Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Aircushion


Aircushion Technology in Environmental & Water Treatment: A Deeper Dive into Flotation Clarifiers

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, the concept of "aircushion" might sound unfamiliar. Yet, this technology plays a crucial role in flotation clarifiers, a critical component in removing suspended solids and other contaminants from water sources. Wilfley Weber, Inc., a leading provider of water treatment solutions, has leveraged this technology to create highly efficient flotation clarifiers that are shaping the future of clean water.

Understanding Aircushion Technology:

Aircushion technology utilizes the principle of air-water separation to achieve effective clarification. Essentially, tiny air bubbles are introduced into the water stream, attaching themselves to the suspended particles. This process, known as flotation, causes the particles to become buoyant and rise to the surface, forming a "scum" layer that can be easily skimmed off.

Flotation Clarifiers: The Role of Aircushion:

Flotation clarifiers, like those developed by Wilfley Weber, Inc., utilize aircushion technology to remove contaminants from a variety of water sources, including:

  • Municipal wastewater treatment: Removing suspended solids and organic matter for cleaner discharge.
  • Industrial wastewater treatment: Removing heavy metals, oil, and grease from industrial processes.
  • Drinking water treatment: Removing turbidity and other suspended particles for safe consumption.

Wilfley Weber, Inc.: Leading the Way in Aircushion Technology:

Wilfley Weber, Inc.'s flotation clarifiers utilize a sophisticated aircushion system that ensures optimal performance. Key features include:

  • Efficient Air Dispersion: The system generates a uniform distribution of tiny air bubbles, maximizing contact with suspended particles for efficient removal.
  • Controlled Air Release: The air release mechanism precisely controls the amount of air introduced, ensuring optimal flotation without compromising efficiency.
  • Durable Construction: The clarifiers are built with durable materials, ensuring long-term performance and reliability.
  • Low Operating Costs: Wilfley Weber's clarifiers are designed for energy efficiency, minimizing operational expenses.

Benefits of Aircushion Technology in Flotation Clarifiers:

Aircushion technology offers a range of advantages for water treatment applications:

  • Highly Efficient Removal: It effectively removes a wide range of suspended solids and contaminants, achieving high levels of water clarity.
  • Versatility: It is adaptable to various water sources and treatment needs, offering flexibility in application.
  • Reduced Footprint: Flotation clarifiers require less space compared to traditional sedimentation tanks, making them ideal for space-constrained applications.
  • Environmentally Friendly: They use less energy and produce less sludge, contributing to a more sustainable approach to water treatment.


Aircushion technology, as implemented in flotation clarifiers by Wilfley Weber, Inc., has emerged as a significant force in modern water treatment. By harnessing the power of air-water separation, these systems deliver clean, safe, and sustainable water solutions for a variety of applications. This technology promises to play an even more critical role as we strive for cleaner water for a healthier planet.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Aircushion Technology and Flotation Clarifiers

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind aircushion technology in water treatment?

(a) Using a vacuum to remove contaminants (b) Filtering water through a series of membranes (c) Introducing air bubbles to make particles buoyant (d) Using chemical reactions to neutralize contaminants


(c) Introducing air bubbles to make particles buoyant

2. What is the main function of a flotation clarifier?

(a) To disinfect water using ultraviolet light (b) To remove dissolved salts from water (c) To remove suspended solids and other contaminants (d) To add chemicals to adjust water pH


(c) To remove suspended solids and other contaminants

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of aircushion technology in flotation clarifiers?

(a) Highly efficient removal of contaminants (b) Reduced energy consumption (c) Increased water pressure for faster filtration (d) Versatility for various water sources


(c) Increased water pressure for faster filtration

4. How does Wilfley Weber, Inc.'s aircushion system ensure optimal performance?

(a) By using a single, large air bubble for maximum flotation (b) By adding chemicals to increase the buoyancy of particles (c) By precisely controlling the air release for efficient flotation (d) By using a special filter to remove air bubbles after flotation


(c) By precisely controlling the air release for efficient flotation

5. Which of these applications is NOT a typical use of flotation clarifiers?

(a) Municipal wastewater treatment (b) Industrial wastewater treatment (c) Drinking water treatment (d) Water desalination


(d) Water desalination

Exercise: Flotation Clarifier Design

Problem: You are designing a flotation clarifier for a small municipal wastewater treatment plant. The plant receives an average flow of 10,000 gallons per day (GPD) of wastewater with a high concentration of suspended solids.


  1. Identify the key factors to consider when designing the clarifier.
  2. Explain how aircushion technology would be advantageous in this specific application.
  3. Describe two design features that could help optimize the efficiency of the clarifier.

Exercice Correction

Here is a possible solution:

1. **Key Design Factors:**

  • Flow rate: 10,000 GPD will determine the size and capacity of the clarifier.
  • Suspended solids concentration: High concentration indicates a need for efficient removal.
  • Desired effluent quality: What level of clarity is required for discharge?
  • Space constraints: The available area for the clarifier.
  • Energy consumption: Minimizing energy use is important for cost-effectiveness.
  • Sludge handling: How will the concentrated solids be removed and disposed of?

2. **Advantages of Aircushion Technology:**

  • Efficient removal of suspended solids: Aircushion technology excels in removing high concentrations of solids, making it ideal for this application.
  • Compact design: Flotation clarifiers often have a smaller footprint than sedimentation tanks, potentially saving space.
  • Reduced sludge volume: The concentrated solids form a scum layer, which can be easily removed, minimizing the amount of sludge to be handled.

3. **Design Features for Optimization:**

  • Multiple air injection points: Distributing air injection points throughout the clarifier ensures uniform bubble distribution, improving flotation efficiency.
  • Adjustable air release mechanism: Allowing for precise control of air release based on flow rate and solids concentration optimizes bubble size and flotation effectiveness.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design by M.J. Hammer and M.J. Hammer Jr. (This comprehensive book covers various water treatment technologies including flotation)
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment by C.N. Sawyer, P.L. McCarty, and G.F. Parkin (This handbook provides detailed information on water treatment processes, including flotation)
  • Principles of Water Treatment by C.N. Sawyer (This classic text covers the fundamentals of water treatment processes, including air flotation)


  • "Dissolved Air Flotation: A Review of Technology and Applications" by L. Zhu, P.C.H. Wong, and C.K. Chan (This article provides a detailed review of dissolved air flotation technology)
  • "Flotation Clarifiers for Wastewater Treatment: An Overview" by M.S. Shukairy and A.H. Al-Shahib (This article reviews the principles and applications of flotation clarifiers in wastewater treatment)
  • "Aircushion Technology in Flotation Clarifiers: A Case Study of Wilfley Weber, Inc." (You can search for such case studies published by Wilfley Weber or other relevant companies)

Online Resources

  • Wilfley Weber, Inc. website: (Explore their product pages and case studies to learn about their aircushion technology and flotation clarifiers)
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): (This organization offers a wealth of resources on water treatment, including information on flotation technology)
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): (This association provides information and resources on drinking water treatment, including flotation processes)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "aircushion technology," "flotation clarifiers," "dissolved air flotation," "water treatment," "wastewater treatment," "Wilfley Weber."
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms: "aircushion technology in wastewater treatment," "flotation clarifiers for municipal water," "Wilfley Weber flotation clarifiers case studies."
  • Utilize filters: Filter your search results by "published date," "filetype," or "language" to narrow down your search.
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