Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: asphalt-rubber


Asphalt-Rubber: A Sustainable Solution for Environmental and Water Treatment Applications

Asphalt-rubber, a blend of ground rubber and bituminous concrete, has traditionally been used in pavement construction as an interlayer to reduce stress and prevent cracking. However, its versatility extends far beyond road building, offering innovative and environmentally friendly solutions in the field of environmental and water treatment.

Harnessing Rubber's Potential:

The incorporation of ground rubber into asphalt provides several advantages:

  • Enhanced Durability: Rubber acts as a shock absorber, mitigating stress and reducing fatigue cracking. This results in longer-lasting pavements with lower maintenance needs, lessening environmental impact.
  • Improved Water Resistance: Rubber's hydrophobic properties enhance the water resistance of asphalt, reducing water infiltration and minimizing the risk of pavement degradation. This is particularly beneficial in areas prone to flooding or harsh weather conditions.
  • Noise Reduction: Asphalt-rubber surfaces absorb sound more effectively, reducing noise pollution and improving the overall environment.
  • Waste Reduction: Utilizing recycled rubber from tires and other sources promotes sustainability and reduces landfill waste.

Asphalt-Rubber in Environmental and Water Treatment:

The unique properties of asphalt-rubber make it suitable for various applications in environmental and water treatment:

  • Lining of Reservoirs and Ponds: Asphalt-rubber liners provide a durable and cost-effective solution for lining reservoirs and ponds, preventing water leakage and minimizing contamination.
  • Erosion Control: The material's robust nature and resistance to water penetration make it ideal for erosion control measures, protecting soil from degradation and runoff.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Asphalt-rubber can be used in the construction of wastewater treatment plants, providing a stable and durable surface for tanks and other structures.
  • Construction of Filtration Systems: The material's permeability can be adjusted to create effective filtration systems for groundwater purification and other water treatment processes.
  • Remediation of Contaminated Sites: Asphalt-rubber can be used to create protective barriers and containment systems for contaminated areas, preventing further contamination and facilitating remediation efforts.

Benefits of Asphalt-Rubber in Environmental Applications:

  • Sustainability: Asphalt-rubber utilizes recycled materials, promoting resource conservation and reducing waste generation.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The material's durability and long lifespan translate into reduced maintenance costs and a more sustainable solution in the long run.
  • Environmental Protection: Asphalt-rubber helps prevent soil erosion, groundwater contamination, and noise pollution, contributing to a healthier environment.
  • Versatile Applications: The material can be tailored to specific needs and applications, offering flexibility in various environmental and water treatment projects.


Asphalt-rubber offers a promising solution for environmental and water treatment applications, combining the durability of asphalt with the sustainability of recycled rubber. Its diverse applications and benefits make it a valuable tool for mitigating environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development. Further research and development are needed to fully explore its potential and unlock new applications for this versatile material.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on Asphalt-Rubber: A Sustainable Solution

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main benefit of adding ground rubber to asphalt? a) Increased cost-effectiveness b) Enhanced durability and reduced cracking c) Improved aesthetic appeal d) Reduced production time


b) Enhanced durability and reduced cracking

2. Which of these is NOT an advantage of using asphalt-rubber in environmental applications? a) Reduction in landfill waste b) Increased water infiltration c) Noise reduction d) Soil erosion prevention


b) Increased water infiltration

3. How can asphalt-rubber be used in water treatment? a) Creating durable liners for reservoirs b) Building filtration systems for groundwater purification c) Enhancing wastewater treatment plant structures d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. Which of these properties makes asphalt-rubber suitable for erosion control? a) High permeability b) Hydrophobic nature c) Noise absorption d) Reduced production time


b) Hydrophobic nature

5. What is a key factor contributing to the sustainability of asphalt-rubber? a) Its resistance to harsh weather conditions b) The use of recycled materials c) Its ability to reduce noise pollution d) Its low maintenance requirements


b) The use of recycled materials

Exercise: Asphalt-Rubber Application

Scenario: A local community is facing issues with stormwater runoff contaminating a nearby river. The river is a vital source of drinking water for the area.

Task: Design a solution using asphalt-rubber to address this problem. Consider the following:

  • What specific properties of asphalt-rubber will be useful in this situation?
  • How can asphalt-rubber be used to prevent or mitigate stormwater runoff contamination?
  • What are the environmental and economic benefits of using asphalt-rubber in this scenario?

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution using asphalt-rubber for stormwater runoff:

**Properties of asphalt-rubber:**

  • Water resistance - Prevents water infiltration, reducing contamination
  • Durability - Creates long-lasting structures for effective water management
  • Permeability (adjustable) - Can be used for filtering stormwater runoff before it reaches the river


  • Construct a series of bioretention ponds or swales using asphalt-rubber. These structures will slow down stormwater runoff, allowing pollutants to settle out before the water reaches the river.
  • Use asphalt-rubber to create permeable pavements in areas prone to runoff. This will allow water to infiltrate the ground instead of flowing directly into the river.
  • Line drainage ditches with asphalt-rubber to prevent erosion and contamination from runoff.


  • Reduced river contamination, protecting drinking water
  • Reduced soil erosion and improved water quality
  • Long-term durability with reduced maintenance costs
  • Waste reduction through the use of recycled rubber

By creatively applying asphalt-rubber, the community can effectively manage stormwater runoff and protect their vital water source, demonstrating environmental responsibility and sustainable practices.


  • "Asphalt Pavement Design and Construction" by David W. Witczak (This comprehensive book covers various aspects of asphalt technology, including asphalt-rubber mixtures.)
  • "Principles of Pavement Design" by Y. H. Huang (This textbook delves into the mechanics and design of asphalt pavements, providing insights into asphalt-rubber applications.)
  • "Sustainable Materials for Construction" by R. D. S. G. Fernando (This book explores the use of sustainable materials in construction, including asphalt-rubber as a recycled material option.)


  • "Asphalt-Rubber: A Sustainable Solution for Pavements" by M. E. R. (This article discusses the benefits of asphalt-rubber in pavement construction and its environmental implications.)
  • "Use of Asphalt-Rubber in Environmental Applications" by J. S. (This article explores the potential of asphalt-rubber in environmental applications like lining reservoirs and erosion control.)
  • "The Use of Asphalt-Rubber for Wastewater Treatment" by P. W. (This article investigates the use of asphalt-rubber in constructing wastewater treatment infrastructure.)

Online Resources

  • National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA): (NAPA provides resources and information about asphalt-rubber and other asphalt technologies.)
  • Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA): (RMA offers information about rubber recycling and its applications, including asphalt-rubber.)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): (EPA provides information and guidance on environmental regulations and sustainable technologies, including asphalt-rubber.)

Search Tips

  • "Asphalt-rubber" + "environmental applications"
  • "Asphalt-rubber" + "water treatment"
  • "Asphalt-rubber" + "sustainability"
  • "Asphalt-rubber" + "recycled rubber"
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