Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Auto-Retreat


Auto-Retreat: Maximizing Efficiency in Wastewater Treatment

Auto-Retreat is a crucial concept in environmental and water treatment, particularly in the context of bar screen operations. It refers to the automatic retraction of the bar screen bars to prevent clogging and ensure optimal flow. This system is essential for maintaining efficient wastewater treatment processes and minimizing downtime.

The Challenge of Bar Screen Clogging

Bar screens are vital components in wastewater treatment plants, acting as the first line of defense against large debris entering the system. They physically remove large objects like trash, branches, and grit, protecting downstream equipment from damage and ensuring proper treatment efficiency. However, bar screens are prone to clogging, especially during periods of high flow or when large debris accumulates.

Auto-Retreat: A Solution to Clogging

Auto-retreat systems, like the ones developed by Infilco Degremont, Inc., provide a sophisticated solution to the challenge of bar screen clogging. These systems utilize advanced control mechanisms to automatically retract the bar screen bars when a predetermined pressure drop or clogging threshold is reached. This retraction process clears the accumulated debris, allowing for uninterrupted wastewater flow and minimizing the need for manual cleaning.

Benefits of Auto-Retreat Systems

1. Enhanced Efficiency: Auto-retreat systems ensure continuous wastewater flow, preventing system interruptions and maximizing treatment plant efficiency.

2. Reduced Downtime: By eliminating the need for frequent manual cleaning, auto-retreat systems minimize downtime and reduce the potential for operational disruptions.

3. Improved Safety: Automated retraction reduces the need for manual intervention in potentially hazardous environments, improving safety for plant operators.

4. Minimized Maintenance: The system's automation reduces the need for frequent manual cleaning and maintenance, lowering operational costs.

5. Improved Performance: With consistent and efficient operation, auto-retreat systems contribute to overall improved treatment plant performance.

Infilco Degremont's Automatic Bar Screen Control System

Infilco Degremont, Inc., a leading provider of water and wastewater treatment solutions, offers a comprehensive range of automatic bar screen control systems. Their systems utilize advanced technology to monitor pressure drop, flow rate, and debris accumulation, triggering automatic retraction when necessary. These systems also feature:

  • Robust Construction: Designed for durability and reliable operation in demanding environments.
  • Advanced Control Systems: Utilize intelligent sensors and algorithms for optimal performance and minimal intervention.
  • Customization: Adaptable to specific treatment plant requirements and flow conditions.


Auto-retreat systems are a valuable asset in wastewater treatment plants, offering significant advantages in terms of efficiency, safety, and cost reduction. By implementing auto-retreat technology, like the innovative systems provided by Infilco Degremont, Inc., treatment plants can optimize their operations, ensure uninterrupted flow, and contribute to a cleaner environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Auto-Retreat in Wastewater Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main function of a bar screen in a wastewater treatment plant?

(a) To remove dissolved organic matter (b) To disinfect wastewater (c) To physically remove large debris (d) To regulate the flow of wastewater


The correct answer is (c) To physically remove large debris. Bar screens are designed to act as the first line of defense against large objects like trash, branches, and grit, preventing damage to downstream equipment.

2. What is the primary challenge associated with bar screens in wastewater treatment?

(a) High maintenance cost (b) Limited lifespan (c) Clogging and blockage (d) Difficulty in installation


The correct answer is (c) Clogging and blockage. Bar screens are susceptible to clogging, especially during periods of high flow or when large debris accumulates, which can hinder wastewater flow and require manual cleaning.

3. How do auto-retreat systems address the challenge of bar screen clogging?

(a) By using high-pressure water jets to remove debris (b) By manually retracting the bars for cleaning (c) By automatically retracting the bars when clogging is detected (d) By using a filter system to remove debris before it reaches the bar screen


The correct answer is (c) By automatically retracting the bars when clogging is detected. Auto-retreat systems utilize sensors to monitor pressure drop and debris accumulation, triggering automatic retraction to clear the blockage and ensure continuous flow.

4. What is a significant benefit of using auto-retreat systems in wastewater treatment?

(a) Reduced energy consumption (b) Increased wastewater treatment capacity (c) Improved operator safety (d) All of the above


The correct answer is (d) All of the above. Auto-retreat systems offer several benefits, including reduced energy consumption due to efficient flow, increased treatment capacity by preventing downtime, and improved operator safety by minimizing manual intervention.

5. Which company is mentioned as a leading provider of automatic bar screen control systems?

(a) Siemens (b) GE (c) Infilco Degremont (d) Veolia


The correct answer is (c) Infilco Degremont. The text highlights Infilco Degremont as a leading provider of water and wastewater treatment solutions, including automatic bar screen control systems.

Exercise: Auto-Retreat System Design

Task: You are a wastewater treatment plant engineer tasked with designing a new bar screen system for a plant with high flow variability and a history of frequent clogging. You need to choose between a manual bar screen system and an auto-retreat system. Justify your choice, considering the following factors:

  • Cost of installation and maintenance
  • Operational efficiency and reliability
  • Safety of plant operators
  • Environmental impact

Exercice Correction

In this scenario, an auto-retreat system is the more appropriate choice. Here's why:

  • Cost: While the initial cost of an auto-retreat system might be higher, it will be offset by reduced maintenance costs due to automated cleaning and reduced downtime. The long-term cost-effectiveness of the auto-retreat system is more appealing.
  • Efficiency and Reliability: The automatic retraction feature ensures continuous wastewater flow, maximizing treatment plant efficiency. This also reduces the risk of operational disruptions caused by manual cleaning and potential clogs.
  • Safety: Auto-retreat systems minimize the need for manual intervention in potentially hazardous environments, improving operator safety and reducing the risk of accidents.
  • Environmental Impact: The uninterrupted flow and reduced downtime offered by the auto-retreat system contribute to improved treatment plant performance and a cleaner environment.

In conclusion, while the initial investment might be higher, the auto-retreat system offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency, reliability, safety, and environmental impact, making it the better choice for a plant with high flow variability and a history of clogging.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc.
  • Water Treatment Plant Design by Davis and Cornwell
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations by Richard D. Letterman


  • "Automatic Bar Screen Control Systems: A Review of Technologies and Applications" by [Author's name], [Journal name], [Year of publication]
  • "Optimization of Bar Screen Performance in Wastewater Treatment Plants" by [Author's name], [Journal name], [Year of publication]
  • "Comparative Study of Different Bar Screen Designs for Wastewater Treatment" by [Author's name], [Journal name], [Year of publication]

Online Resources

  • Infilco Degremont website: - Explore their range of automatic bar screen control systems and download technical documents.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) website: - Search for resources and publications related to wastewater treatment technologies, including bar screens.
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) website: - Access research papers, technical guidelines, and case studies related to wastewater treatment.

Search Tips

  • "Auto-retreat bar screen" OR "automatic bar screen control system" - This will focus your search on relevant technical terms.
  • "Wastewater treatment" AND "bar screen design" - This will refine your search to include specific design considerations.
  • "Case study" AND "bar screen clogging" - This will help you find real-world examples of the challenges and solutions related to bar screen clogging.
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