Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Aspi-Jet


Aspi-Jet: A Powerful Tool for Enhanced Aeration in Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, efficient aeration is crucial for a variety of processes, including wastewater treatment, industrial water treatment, and aquaculture. Aeration introduces oxygen into the water, which is vital for biological processes, oxidizes pollutants, and improves the overall water quality. One technology that has gained significant traction for its effectiveness and versatility is the Aspi-Jet, an aspirating aerator system developed by Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.

What is an Aspi-Jet?

The Aspi-Jet is a highly efficient and cost-effective method of aerating water. It utilizes the principle of aspiration, where a small stream of pressurized air is used to entrain a much larger volume of ambient air, resulting in a significant increase in oxygen transfer efficiency. This technology combines the benefits of both fine-bubble and surface aeration, achieving maximum oxygen transfer rates with minimal energy consumption.

How Aspi-Jet Works:

The system typically consists of a series of submerged diffusers connected to an air supply system. The diffusers generate small air bubbles that rise through the water column, increasing the surface area available for oxygen transfer. The key to the Aspi-Jet's effectiveness lies in its ability to create a vortex around the diffuser, drawing in ambient air and further enhancing the oxygen transfer process.

Benefits of Aspi-Jet Technology:

  • High Oxygen Transfer Efficiency: Aspi-Jets are known for their exceptional oxygen transfer rates, resulting in faster and more efficient treatment processes.
  • Low Energy Consumption: The aspirating mechanism significantly reduces the amount of compressed air required for aeration, minimizing operational costs.
  • Versatile Application: Aspi-Jets can be deployed in a wide range of water treatment applications, including wastewater treatment, industrial water treatment, and aquaculture.
  • Durable Construction: The Aspi-Jet diffusers are made from robust materials, ensuring long-term performance and resistance to corrosion.
  • Reduced Maintenance: The system's design minimizes clogging and fouling, reducing the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance.

Aspirating Aerator by Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.:

Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of water and wastewater treatment solutions. Their Aspi-Jet aspirating aerator system is a testament to their commitment to innovation and efficiency. The company offers a comprehensive range of Aspi-Jet models to suit different applications and flow rates, providing a tailored solution for every need.


The Aspi-Jet technology offers a compelling solution for enhancing aeration in various water treatment processes. Its high oxygen transfer efficiency, low energy consumption, and versatility make it an attractive choice for both new and existing facilities. Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc. has established itself as a reliable provider of Aspi-Jet solutions, ensuring optimal performance and long-term cost savings for users. As the demand for sustainable and efficient water treatment solutions continues to rise, Aspi-Jet technology is poised to play a crucial role in shaping the future of this critical industry.

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