Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: air stripping

air stripping

Air Stripping: A Breath of Fresh Air for Contaminated Water


Water contamination is a global concern, threatening both human health and the environment. Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) are common pollutants in water, originating from industrial activities, agricultural runoff, and even everyday products. Air stripping, a proven and effective treatment method, offers a solution to eliminate these contaminants from water sources.

What is Air Stripping?

Air stripping is a physical separation process that utilizes the principle of mass transfer to remove volatile and semi-volatile contaminants from water. It involves passing air and contaminated water countercurrently through a packed tower. As the contaminated water flows down the tower, it encounters a stream of air flowing upwards. This contact allows the volatile contaminants to transfer from the water phase to the air phase, effectively stripping them from the water.

The Mechanism:

The driving force behind this transfer is the difference in vapor pressure between the contaminants and the water. Volatile compounds have a high vapor pressure, meaning they readily evaporate into the air. The packed tower provides a large surface area for contact between the air and water, maximizing the transfer of contaminants.

Types of Air Stripping Systems:

  • Packed Towers: These are the most common type, consisting of a vertical column filled with packing material like plastic or ceramic pieces. The packing provides a large surface area for contact between air and water.
  • Spray Towers: In these systems, contaminated water is sprayed into a chamber where it comes into contact with a countercurrent airflow.
  • Forced Draft Towers: These towers use a fan to force air through the system, enhancing the mass transfer rate.

Advantages of Air Stripping:

  • Effective for removing volatile and semi-volatile contaminants: Air stripping effectively removes a wide range of VOCs and SVOCs, including solvents, pesticides, and fuel components.
  • Cost-effective: Compared to other treatment methods, air stripping is relatively inexpensive.
  • Simple and reliable technology: Air stripping systems are relatively straightforward to operate and maintain.
  • Environmentally friendly: The process does not generate hazardous byproducts.

Limitations of Air Stripping:

  • Limited to volatile compounds: Only volatile and semi-volatile contaminants can be effectively removed by air stripping.
  • Potential for odor emissions: If the air stream contains high concentrations of contaminants, it may cause odor problems.
  • Temperature dependence: Air stripping efficiency increases at higher temperatures, but this may require additional energy input.

Applications of Air Stripping:

  • Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment: Air stripping is commonly used to remove VOCs from industrial wastewater, such as those generated by manufacturing plants and refineries.
  • Groundwater remediation: Air stripping can be used to clean up contaminated groundwater, especially for sites affected by spills or leaks.
  • Drinking water treatment: Air stripping is sometimes used to remove volatile contaminants from drinking water sources.


Air stripping is a proven and effective technology for removing volatile and semi-volatile contaminants from water. Its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and environmental friendliness make it a valuable tool for a range of water treatment applications. By understanding the principles and limitations of air stripping, environmental engineers and water treatment professionals can effectively utilize this technology to protect public health and safeguard the environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Air Stripping Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind air stripping?

a) Chemical reaction b) Biological degradation c) Physical separation d) Filtration


c) Physical separation

2. Which of these factors directly influences the efficiency of air stripping?

a) Water temperature b) Contaminant solubility c) Air flow rate d) All of the above


d) All of the above

3. Which type of air stripping system uses a fan to enhance air flow?

a) Packed tower b) Spray tower c) Forced draft tower d) None of the above


c) Forced draft tower

4. Air stripping is NOT effective for removing which type of contaminant?

a) Volatile organic compounds b) Semi-volatile organic compounds c) Heavy metals d) Pesticides


c) Heavy metals

5. What is a potential limitation of air stripping?

a) High energy consumption b) Production of hazardous byproducts c) Odor emissions d) All of the above


c) Odor emissions

Air Stripping Exercise:


A factory discharges wastewater containing toluene (a volatile organic compound) into a nearby river. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set a maximum allowable concentration of toluene in the river at 5 ppm. To comply with this regulation, the factory needs to install an air stripping system.


  1. Research the Henry's Law constant for toluene and explain its relevance to air stripping.
  2. Based on your research, describe how the factory could use air stripping to achieve the EPA's required toluene concentration in the discharged wastewater.
  3. Identify any potential challenges or considerations for implementing air stripping in this scenario.

Exercice Correction

**1. Henry's Law Constant for Toluene:** Henry's Law states that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above the liquid. The Henry's Law constant (KH) quantifies this relationship. For toluene, KH is approximately 0.017 atm-m3/mol at 25°C. This means that at a given temperature, the concentration of toluene in the air phase is directly proportional to its concentration in the water phase. **2. Implementing Air Stripping:** The factory can utilize an air stripping system to reduce the toluene concentration in its wastewater. By passing the wastewater through a packed tower countercurrently to a stream of air, the toluene will transfer from the water phase to the air phase due to the difference in its vapor pressure. The air stripping process can be optimized by: - **Increasing the air-to-water ratio:** A higher air flow rate will increase the driving force for toluene transfer. - **Using a packed tower with a large surface area:** This maximizes contact between the air and water. - **Adjusting the tower's height:** A taller tower provides more time for toluene transfer. - **Controlling the temperature:** Higher temperatures increase toluene's vapor pressure, enhancing stripping efficiency. **3. Challenges and Considerations:** - **Odor emissions:** Air stripping can release toluene into the atmosphere, potentially causing odor problems. The factory may need to implement odor control measures, like activated carbon filters or biofiltration. - **Energy consumption:** Fans for air flow require energy, especially in forced draft systems. The factory should consider energy efficiency in system design. - **Environmental permitting:** Local regulations may require the factory to obtain permits for air emissions from the stripping system. - **Maintenance:** The packing material in the tower requires regular cleaning and replacement to ensure optimal performance.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: By Gene F. Parkin, David A. Snoeyink, and David T. Huber (This comprehensive book provides a thorough overview of water treatment technologies, including air stripping.)
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering: Edited by Richard A. Duan, Steven L. Goyke, and Donald A. Lauffer (This handbook includes a chapter on air stripping, discussing its principles, design, and operation.)
  • Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control: By Donald W. Peavler and R. Perry (This book focuses on air pollution control, but includes a section on air stripping for water treatment.)


  • "Air Stripping for Volatile Organic Compounds": By J. A. O'Connor, K. J. Dennehy, and G. E. Terry (This article provides a detailed overview of air stripping technology, including its advantages, limitations, and design considerations.)
  • "Air Stripping for Groundwater Remediation": By A. R. M. Khalil, N. S. G. K. A. Al-Masri, and E. A. A. El-Said (This article focuses on the application of air stripping for groundwater remediation, including case studies and practical considerations.)
  • "A Review of Air Stripping Technology for Contaminated Water Treatment": By D. W. Smith (This article presents a comprehensive review of air stripping technology, including its history, development, and applications.)

Online Resources

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): (EPA provides information on various water treatment technologies, including air stripping, as well as regulations and guidance documents.)
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): (WEF offers resources and information on water treatment technologies, including air stripping, as well as training courses and certifications.)
  • National Ground Water Association (NGWA): (NGWA provides resources on groundwater issues, including remediation technologies such as air stripping.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "air stripping", "volatile organic compounds", "water treatment", "groundwater remediation"
  • Use the advanced search options to refine your search by date, file type, and website.
  • Include specific contaminant names, such as "trichloroethylene" or "benzene" in your search query.
  • Combine keywords with terms like "design", "operation", "cost", "advantages", "limitations", "applications" to focus your search.
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