Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Aeroductor


Aeroductor: Revolutionizing Grit Removal in Wastewater Treatment

The efficient removal of grit from wastewater is crucial for maintaining the optimal performance of downstream treatment processes. Grit, consisting of sand, gravel, and other heavy inorganic materials, can clog pipes, damage equipment, and interfere with the biological treatment of wastewater.

Aeroductor: A Game-Changer in Grit Removal

An Aeroductor is a specialized device used in wastewater treatment plants to enhance the removal of grit from incoming wastewater. It leverages the principles of aeration and hydraulic design to optimize the settling process. The key functions of an Aeroductor include:

  • Aeration: Introducing air into the wastewater stream creates an upward current, promoting the flotation of lighter organic matter and facilitating the settling of heavier grit particles.
  • Hydraulic Control: The Aeroductor's design directs the flow of wastewater to ensure optimal settling conditions, preventing the loss of valuable solids and maximizing grit capture.

Lakeside Equipment Corp.'s Aerated Grit Removal System

Lakeside Equipment Corp. is a leading provider of innovative wastewater treatment solutions, including their renowned Aerated Grit Removal System. This system incorporates the Aeroductor technology, offering a highly efficient and reliable solution for grit removal. Here's what makes Lakeside's Aerated Grit Removal System stand out:

  • Advanced Aeration: The system utilizes high-efficiency air diffusers that provide a controlled and consistent air supply, maximizing the effectiveness of the aeration process.
  • Optimized Hydraulic Design: The system incorporates a carefully engineered hydraulic design that ensures optimal flow patterns and settling conditions, leading to high grit removal efficiencies.
  • Reduced Maintenance: The system's durable construction and efficient design minimize the need for maintenance, ensuring long-term reliability and cost-effectiveness.
  • Environmentally Friendly: By effectively removing grit from wastewater, the system promotes a cleaner environment and minimizes the impact of pollutants on downstream ecosystems.

Benefits of Using an Aeroductor-based System:

  • Improved Wastewater Treatment: Efficient grit removal prevents clogging, reduces equipment wear and tear, and improves the overall performance of the wastewater treatment plant.
  • Reduced Operating Costs: Minimizing maintenance and maximizing efficiency translate to lower operating costs in the long run.
  • Enhanced Sustainability: By promoting a cleaner environment, the system contributes to sustainable wastewater management practices.


The Aeroductor technology plays a critical role in optimizing grit removal in wastewater treatment. Lakeside Equipment Corp.'s Aerated Grit Removal System, utilizing this technology, offers a robust and reliable solution that improves treatment efficiency, reduces costs, and promotes environmental sustainability. By adopting this system, wastewater treatment plants can ensure optimal performance and contribute to a cleaner and healthier future.

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