Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Astraseparator


Astraseparators: Revolutionizing Solid-Liquid Separation in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, efficient solid-liquid separation is crucial for maintaining water quality and protecting ecosystems. Astraseparators, specifically the Inclined Plate Settler developed by Astraco Water Engineering, offer a robust and reliable solution for achieving this goal.

What is an Astraseparator?

An Astraseparator is a type of settling tank that utilizes inclined plates to enhance the separation of solids from liquids. This specialized design increases the surface area available for sedimentation, leading to faster and more efficient settling compared to traditional sedimentation tanks.

The Astraco Inclined Plate Settler: A Closer Look

The Inclined Plate Settler, a key offering from Astraco Water Engineering, is designed for optimal solid-liquid separation. It features:

  • Inclined Plates: These plates are strategically positioned at a specific angle to create a series of channels. The plates provide a larger surface area for particles to settle upon, allowing for faster and more efficient sedimentation.
  • Flow Path Optimization: The design of the Inclined Plate Settler ensures uniform flow distribution, minimizing short-circuiting and maximizing sedimentation efficiency.
  • Sludge Removal: The settler is equipped with a robust sludge removal system, facilitating the efficient removal of settled solids, preventing build-up and maintaining optimal performance.
  • Versatility: The Astraco Inclined Plate Settler can be tailored to suit specific application requirements, including flow rates, sludge characteristics, and space constraints.

Advantages of using Astraseparators:

  • High Efficiency: Astraseparators achieve significantly higher solid-liquid separation rates compared to traditional settling tanks, leading to cleaner effluent and enhanced treatment efficiency.
  • Compact Design: Astraseparators offer a compact footprint, minimizing the space required for installation, making them ideal for applications with limited space.
  • Reduced Energy Consumption: The optimized flow path and efficient sedimentation process translate into lower energy consumption compared to other separation methods.
  • Low Maintenance: The Astraco Inclined Plate Settler requires minimal maintenance, ensuring reliable and uninterrupted operation.

Applications of Astraseparators in Environmental & Water Treatment:

Astraseparators find widespread use in various environmental and water treatment applications, including:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Removal of suspended solids from municipal, industrial, and agricultural wastewater.
  • Drinking Water Treatment: Pre-treatment of raw water to remove suspended solids and improve water quality.
  • Industrial Process Water Treatment: Purification of process water for various industries, including manufacturing, power generation, and food processing.
  • Stormwater Management: Controlling runoff from urban areas, removing pollutants and reducing sediment loads.


Astraseparators, particularly the Astraco Inclined Plate Settler, represent a significant advancement in solid-liquid separation technology for environmental and water treatment applications. Their high efficiency, compact design, low maintenance requirements, and versatility make them a preferred choice for enhancing water quality and protecting the environment. By leveraging the power of Astraseparators, we can contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Astraseparators

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of an Astraseparator?

(a) To filter out dissolved contaminants from water (b) To separate solid particles from liquids (c) To disinfect water using ultraviolet light (d) To remove dissolved gases from water


(b) To separate solid particles from liquids

2. How does the Inclined Plate Settler design enhance separation efficiency?

(a) By increasing the water flow rate through the tank (b) By using chemicals to bind the solid particles together (c) By providing a larger surface area for particles to settle upon (d) By filtering the water through a series of membranes


(c) By providing a larger surface area for particles to settle upon

3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using Astraseparators?

(a) High efficiency (b) Compact design (c) Increased energy consumption (d) Low maintenance


(c) Increased energy consumption

4. In which of these applications would Astraseparators be most commonly used?

(a) Desalination plants (b) Water bottling facilities (c) Wastewater treatment plants (d) Irrigation systems


(c) Wastewater treatment plants

5. What is the key innovation of the Astraco Inclined Plate Settler?

(a) The use of magnetic fields to attract solid particles (b) The use of pressurized air to separate solids from liquids (c) The strategic placement of inclined plates to increase sedimentation area (d) The use of a rotating drum to filter out solid particles


(c) The strategic placement of inclined plates to increase sedimentation area

Exercise: Designing a Settling Tank

Problem: A wastewater treatment plant needs to install a settling tank to remove suspended solids from its effluent. The plant processes 100,000 liters of wastewater per hour. The desired settling rate is 10 meters per hour. Using the information about Astraseparators, design a settling tank using an Inclined Plate Settler.

Consider these factors:

  • Flow rate: 100,000 liters per hour
  • Desired settling rate: 10 meters per hour
  • Space constraints: The available area for the tank is 5 meters by 10 meters.
  • Sludge characteristics: The wastewater contains a mixture of organic and inorganic solids.
  • Operational requirements: The tank should require minimal maintenance and operate efficiently.


  1. Calculate the required surface area for the settling tank based on the flow rate and desired settling rate.
  2. Determine the number of inclined plates needed to achieve the desired surface area within the given space constraints.
  3. Consider the sludge characteristics and operational requirements to choose appropriate materials and design elements for the settling tank.
  4. Sketch a simple diagram of the settling tank, labeling the key components.

Exercice Correction

This is a complex problem requiring a deeper understanding of engineering principles and the specifics of Astraseparator technology. A comprehensive solution would involve detailed calculations and technical considerations beyond the scope of this exercise. However, here's a basic outline of the approach to address the problem:

  1. **Calculate surface area:** The required surface area for the settling tank can be calculated using the formula: Surface area = Flow rate / Settling rate. In this case, Surface area = 100,000 liters/hour / 10 meters/hour = 10,000 square meters.
  2. **Plate arrangement:** Determine the number of inclined plates required to achieve the necessary surface area within the 5m x 10m space. This would involve considering the dimensions and spacing of individual plates.
  3. **Material selection:** Choose materials for the tank and plates based on sludge characteristics, corrosion resistance, and operational requirements.
  4. **Design elements:** Incorporate features like sludge removal mechanisms, flow distribution systems, and access points for maintenance.
  5. **Sketch:** Create a basic diagram showing the tank dimensions, plate arrangement, and key components.

It is important to note that this exercise would be best tackled with the support of professional engineers and detailed technical specifications for the specific Astraseparator technology. This is a simplified example to illustrate the application of Astraseparators in a real-world scenario.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Metcalf & Eddy (This comprehensive textbook provides a detailed overview of water treatment technologies, including sedimentation and settling tanks.)
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Davis & Cornwell (This book covers various wastewater treatment processes, including solid-liquid separation techniques.)
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering by Richard A. Perkins (This handbook offers a broad perspective on environmental engineering, including sections on water and wastewater treatment.)


  • Inclined Plate Settlers: An Overview and Applications by M. H. Chowdhury et al. (This article provides a detailed overview of inclined plate settlers, including their design, operation, and benefits.)
  • Performance Evaluation of Inclined Plate Settlers in Wastewater Treatment by N. K. Sharma et al. (This study investigates the performance of inclined plate settlers in treating wastewater and examines their efficiency.)
  • A Comparative Study of Conventional and Inclined Plate Settlers for Wastewater Treatment by A. K. Singh et al. (This paper compares the performance of conventional settlers with inclined plate settlers, highlighting the advantages of the latter.)

Online Resources

  • Astraco Water Engineering Website: (This website provides detailed information about Astraco's inclined plate settlers, including their applications, specifications, and case studies.)
  • EPA Website: (The EPA website offers a wealth of information on water treatment technologies, including settling tanks and solid-liquid separation.)
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): (The WEF website provides technical resources and publications related to water and wastewater treatment, including information on sedimentation processes.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "astraseparator," try searching for "astraco inclined plate settler," "inclined plate settler applications," or "solid-liquid separation technologies."
  • Include relevant keywords: Add terms like "environmental treatment," "water treatment," "wastewater treatment," or "drinking water treatment" to narrow down your search.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases like "astraseparator design" or "inclined plate settler efficiency" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Explore advanced search options: Utilize Google's advanced search options to refine your search based on file type, language, and other parameters.
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