Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Actifloc


Actifloc: A Modular, High-Rate Water Treatment Solution

Actifloc is a brand name for a series of high-rate water treatment plants developed and manufactured by USFilter/General Filter. These modular systems are designed to provide efficient and reliable treatment for a range of water sources, including municipal, industrial, and agricultural applications.

The Key Features of Actifloc Systems:

  • Modular Design: Actifloc plants are assembled from prefabricated modules, making them easy to transport, install, and expand as needed. This modularity allows for flexibility in accommodating varying water treatment requirements and site constraints.
  • High-Rate Treatment: Actifloc systems are known for their high treatment capacity, allowing them to effectively process large volumes of water in a short amount of time. This efficiency translates to cost savings and reduced environmental impact.
  • Advanced Filtration Technology: Actifloc plants incorporate multiple filtration stages, including sand filtration, multimedia filtration, and membrane filtration. These technologies effectively remove a wide range of contaminants, including suspended solids, bacteria, viruses, and dissolved organic matter.
  • Automated Control Systems: Actifloc systems are equipped with advanced control systems that monitor and optimize the treatment process, ensuring consistent water quality and reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Sustainable Design: Actifloc plants are designed to minimize energy consumption and water usage, promoting environmental sustainability.

Applications of Actifloc Systems:

  • Municipal Water Treatment: Actifloc systems are used for treating raw water sources to meet drinking water standards.
  • Industrial Water Treatment: Actifloc systems can be used for treating process water, cooling water, and wastewater in a variety of industrial settings.
  • Agricultural Water Treatment: Actifloc systems can be used for treating irrigation water, helping to improve crop yields and reduce water usage.
  • Emergency Water Treatment: Actifloc systems can be deployed rapidly to provide clean water in emergency situations, such as natural disasters.

Benefits of Actifloc Systems:

  • High Water Quality: Actifloc systems consistently deliver high-quality treated water that meets stringent standards.
  • Cost Savings: The modular design and high treatment rates of Actifloc systems contribute to lower operating costs.
  • Operational Efficiency: Actifloc systems are designed for ease of operation and maintenance, reducing downtime and labor costs.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Actifloc systems minimize environmental impact by reducing water usage and energy consumption.

In conclusion, Actifloc water treatment plants offer a comprehensive and reliable solution for various water treatment needs. Their modular design, high-rate capabilities, advanced filtration technologies, and sustainable features make them an attractive option for communities, industries, and agricultural operations seeking efficient and effective water treatment.

Test Your Knowledge

Actifloc Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary characteristic that makes Actifloc systems "modular"?

a) They are compact and easily transported. b) They use multiple filtration stages. c) They are built from prefabricated units. d) They are automated for easy operation.


c) They are built from prefabricated units.

2. What type of water treatment is NOT typically addressed by Actifloc systems?

a) Municipal drinking water b) Industrial process water c) Irrigation water for agriculture d) Desalination of seawater


d) Desalination of seawater

3. Which of these is a key benefit of Actifloc's high-rate treatment capability?

a) Reduced need for chemicals b) Increased water storage capacity c) Lower energy consumption d) Ability to process large volumes efficiently


d) Ability to process large volumes efficiently

4. What type of filtration technology is NOT typically included in Actifloc systems?

a) Sand filtration b) Reverse osmosis c) Multimedia filtration d) Membrane filtration


b) Reverse osmosis

5. What makes Actifloc systems environmentally sustainable?

a) They use only natural filtration materials. b) They are designed to minimize energy consumption. c) They are built with recycled materials. d) They eliminate the need for chemical treatment.


b) They are designed to minimize energy consumption.

Actifloc Exercise:

Scenario: You are a project manager for a small town that needs a new water treatment plant. The town has a population of 5,000 people and requires a daily water treatment capacity of 1 million gallons.

Task: Based on the information provided about Actifloc systems, explain why Actifloc could be a suitable solution for this town's needs. Include at least 3 key reasons and justify your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

Actifloc would be a suitable solution for this town's water treatment needs for the following reasons:

  • **Modular design:** Actifloc's modularity allows for a flexible and scalable solution. The town can start with a system that meets their current needs and easily expand it as the population grows. This avoids overinvestment in a large plant upfront.
  • **High treatment capacity:** With a daily treatment capacity of 1 million gallons, Actifloc systems can easily handle the town's water requirements. This high-rate capability ensures sufficient water supply for the population.
  • **Advanced filtration technologies:** Actifloc incorporates multiple filtration stages to remove various contaminants, ensuring the treated water meets drinking water standards and provides safe water for the community.

In conclusion, Actifloc systems offer a reliable and efficient water treatment solution that caters to the town's current needs while allowing for future expansion.


  • There are no specific books solely dedicated to Actifloc systems. However, general books on water treatment technologies, like "Water Treatment Plant Design" by Metcalf & Eddy, can provide valuable information about the principles behind the technologies used in Actifloc systems.


Online Resources

  • USFilter/General Filter website: The official website of the company that developed and manufactures Actifloc systems is the best source for detailed information about the products, their specifications, and case studies.
  • Suez website: As USFilter is now a part of Suez, you can find information about Actifloc systems on the Suez website, as well as on their case study pages.
  • Other water treatment companies: Websites of other water treatment companies, such as Veolia, Evoqua, and Xylem, may also contain articles and resources related to modular water treatment systems like Actifloc.
  • Water treatment industry associations: Websites of industry associations like the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) might have articles and research related to high-rate water treatment technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: For example, search for "Actifloc water treatment plant", "Actifloc case studies", or "Actifloc system specifications".
  • Include location: If you're interested in Actifloc systems in a specific region, add the location to your search query, like "Actifloc water treatment plants California".
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms: Include other relevant terms in your search, such as "modular", "high-rate", "filtration", or "membrane" to narrow down your results.
  • Explore different search engines: Utilize different search engines like Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Ecosia, as they may provide different results.
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