Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Aer-Degritter


Aerated Grit Removal: Optimizing Wastewater Treatment with the Aer-Degritter


Wastewater treatment plants rely heavily on efficient grit removal processes to prevent clogging and damage to downstream equipment. The Aer-Degritter, a system developed by USFilter/Headworks Products, stands out as a highly effective and innovative solution for grit removal. This article delves into the principles behind aerated grit removal and explores the unique features and benefits of the Aer-Degritter.

Aerated Grit Removal: The Principle

Aerated grit removal systems utilize a combination of air and water flow to separate grit particles from wastewater. The process involves:

  • Aerating the Wastewater: Air is injected into the incoming wastewater, creating a turbulent flow and reducing the settling velocity of grit particles.
  • Controlled Flow: The flow rate of the wastewater is carefully controlled to ensure that lighter organic materials remain suspended while denser grit particles settle out.
  • Grit Collection: The settled grit is collected at the bottom of the tank, while the clarified wastewater flows out.

The Aer-Degritter: USFilter/Headworks' Solution

The Aer-Degritter, a patented system by USFilter/Headworks Products, embodies the best practices in aerated grit removal. Key features include:

  • Efficient Aeration: The system employs a unique air injection system that creates high-velocity air bubbles, ensuring optimal aeration and consistent separation.
  • Optimized Grit Settling: The specially designed tank geometry promotes efficient grit settling and minimizes the risk of organic material entrapment.
  • Degritting Efficiency: The Aer-Degritter achieves high levels of grit removal, effectively capturing even the finest grit particles.
  • Low Maintenance: The system is engineered for easy maintenance, reducing operational costs and downtime.
  • Flexibility: The Aer-Degritter can be customized to fit specific plant requirements, including varying flow rates and grit loading.

Benefits of Aer-Degritter

  • Improved Wastewater Treatment: By efficiently removing grit, the Aer-Degritter helps to ensure the optimal performance of downstream treatment processes, leading to higher effluent quality.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: The system's robust design and ease of maintenance significantly reduce operational costs.
  • Enhanced Equipment Life: By preventing grit accumulation in downstream equipment, the Aer-Degritter extends the life of pumps, filters, and other critical components.
  • Environmentally Sound: The system promotes a more efficient and sustainable wastewater treatment process, contributing to environmental protection.


The Aer-Degritter by USFilter/Headworks Products stands as a reliable and innovative solution for aerated grit removal in wastewater treatment plants. Its efficient design, optimized operation, and low maintenance requirements make it a valuable asset for facilities striving for optimal performance, cost-efficiency, and environmental responsibility. By understanding the principles behind aerated grit removal and the specific advantages of the Aer-Degritter, wastewater treatment operators can make informed decisions to improve their overall process and ensure long-term sustainability.

Test Your Knowledge

Aerated Grit Removal Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of aerated grit removal in wastewater treatment?

a) To remove organic matter from wastewater. b) To disinfect wastewater. c) To remove grit particles from wastewater. d) To remove dissolved solids from wastewater.


c) To remove grit particles from wastewater.

2. How does aeration contribute to grit removal in an Aer-Degritter?

a) Aeration increases the settling velocity of grit particles. b) Aeration reduces the settling velocity of grit particles. c) Aeration dissolves grit particles in wastewater. d) Aeration increases the density of grit particles.


b) Aeration reduces the settling velocity of grit particles.

3. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of the Aer-Degritter system?

a) Efficient aeration b) Optimized grit settling c) Removal of dissolved organic matter d) Low maintenance


c) Removal of dissolved organic matter

4. What is a primary benefit of using an Aer-Degritter system?

a) Reduced operational costs. b) Increased organic matter removal. c) Improved disinfection of wastewater. d) Increased production of biogas.


a) Reduced operational costs.

5. How does the Aer-Degritter contribute to environmental sustainability?

a) By reducing the overall volume of wastewater generated. b) By reducing the amount of grit released into the environment. c) By increasing the efficiency of energy production. d) By reducing the need for chemical treatment.


b) By reducing the amount of grit released into the environment.

Aerated Grit Removal Exercise

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant is experiencing issues with grit accumulation in downstream equipment, leading to reduced efficiency and increased maintenance costs. The plant manager is considering implementing an Aer-Degritter system to address the problem.


  1. Identify at least three specific ways in which the Aer-Degritter system could help address the plant's grit accumulation issue.
  2. Explain how these solutions contribute to improved overall plant performance and reduced operational costs.
  3. Consider the plant's current flow rate and grit loading. Research and describe how the Aer-Degritter system can be customized to fit those specific requirements.

Exercise Correction

**1. Solutions to Grit Accumulation:** * **Efficient Grit Removal:** The Aer-Degritter's design ensures high levels of grit removal, capturing even fine particles, which would otherwise accumulate in downstream equipment. * **Optimized Settling:** The system's tank geometry and controlled flow promote efficient grit settling, minimizing the risk of organic matter entrapment and further reducing grit accumulation. * **Reduced Organic Matter Entrapment:** The aeration process helps to keep lighter organic materials suspended, preventing them from settling with the grit and clogging downstream equipment. **2. Improved Plant Performance & Reduced Costs:** * **Reduced Maintenance:** The efficient grit removal reduces the frequency and extent of maintenance required on downstream equipment, lowering operational costs. * **Increased Equipment Life:** By preventing grit buildup, the Aer-Degritter extends the lifespan of pumps, filters, and other critical components, further reducing replacement costs. * **Improved Treatment Efficiency:** The reduced grit accumulation allows for more efficient operation of downstream treatment processes, leading to higher effluent quality and reduced costs associated with treatment failures. **3. Customization for Specific Requirements:** * **Flow Rate:** The Aer-Degritter can be designed and sized to accommodate the plant's specific flow rate, ensuring effective grit removal even at peak flow conditions. * **Grit Loading:** The system can be customized to handle varying levels of grit loading, ensuring optimal performance regardless of the amount of grit entering the treatment plant.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse: By Metcalf & Eddy (ISBN: 978-0071828544). This comprehensive text covers various aspects of wastewater treatment, including grit removal.
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment: A Handbook: By David A. Hand (ISBN: 978-0849312967). This book provides a broad overview of water and wastewater treatment technologies, including sections on grit removal.


  • Aerated Grit Removal – A Comprehensive Review: This article published in the journal of Wastewater Engineering and Technology could provide valuable insights into aerated grit removal techniques and the evolution of technology.
  • The Aer-Degritter: A Case Study in Efficient Grit Removal: Searching for case studies on the Aer-Degritter can offer real-world application examples and performance analysis.
  • USFilter/Headworks Product Literature: Look for technical specifications, brochures, and white papers on the Aer-Degritter from the manufacturer’s website.

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Headworks Products Website: This is the primary source for information about the Aer-Degritter, including product descriptions, technical details, and case studies.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): WEF is a professional organization that publishes articles, reports, and resources related to wastewater treatment. Search their website for articles on aerated grit removal and the Aer-Degritter.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): AWWA offers resources and publications related to water and wastewater treatment technologies. Explore their website for information on grit removal.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching "Aer-Degritter," try more specific queries like "Aer-Degritter technical specifications," "Aer-Degritter case studies," or "Aer-Degritter vs. other grit removal systems."
  • Include relevant keywords: Combine "Aer-Degritter" with other relevant terms like "aerated grit removal," "wastewater treatment," or "USFilter/Headworks."
  • Use advanced operators: Use operators like "+" (to include a word) or "-" (to exclude a word) to refine your search results. For example, "Aer-Degritter + performance + data" or "Aer-Degritter - reviews."
  • Look for scholarly articles: Use Google Scholar to find academic articles and research papers related to Aer-Degritter and aerated grit removal.
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