Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Air-Mix


Air-Mix: Revolutionizing Environmental & Water Treatment

Air-mix, a widely adopted technology in environmental and water treatment, involves the introduction of air into a liquid stream to enhance various processes. This technique offers numerous benefits, leading to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and a more sustainable approach to water management.

Benefits of Air-Mix in Water Treatment:

  • Increased Mixing and Mass Transfer: The introduction of air creates bubbles that enhance mixing and provide a larger surface area for gas transfer. This is crucial for processes like aeration, oxidation, and degassing.
  • Enhanced Solids Separation: Air-mix can be used to improve the settling and separation of suspended solids, leading to clearer and cleaner water.
  • Improved Biological Treatment: Air-mix is essential for promoting the growth of microorganisms in biological treatment processes, where oxygen is crucial for the breakdown of pollutants.
  • Reduced Energy Consumption: Air-mix can often replace mechanical mixing techniques, leading to lower energy consumption and operational costs.

Pulsed Bed Filter Surface Cleaning Process by USFilter/Zimpro:

One prominent example of air-mix technology in action is the Pulsed Bed Filter (PBF) surface cleaning process developed by USFilter/Zimpro. This innovative system employs a combination of air-mix and backwashing to efficiently clean filter media, maximizing filtration efficiency and minimizing downtime.

Here's how the PBF surface cleaning process works:

  1. Filtration: The water stream flows through the filter media, removing suspended solids and other contaminants.
  2. Pulse Cycle: When the filter bed reaches a predetermined pressure drop, a controlled pulse of air is introduced into the filter bed. This air-mix disrupts the filter cake, loosening the accumulated solids.
  3. Backwash: Simultaneously with the air pulse, a brief backwash cycle is initiated, using clean water to flush the loosened solids out of the filter bed.
  4. Re-start: After the backwash, the filter bed is ready for a new filtration cycle.

Advantages of the PBF Surface Cleaning Process:

  • High Filtration Efficiency: The PBF system effectively removes suspended solids, achieving a higher degree of filtration efficiency compared to traditional methods.
  • Reduced Downtime: The short and efficient cleaning cycles minimize the time the filter is offline for maintenance, increasing overall system uptime.
  • Low Maintenance Costs: The PBF process requires minimal maintenance, reducing operational costs and simplifying system management.
  • Enhanced Water Quality: By effectively removing contaminants and improving filtration efficiency, the PBF system contributes to the production of high-quality water.


Air-mix technology, particularly in the form of the USFilter/Zimpro PBF surface cleaning process, offers a robust and efficient solution for various environmental and water treatment applications. By enhancing mixing, improving separation, and simplifying cleaning processes, air-mix plays a vital role in driving sustainability and optimizing water treatment operations.

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