Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: as-built drawings

as-built drawings

As-Built Drawings: The Critical Link Between Design and Reality in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, meticulous planning and execution are paramount. From designing wastewater treatment plants to implementing complex water filtration systems, every step needs to be precise and reliable. This is where as-built drawings play a crucial role.

Beyond Blueprints: Bridging the Gap

Imagine a detailed blueprint for your dream home. Now, imagine that some elements were altered during construction – a window repositioned, a wall extended, a plumbing line rerouted. These discrepancies could make future renovations or repairs challenging. As-built drawings address this very issue in the context of environmental and water treatment facilities.

What are As-Built Drawings?

As-built drawings are essentially updated versions of the original construction plans. They meticulously document the actual construction process, reflecting any deviations from the initial design. These drawings are an essential reference for:

  • Operations and Maintenance: They provide a precise representation of the facility's layout, allowing operators to understand how equipment is interconnected and how systems function.
  • Repairs and Upgrades: Identifying the exact location of pipes, valves, and other components becomes critical when dealing with repairs or upgrades. As-built drawings eliminate guesswork and potential damage.
  • Future Planning: When expanding or modifying a facility, accurate as-built drawings are invaluable for making informed decisions about new construction or alterations.

Key Features of As-Built Drawings:

  • Accuracy: They are meticulously created, reflecting every modification made during construction.
  • Detail: They include precise measurements, material specifications, and installation details.
  • Clarity: They are clearly labeled and annotated for easy understanding.
  • Accessibility: They are readily available and accessible to all relevant personnel.

Why Are As-Built Drawings Essential in Environmental & Water Treatment?

  • Compliance: Accurate as-built drawings are crucial for ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and safety standards.
  • Efficiency: They facilitate streamlined operations, maintenance, and repairs, leading to cost savings and reduced downtime.
  • Safety: By providing accurate information about the facility's infrastructure, as-built drawings contribute to a safer working environment.
  • Sustainability: Understanding the actual design and implementation helps optimize system performance, reducing energy consumption and minimizing environmental impact.

Ensuring Accurate As-Built Drawings:

  • Regular Updates: It's crucial to keep as-built drawings updated as any changes are made to the facility.
  • Dedicated Professionals: Engaging experienced engineers and drafters to create and maintain as-built drawings ensures accuracy and thoroughness.
  • Digital Solutions: Modern software solutions can streamline the creation and management of as-built drawings, making them readily available and accessible.

In conclusion, as-built drawings are indispensable for environmental and water treatment facilities. They bridge the gap between design and reality, ensuring efficient operations, safety, compliance, and sustainability. By prioritizing the creation and maintenance of accurate as-built drawings, we can enhance the effectiveness and reliability of these critical infrastructure components.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Facility Planning and Design for Water and Wastewater Treatment by James A. Goodrich and David M. Adams: This comprehensive book covers the entire process of facility planning, including as-built drawing creation and its importance.
  • Water Treatment Plant Design by McGraw-Hill: This widely used reference offers chapters on design, construction, and operation of water treatment plants, highlighting the role of as-built drawings.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy: This classic text delves into wastewater treatment processes and emphasizes the significance of accurate as-built drawings for efficient operation and maintenance.


  • "The Importance of As-Built Drawings in Environmental Engineering" by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): This article explores the role of as-built drawings in ensuring compliance, safety, and efficiency in environmental projects.
  • "As-Built Drawings: Critical for Environmental & Water Treatment Facilities" by Water & Wastewater International: This article discusses the benefits of as-built drawings in various aspects of water and wastewater treatment, from construction to maintenance.
  • "The Role of As-Built Drawings in the Lifecycle of Water Infrastructure" by Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management: This research paper examines the impact of accurate as-built drawings on the long-term sustainability and performance of water infrastructure.

Online Resources

  • National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS): This organization offers resources and best practices for building information modeling (BIM) and as-built drawing creation.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): This association provides standards and guidelines for water treatment facilities, including the use of as-built drawings in design and operations.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA website features guidance and regulations related to environmental infrastructure, including the importance of accurate documentation such as as-built drawings.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "as-built drawings", try: "as-built drawings water treatment", "as-built drawings wastewater treatment", "as-built drawings environmental engineering".
  • Combine keywords with location: For example: "as-built drawings water treatment plant California" to find resources specific to your region.
  • Use advanced search operators: Use quotation marks around phrases to find exact matches. Use "+" to include specific words in your search. Use "-" to exclude specific words.
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