Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: alkalosis


Alkalosis in Environmental & Water Treatment: A Deep Dive

Alkalosis, often described as an abnormal condition characterized by an elevated blood and tissue pH, is rarely encountered in the context of environmental and water treatment. This is because, unlike the human body, water and environmental systems are typically buffered by various dissolved minerals and organic compounds, making drastic pH shifts less likely. However, understanding the concept of alkalosis and its potential impact is crucial for specific applications within the field.

Understanding Alkalosis:

In the context of the human body, alkalosis is indeed linked to an excess of alkalinity, leading to a higher blood pH. This condition is typically caused by various factors, including:

  • Hyperventilation: Rapid, deep breathing can lead to the expulsion of excessive carbon dioxide (CO2), a major contributor to blood acidity.
  • Loss of acids: Vomiting or prolonged diarrhea can result in the loss of stomach acids, leading to an overall increase in blood pH.
  • Ingestion of certain medications: Some drugs, like antacids, can alter the body's acid-base balance.

Alkalosis in Environmental and Water Treatment:

While the term "alkalosis" isn't directly applicable to environmental or water systems, it's important to acknowledge the concept of high pH in these contexts. This high pH can arise due to several factors:

  • Natural alkalinity: Some natural water sources, such as lakes and rivers, may have a high natural alkalinity due to the presence of dissolved minerals like carbonates and bicarbonates.
  • Industrial discharges: Industrial wastewater often contains high levels of alkaline compounds, which can significantly increase the pH of receiving water bodies.
  • Wastewater treatment: Certain processes in wastewater treatment, like lime softening, can result in an increase in pH.

Consequences of High pH:

High pH levels in water systems can have various negative consequences:

  • Toxicity to aquatic life: Many aquatic organisms have a narrow pH tolerance range, and excessive alkalinity can be detrimental to their survival.
  • Corrosion of infrastructure: High pH water can corrode metal pipes and other infrastructure components.
  • Precipitating dissolved metals: High pH can lead to the precipitation of dissolved metals, such as iron and manganese, creating aesthetic problems and potential health risks.

Addressing High pH:

Addressing high pH in water systems usually involves:

  • Neutralization: Using acidic solutions, such as hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid, to lower the pH.
  • Dilution: Mixing high pH water with lower pH water to reduce the overall alkalinity.
  • Pretreatment processes: Implementing processes like coagulation and flocculation to remove the alkaline compounds responsible for the high pH.


While the term "alkalosis" is typically associated with human health, the concept of high pH is relevant to environmental and water treatment. Understanding the causes and consequences of high pH in these systems is crucial for ensuring the safety and sustainability of our water resources and infrastructure. Proper monitoring, mitigation strategies, and responsible management are essential to prevent adverse effects associated with elevated pH levels in the environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Alkalosis in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary reason the term "alkalosis" is rarely used in environmental and water treatment contexts?

a) Environmental systems are typically more acidic than the human body. b) Water and environmental systems are naturally buffered by dissolved minerals. c) The term "alkalosis" is only applicable to human health issues. d) High pH levels are not a significant concern in environmental systems.


b) Water and environmental systems are naturally buffered by dissolved minerals.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common cause of high pH in water systems?

a) Natural alkalinity from dissolved minerals b) Industrial discharges of alkaline compounds c) Use of chlorine for disinfection d) Wastewater treatment processes like lime softening


c) Use of chlorine for disinfection

3. What is a potential negative consequence of high pH in water systems?

a) Increased solubility of heavy metals b) Reduced effectiveness of disinfection processes c) Corrosion of metal pipes and infrastructure d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. Which of the following is a common method for addressing high pH in water systems?

a) Adding a base solution, such as sodium hydroxide b) Introducing more dissolved oxygen into the water c) Using acidic solutions, such as hydrochloric acid d) Increasing the water temperature


c) Using acidic solutions, such as hydrochloric acid

5. Why is it important to manage high pH levels in water systems?

a) To maintain the aesthetic quality of the water b) To ensure the safety and health of aquatic organisms c) To prevent damage to water infrastructure d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Exercise: High pH in a River

Scenario: A local river has been experiencing elevated pH levels, ranging from 8.5 to 9.0, due to industrial discharge from a nearby factory. The high pH is affecting the survival of sensitive aquatic species and causing corrosion issues in the river's downstream infrastructure.

Task: Develop a plan to address the high pH in the river, considering the following:

  • Identifying the source of the alkaline discharge.
  • Implementing a treatment strategy to neutralize the pH.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

**1. Identify the source of the alkaline discharge:**

The first step is to investigate the factory's operations and identify the specific process or waste stream responsible for the high pH discharge. This may involve:

  • Analyzing the factory's wastewater composition.
  • Reviewing the factory's operational records and permits.
  • Conducting on-site inspections of the factory's discharge point.

**2. Implement a treatment strategy to neutralize the pH:**

Based on the identified source and the nature of the alkaline compounds, various treatment options can be considered:

  • **Neutralization with acid:** Using acidic solutions like hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid to neutralize the alkaline compounds in the factory's wastewater before it's discharged into the river.
  • **Lime softening:** If the alkalinity is primarily due to calcium and magnesium carbonates, a lime softening process can be implemented to remove these compounds.
  • **Reverse osmosis:** A more advanced method that can effectively remove a wide range of dissolved compounds, including those contributing to the high pH.

**3. Monitor the effectiveness of the treatment:**

Regular monitoring of the river's pH levels is crucial to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment strategy. This involves:

  • Establishing a monitoring program with regular sampling and analysis of the river water.
  • Comparing the pH readings before and after the implementation of the treatment strategy.
  • Adjusting the treatment process as needed to maintain the desired pH levels.


  • "Water Quality and Treatment" by American Water Works Association: A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of water treatment, including pH control and management.
  • "Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design" by Davis & Masten: Provides a solid foundation in environmental engineering principles, including water quality and treatment.
  • "Chemistry of Water Treatment" by Eckenfelder: A detailed exploration of chemical reactions and processes involved in water treatment, covering pH adjustments.


  • "Alkalinity and pH Control in Water Treatment" by American Water Works Association: Provides an in-depth discussion on alkalinity, pH control methods, and their significance in water treatment.
  • "Effects of High pH on Aquatic Life" by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): Discusses the impact of high pH on aquatic ecosystems and the tolerance levels of various species.
  • "Corrosion Control in Water Systems" by NACE International: Focuses on corrosion mechanisms and mitigation strategies, including the role of pH in corrosion processes.

Online Resources

  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Provides guidance and information on water quality standards, including pH guidelines for different water uses.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): Offers resources and publications on wastewater treatment, including information on pH control and management.
  • National Groundwater Association (NGWA): Provides resources and information on groundwater quality, including the effects of high pH on groundwater systems.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching "alkalosis," refine your search with terms like "high pH water treatment," "alkalinity control," or "pH effects on aquatic life."
  • Combine keywords: Use operators like "AND" or "OR" to narrow down your search. For example, "high pH AND water treatment AND aquatic life."
  • Filter by source: Filter your search results by website type (e.g., government, academic, or professional organizations) to find more relevant and reliable information.
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