Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: ACFM


Understanding ACFM: The Key to Measuring Air Flow in Environmental Applications

In environmental science and engineering, understanding airflow is crucial for designing and operating efficient and effective systems. This is where the measurement unit Actual Cubic Feet per Minute (ACFM) comes into play.

What is ACFM?

ACFM represents the volume of air passing through a specific point in a given timeframe, taking into account the actual conditions of the air. This means that it factors in temperature, pressure, and humidity, unlike the more common measurement of CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) which only considers the volume of air at standard conditions.

Why is ACFM important?

In many environmental applications, the actual conditions of the air can significantly affect its behavior. For instance, in ventilation systems, understanding the density of air (which varies with temperature and humidity) is essential for calculating the necessary airflow to effectively remove pollutants.

Here are some examples of how ACFM is used in environmental contexts:

  • Air pollution control: Understanding the ACFM of air entering and leaving a smokestack or other industrial process helps determine the effectiveness of pollution control devices.
  • Ventilation systems: Calculating the ACFM required to effectively remove pollutants from a building or industrial facility ensures optimal air quality and worker safety.
  • HVAC systems: Optimizing ACFM in HVAC systems can lead to energy efficiency and comfortable indoor environments.
  • Air sampling: Accurate ACFM measurements are essential for obtaining reliable air quality data, which is vital for monitoring and managing environmental risks.

How to measure ACFM?

Measuring ACFM typically involves using specialized equipment such as:

  • Anemometers: These instruments measure the velocity of air and, combined with cross-sectional area data, can calculate the ACFM.
  • Thermal anemometers: These devices measure the heat transferred by air and are particularly useful for measuring ACFM in challenging environments.
  • Pitot tubes: These probes measure the pressure difference between the static pressure and the dynamic pressure of the air, allowing for ACFM calculation.


ACFM is a crucial measurement unit for accurately determining airflow in various environmental applications. By accounting for the actual conditions of the air, ACFM provides valuable insights for designing, optimizing, and managing systems that protect human health and the environment. Understanding and utilizing ACFM helps us build a more sustainable and healthy future.

Test Your Knowledge

ACFM Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does ACFM stand for? a) Actual Cubic Feet per Minute b) Air Circulation Flow Measurement c) Average Cubic Feet per Minute d) Air Conditioning Flow Measurement


a) Actual Cubic Feet per Minute

2. What factors does ACFM take into account that CFM does not? a) Air velocity only b) Temperature, pressure, and humidity c) Air volume only d) Air composition


b) Temperature, pressure, and humidity

3. Why is ACFM important in ventilation systems? a) To determine the amount of air required to cool a room b) To calculate the necessary airflow to effectively remove pollutants c) To measure the air pressure in a building d) To monitor the air quality in a specific area


b) To calculate the necessary airflow to effectively remove pollutants

4. Which of the following is NOT a common tool used to measure ACFM? a) Anemometer b) Thermometer c) Pitot tube d) Thermal anemometer


b) Thermometer

5. How does understanding ACFM contribute to a more sustainable future? a) By reducing air pollution and improving air quality b) By increasing energy efficiency in HVAC systems c) By enabling accurate air sampling for environmental monitoring d) All of the above


d) All of the above

ACFM Exercise:

Scenario: A ventilation system is designed to remove pollutants from a factory. The system is currently operating at a CFM of 10,000. However, the factory is experiencing high humidity levels, which affects the air density and reduces the actual airflow.


  1. Explain why the current CFM measurement might not accurately reflect the actual airflow in the factory.
  2. Discuss the importance of using ACFM instead of CFM in this scenario.
  3. Propose a method to measure the ACFM in the factory ventilation system.

Exercice Correction

1. Explanation:

The current CFM measurement does not account for the high humidity levels in the factory. Humidity affects the density of air, meaning that the same volume of air at higher humidity will have a lower mass. Therefore, the actual airflow, measured in ACFM, will be lower than the CFM value.

2. Importance of ACFM:

Using ACFM in this scenario is crucial because it provides a more accurate representation of the actual airflow, taking into account the air density affected by humidity. This information is essential for ensuring that the ventilation system is removing pollutants effectively.

3. Method to measure ACFM:

A suitable method to measure ACFM in the factory ventilation system would be to use a thermal anemometer. Thermal anemometers measure the heat transferred by air, allowing for accurate ACFM calculation even in challenging environments with varying humidity levels.


  • "Air Conditioning Fundamentals" by William C. McQuiston and Jerald D. Parker: A comprehensive textbook covering HVAC fundamentals, including airflow measurement and calculation.
  • "Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice" by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH): Provides detailed guidance on ventilation design, airflow measurement, and ACFM calculation in industrial settings.
  • "Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration" by ASHRAE: A standard reference for HVAC professionals, offering detailed information on airflow measurement and analysis techniques.


  • "Actual Cubic Feet per Minute (ACFM): A Guide to Understanding Airflow" by [Author Name], [Publication]: A readily available article explaining the concept of ACFM in detail.
  • "The Importance of Airflow Measurement in Environmental Engineering" by [Author Name], [Publication]: An article highlighting the significance of airflow measurement in various environmental applications.

Online Resources

  • ASHRAE website: Provides a vast library of resources and publications related to HVAC and airflow measurement, including articles, technical documents, and standards.
  • ACGIH website: Offers resources on industrial hygiene, ventilation, and airflow measurement, including publications and technical guidelines.
  • EPA website: Contains information on air pollution control, ventilation, and air quality monitoring, providing relevant context for ACFM applications.

Search Tips

  • "ACFM definition" or "ACFM meaning": For basic explanations and definitions of the term.
  • "ACFM calculation" or "ACFM formula": For information on how to calculate ACFM using different methods.
  • "ACFM measurement devices" or "ACFM measurement instruments": To learn about various devices used for airflow measurement.
  • "ACFM in [specific application]" (e.g., "ACFM in ventilation systems" or "ACFM in air pollution control"): For information specific to particular environmental applications.
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