Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: atmometer


Unveiling the Secrets of Evaporation: The Atmometer in Environmental & Water Treatment

Evaporation, the process of water changing from liquid to vapor, plays a crucial role in environmental and water treatment processes. Understanding the rate of evaporation is vital for efficient water management, irrigation systems, and even predicting the behavior of pollutants in the air. Enter the atmometer, a seemingly simple but powerful instrument that measures the evaporative capacity of the air.

What is an Atmometer?

An atmometer is a device designed to measure the rate at which water evaporates from a standardized surface under specific environmental conditions. This provides a reliable indicator of the air's potential to cause evaporation, a key factor in various fields.

Types of Atmometers:

There are two main types of atmometers:

  • Porous Cup Atmometers: These rely on a porous ceramic cup filled with water. The cup's porosity allows water to evaporate at a rate determined by the air's evaporative demand. The change in water level within the cup is measured to calculate the evaporation rate.
  • Living Atmometers: These use a living plant or a section of a plant as the evaporative surface. The plant's transpiration rate, the process of water movement through the plant and its evaporation from leaves, directly reflects the air's evaporative capacity.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

  1. Irrigation Management: Atmometers help optimize irrigation schedules by providing real-time data on evaporation rates. This allows farmers to water crops only when needed, minimizing water waste and maximizing efficiency.

  2. Water Treatment Plant Design: By understanding evaporation rates, engineers can design more efficient water treatment plants. Factors like the rate of evaporation from open water bodies or from treatment tanks can be incorporated into the design process.

  3. Air Pollution Studies: Atmometers are used in studies investigating the impact of air pollutants on evaporation rates. For instance, by measuring evaporation rates in areas with high levels of particulate matter, researchers can analyze its influence on water loss.

  4. Climate Change Research: Atmometers are deployed in climate change studies to monitor changes in evaporation patterns. This helps scientists understand the long-term effects of climate change on water resources and ecosystems.

  5. Weather Forecasting: Atmometers are employed in weather forecasting models to predict the potential for evaporation and its impact on various atmospheric phenomena, such as cloud formation.

Advantages of Using Atmometers:

  • Simple and Easy to Use: Atmometers are relatively simple devices that require minimal maintenance.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to other methods for measuring evaporation, atmometers are relatively inexpensive.
  • Accurate and Reliable: With proper calibration and maintenance, atmometers provide accurate and reliable data on evaporation rates.
  • Versatile Applications: Atmometers can be used in a wide range of environmental and water treatment applications.


The atmometer stands as a vital tool for understanding and managing evaporation in a world increasingly concerned with water scarcity and climate change. Its simple design and broad applications make it an indispensable instrument in environmental and water treatment research, management, and forecasting. By unlocking the secrets of evaporation, the atmometer helps us optimize resource use, protect our environment, and build a more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unveiling the Secrets of Evaporation

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of an atmometer?

a) To measure the amount of rainfall. b) To measure the rate of water evaporation. c) To measure the temperature of the air. d) To measure the wind speed.


b) To measure the rate of water evaporation.

2. What are the two main types of atmometers?

a) Porous cup and digital. b) Porous cup and living. c) Living and mechanical. d) Digital and mechanical.


b) Porous cup and living.

3. Which of the following is NOT a direct application of atmometers in water treatment?

a) Optimizing irrigation schedules. b) Designing efficient water treatment plants. c) Predicting the behavior of pollutants in water. d) Monitoring the rate of evaporation from open water bodies.


c) Predicting the behavior of pollutants in water.

4. What is a key advantage of using atmometers in environmental and water treatment?

a) They are expensive to purchase and maintain. b) They are only useful in controlled laboratory settings. c) They are relatively simple to use and cost-effective. d) They can only measure evaporation from water sources.


c) They are relatively simple to use and cost-effective.

5. How do atmometers contribute to climate change research?

a) By measuring the impact of climate change on plant growth. b) By monitoring changes in evaporation patterns over time. c) By predicting future weather patterns based on historical data. d) By studying the impact of climate change on rainfall patterns.


b) By monitoring changes in evaporation patterns over time.

Exercise: Applying Atmometer Data

Scenario: You are a farmer who uses an atmometer to monitor evaporation rates on your farm. You have recorded the following evaporation rates over a week:

  • Monday: 2.5 mm
  • Tuesday: 3.0 mm
  • Wednesday: 2.0 mm
  • Thursday: 1.5 mm
  • Friday: 3.5 mm
  • Saturday: 4.0 mm
  • Sunday: 2.5 mm


  1. Calculate the average daily evaporation rate for the week.
  2. Based on the average evaporation rate, estimate the total water loss from a 1000 m² field over the week.
  3. Suggest a way to adjust your irrigation schedule based on the atmometer data.

Exercice Correction

1. **Average daily evaporation rate:**

(2.5 + 3.0 + 2.0 + 1.5 + 3.5 + 4.0 + 2.5) mm / 7 days = **2.71 mm/day**

2. **Total water loss from a 1000 m² field:**

2.71 mm/day * 1000 m² * 7 days = **19,000 mm³ or 19,000 liters**

3. **Adjusting the irrigation schedule:**

Based on the atmometer data, you can see that evaporation rates vary throughout the week. The highest evaporation rates occurred on Saturday and Friday. You could consider adjusting your irrigation schedule to provide more water on those days and less water on days with lower evaporation rates like Wednesday and Thursday. This will help ensure your crops receive adequate water while minimizing water waste.


  • Evaporation and Evapotranspiration by R.G. Allen (Author), L.S. Pereira (Author), D. Raes (Author), M. Smith (Author) - This book offers a comprehensive overview of evaporation and evapotranspiration, covering topics such as atmometer applications and the principles behind their operation.
  • Environmental Hydrology by David R. Maidment - This textbook provides a detailed explanation of hydrological processes, including evaporation, and discusses the role of atmometers in various research areas.
  • Water Resources Engineering by David A. Chin - This book covers engineering principles related to water resources management, including the use of atmometers in irrigation systems and water treatment facilities.


  • “Atmometers: A Review of Their Use in Environmental and Water Treatment Applications” by [Author's Name] - This article provides a detailed review of different types of atmometers and their applications in various fields, including environmental monitoring and water management.
  • “An Evaluation of the Performance of Different Atmometer Types” by [Author's Name] - This article compares and contrasts different types of atmometers, analyzing their accuracy, reliability, and suitability for specific applications.
  • “The Impact of Air Pollution on Evaporation Rates: A Study Using Atmometers” by [Author's Name] - This article explores the influence of air pollution on evaporation rates using atmometers, providing valuable insights into the impact of air quality on water resources.

Online Resources

  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - Water Resources Engineering - This website offers information on various aspects of water resources engineering, including evaporation, and includes resources on atmometers.
  • United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Water Resources - This website provides comprehensive data and information on water resources, including evaporation and evapotranspiration, and features resources related to atmometers.
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Water Resources - This website offers a global perspective on water resources management, including information on evaporation and the use of atmometers in monitoring water availability.

Search Tips

  • "atmometer" + "environmental applications": This search will return relevant results focusing on the applications of atmometers in environmental studies and research.
  • "atmometer" + "water treatment": This search will provide information on the use of atmometers in water treatment processes and their role in optimizing water management strategies.
  • "atmometer" + "climate change": This search will yield results relevant to the role of atmometers in monitoring and understanding the impact of climate change on evaporation patterns.
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