons. This translates to approximately 159 liters or 0.159 cubic meters. While the bbl is traditionally associated with oil, it also finds application in various other areas, including:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Describing the volume of wastewater generated or treated.
  • Drinking Water Supply: Measuring the volume of water produced and distributed.
  • Chemical Storage and Handling: Quantifying the storage capacity of tanks and the amount of chemicals used in treatment processes.

Importance of the Barrel (bbl) in Environmental and Water Treatment

The use of the barrel (bbl) in environmental and water treatment offers several advantages:

  • Standardization: The bbl provides a uniform unit for measuring volumes, facilitating communication and data comparison across different industries and geographical locations.
  • Convenience: The bbl is a relatively large unit, making it practical for handling significant volumes of water and waste.
  • Historical Context: The bbl has been used in the oil and gas industry for centuries, and its adoption in environmental and water treatment reflects a shared historical context.

Examples of Barrel (bbl) Usage in Environmental and Water Treatment

  • Wastewater Treatment Plant: A plant processing 100,000 gallons of wastewater per day can be described as having a capacity of 2,381 bbl/day.
  • Drinking Water Treatment Plant: A plant producing 5 million gallons of treated water per day has a capacity of 119,048 bbl/day.
  • Chemical Storage Tank: A tank with a storage capacity of 5,000 bbl can hold 210,000 gallons of a specific chemical used in water treatment.


The barrel (bbl) remains a critical unit of measurement in environmental and water treatment. Its adoption provides a standardized way to quantify volumes, facilitating data exchange and promoting efficient management of water resources. By understanding the definition and usage of the barrel, professionals in these fields can better analyze and interpret data, contributing to the development of sustainable water management practices.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Barrel (bbl) in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the equivalent of 1 barrel (bbl) in U.S. gallons? a) 32 gallons


b) 42 gallons

c) 52 gallons d) 62 gallons

2. Which of the following industries DOES NOT typically use the barrel (bbl) as a unit of measurement? a) Oil and Gas


b) Food Processing

c) Wastewater Treatment d) Drinking Water Supply

3. What is the approximate equivalent of 1 barrel (bbl) in liters? a) 59 liters


b) 159 liters

c) 259 liters d) 359 liters

4. Which of these is NOT a benefit of using the barrel (bbl) in environmental and water treatment? a) Standardization of volume measurement b) Historical context and familiarity c) Convenience for handling large volumes


d) Increased precision in measuring small volumes

5. A wastewater treatment plant processes 2,500 bbl of wastewater per day. How many gallons is this equivalent to? a) 105,000 gallons


b) 105,000 gallons

c) 150,000 gallons d) 200,000 gallons

Exercise: Barrel Calculations

Problem: A drinking water treatment plant produces 3,000,000 gallons of treated water daily. Calculate the plant's capacity in barrels per day (bbl/day).

Exercise Correction

Here's how to solve the problem:

1. **Convert gallons to barrels:** * 1 bbl = 42 gallons * 3,000,000 gallons / 42 gallons/bbl = 71,428.57 bbl

2. **Therefore, the plant's capacity is approximately 71,428.57 bbl/day.**


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: This book, available in multiple editions, covers the design and operation of water treatment facilities, including the use of bbl for volume measurement.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse: This textbook examines wastewater treatment processes and often utilizes bbl to express flow rates and chemical usage.
  • Environmental Engineering: This comprehensive text on environmental engineering frequently incorporates bbl for quantifying volumes in various environmental applications, including water and wastewater treatment.


  • "The Importance of Standardization in Water Treatment": A general overview of standardization in water treatment, highlighting the role of units like the bbl.
  • "Wastewater Treatment Plant Design: A Case Study": This article may include practical examples of bbl usage in wastewater treatment plant design and operation.
  • "Chemical Storage and Handling in Water Treatment Facilities": This article explores chemical storage and handling, likely utilizing bbl for volume quantification.

Online Resources

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website: The EPA website is a valuable resource for environmental regulations and information. Search for specific topics like "wastewater treatment" or "drinking water standards" to find relevant content on bbl usage.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) website: The WEF provides a range of resources for water professionals, including information on water treatment technologies and standards, likely mentioning bbl.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA) website: The AWWA focuses on drinking water treatment and distribution, potentially including discussions on bbl usage in this context.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "barrel wastewater treatment," "bbl drinking water," "bbl chemical storage," etc.
  • Combine keywords with "definition," "usage," "examples," or "applications" to refine your search.
  • Employ quotation marks for exact phrase searches, e.g., "barrel (bbl)" to find specific instances of the term.
  • Explore relevant websites like those listed above, using their internal search functions.
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