Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: air quality criteria

air quality criteria

Air Quality Criteria: Setting the Boundaries for Clean Air

Air quality is a crucial factor in human health and environmental well-being. However, pollutants released into the atmosphere pose significant risks. To protect public health and the environment, regulatory bodies establish Air Quality Criteria (AQC), which define the levels of pollution and exposure durations that may lead to adverse health and welfare effects.

Defining the Thresholds of Harm:

AQC are scientific assessments that identify the relationship between different pollutants and their potential effects on human health and the environment. These criteria establish:

  • Concentration Limits: The maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants in ambient air over specific periods, such as hourly, daily, or annual averages.
  • Exposure Durations: The lengths of time individuals can be exposed to specific pollutant levels before adverse health effects are likely to occur.

Key Considerations in Establishing AQC:

  • Health Impacts: Criteria are established based on a comprehensive understanding of the health effects associated with exposure to different pollutants. This includes both acute effects like respiratory irritation and long-term effects such as chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and even cancer.
  • Environmental Impacts: AQC also consider the effects of pollution on sensitive ecosystems, biodiversity, and materials.
  • Scientific Evidence: The criteria are derived from extensive scientific research, including epidemiological studies, toxicological experiments, and atmospheric modeling.
  • Margin of Safety: To ensure adequate protection, a margin of safety is incorporated into the criteria, meaning the allowable levels are set below those known to cause significant harm.

The Role of AQC in Environmental & Water Treatment:

AQC play a vital role in the field of environmental and water treatment by:

  • Guiding Policy and Regulations: The criteria provide a foundation for setting air quality standards, which governments use to regulate emissions from industries, vehicles, and other sources.
  • Monitoring and Enforcement: Air quality monitoring programs rely on AQC to identify areas where pollution levels exceed the established limits and trigger enforcement actions.
  • Developing Control Technologies: AQC drive the development of innovative technologies and strategies to reduce pollution emissions and improve air quality.

Examples of Air Quality Criteria:

Several common air pollutants have established AQC, including:

  • Particulate Matter (PM): Fine particles that can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause respiratory problems.
  • Ozone (O3): A reactive gas that can damage lung tissue and worsen asthma symptoms.
  • Carbon Monoxide (CO): A colorless, odorless gas that can reduce oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood.
  • Sulfur Dioxide (SO2): A gas that can irritate the respiratory system and contribute to acid rain.
  • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2): A gas that contributes to smog and can exacerbate respiratory problems.


Air Quality Criteria are essential tools for protecting public health and the environment by defining the boundaries of safe air quality. Understanding the relationship between pollution levels, exposure durations, and adverse health effects allows for the development of effective air pollution control strategies and the creation of a cleaner and healthier future.

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