Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Amerfloc


Amerfloc: A Powerful Tool for Environmental & Water Treatment

Amerfloc, a brand name for polyelectrolytes, plays a crucial role in environmental and water treatment applications. These high-molecular-weight polymers are used to enhance liquid/solid separation processes, effectively removing impurities from various water sources. Primarily manufactured by Ashland Chemical and Drew Industrial, Amerfloc products are versatile and highly effective in a range of treatment scenarios.

Understanding Polyelectrolytes: The Key to Efficient Separation

Polyelectrolytes are long-chain molecules containing charged groups. When added to water, they interact with charged particles suspended in the liquid, influencing their behavior. Depending on the chemical structure, polyelectrolytes can be either cationic (positively charged) or anionic (negatively charged).

  • Cationic polyelectrolytes attract negatively charged particles like clay, silt, and algae, forming larger flocs that are easier to settle or filter.
  • Anionic polyelectrolytes interact with positively charged particles such as metals and organic matter, effectively removing them from the water.

Amerfloc: A Comprehensive Solution for Water Treatment

Amerfloc products are designed to address various challenges in environmental and water treatment. Their versatility and effectiveness make them suitable for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Municipal water treatment: Removing suspended solids, improving clarity, and ensuring potable water quality.
  • Industrial wastewater treatment: Treating industrial discharges to meet regulatory standards, reducing environmental impact.
  • Wastewater treatment: Enhancing sludge dewatering, improving efficiency, and minimizing disposal costs.
  • Mining and mineral processing: Optimizing mineral recovery and reducing water consumption.
  • Papermaking: Improving pulp fiber retention, reducing fiber loss, and controlling drainage.

Benefits of Using Amerfloc

  • Improved Efficiency: Amerfloc enhances sedimentation and filtration processes, resulting in faster and more efficient separation of solids from liquids.
  • Reduced Costs: By improving treatment efficiency, Amerfloc products minimize chemical consumption and reduce overall treatment costs.
  • Enhanced Water Quality: Amerfloc effectively removes impurities, ensuring clean and safe water for various applications.
  • Environmental Responsibility: By reducing the environmental impact of wastewater discharges, Amerfloc contributes to sustainability and protects water resources.

Choosing the Right Amerfloc Product

The selection of the appropriate Amerfloc product depends on various factors, including:

  • Water chemistry: Understanding the specific characteristics of the water to be treated is essential for choosing the correct polyelectrolyte type and dosage.
  • Treatment objectives: Defining the desired outcome, such as turbidity reduction, heavy metal removal, or sludge dewatering, helps determine the appropriate product.
  • Application specificities: Factors like temperature, pH, and presence of other chemicals influence the performance of polyelectrolytes.


Amerfloc is a powerful tool for enhancing liquid/solid separation in environmental and water treatment applications. Its versatility, effectiveness, and contribution to sustainability make it an essential solution for a wide range of industries. By understanding the benefits of polyelectrolytes and considering the specific requirements of your application, you can effectively utilize Amerfloc to achieve optimal results and improve water quality.

Test Your Knowledge

Amerfloc Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What type of molecule are polyelectrolytes? a) Lipids b) Carbohydrates c) Proteins


d) Polymers

2. What is the primary function of polyelectrolytes in water treatment? a) To kill bacteria b) To soften hard water c) To enhance liquid/solid separation


c) To enhance liquid/solid separation

3. Which type of polyelectrolyte attracts negatively charged particles like clay and silt? a) Anionic b) Cationic


b) Cationic

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Amerfloc products? a) Improved efficiency b) Reduced costs c) Increased water consumption


c) Increased water consumption

5. What factor is crucial for selecting the right Amerfloc product? a) The color of the water b) Water chemistry c) The size of the treatment plant


b) Water chemistry

Amerfloc Exercise:

Scenario: You are working at a municipal water treatment plant. The plant is experiencing difficulty removing suspended solids from the water, leading to low water clarity. You are tasked with investigating the use of Amerfloc to address this issue.


  1. Research: Based on the information provided, what type of Amerfloc product (cationic or anionic) would be most suitable for your situation? Explain your reasoning.
  2. Analysis: How would using Amerfloc potentially improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the treatment process?
  3. Recommendation: Draft a brief proposal outlining the benefits of using Amerfloc and recommending further steps to implement its use at the plant.

Exercice Correction

1. Research:

  • You would likely need a cationic Amerfloc product.
  • Reasoning: Suspended solids like clay and silt are typically negatively charged. Cationic polyelectrolytes attract these negatively charged particles, forming larger flocs that are easier to remove through sedimentation or filtration.

2. Analysis:

  • Improved efficiency: Amerfloc would help create larger, denser flocs, which settle faster, leading to a more efficient sedimentation process. This would improve water clarity and reduce the time needed for treatment.
  • Cost-effectiveness: By improving efficiency, Amerfloc could potentially reduce the amount of chemicals needed for treatment and decrease energy consumption for pumping and filtration.

3. Recommendation:

  • Proposal: This proposal suggests using a cationic Amerfloc product to address the issue of low water clarity at the treatment plant. The benefits of using Amerfloc include improved efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced water quality.
  • Further steps: The next steps would involve conducting pilot testing of different Amerfloc products to determine the optimal dosage and product type for your specific water chemistry and treatment process.



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