Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: AAPCO


AAPCO: Ensuring Safe and Effective Pesticide Use

The American Association of Pesticide Control Officials (AAPCO) plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe and effective use of pesticides within the United States. Formed in 1908, this non-profit organization serves as a vital bridge between federal and state governments, pesticide manufacturers, and the public.

Here's how AAPCO helps to protect the environment and public health:

1. Developing Uniform Standards:

AAPCO's primary function is to develop uniform standards for pesticide registration and labeling. This fosters consistency across different states, simplifying the regulatory process and facilitating interstate trade.

2. Promoting Best Practices:

The organization promotes best practices in pesticide regulation and enforcement. This includes providing training and resources to state officials, helping them to stay informed about evolving scientific advancements and regulatory trends.

3. Supporting Regulatory Harmonization:

AAPCO works closely with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure harmonization of state and federal regulations. This collaboration ensures that pesticide use is controlled at both the national and local levels, creating a comprehensive regulatory framework.

4. Fostering Collaboration:

AAPCO facilitates collaboration between states and various stakeholders, including pesticide manufacturers, distributors, and users. This dialogue helps to develop effective solutions that address complex environmental issues related to pesticide use.

5. Providing Technical Expertise:

AAPCO offers valuable technical expertise to state agencies, helping them to evaluate pesticide efficacy, safety, and environmental impacts. This expertise ensures that only safe and effective pesticides are permitted for use.

Key AAPCO Accomplishments:

  • Uniform Pesticide Laws: AAPCO has been instrumental in developing uniform pesticide laws across the US, fostering a consistent regulatory landscape.
  • National Pesticide Registration System: The organization played a significant role in establishing the National Pesticide Registration System, which streamlines the registration process for pesticide products.
  • Pesticide Labeling Standards: AAPCO has developed comprehensive labeling standards for pesticides, ensuring clear information about their use, risks, and safety precautions.

Looking Forward:

As the landscape of environmental challenges evolves, AAPCO remains committed to ensuring safe and effective pesticide use. The organization continues to work closely with stakeholders and adapt its approach to address emerging concerns, such as pesticide resistance and the need for sustainable pest management practices.

In conclusion, AAPCO plays a vital role in safeguarding public health and the environment by promoting uniform standards, fostering collaboration, and providing technical expertise in the field of pesticide regulation. By working together with all stakeholders, AAPCO aims to ensure the responsible and sustainable use of pesticides for the benefit of future generations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: AAPCO and Pesticide Regulation

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the American Association of Pesticide Control Officials (AAPCO)?

a) To regulate pesticide use at the federal level. b) To develop uniform standards for pesticide registration and labeling. c) To manufacture and distribute pesticides. d) To conduct research on the environmental impacts of pesticides.


b) To develop uniform standards for pesticide registration and labeling.

2. Which of the following is NOT a way that AAPCO contributes to safe and effective pesticide use?

a) Promoting best practices in pesticide regulation and enforcement. b) Supporting regulatory harmonization between state and federal agencies. c) Providing technical expertise to state agencies. d) Lobbying for the deregulation of pesticide use.


d) Lobbying for the deregulation of pesticide use.

3. What is the significance of AAPCO's role in establishing the National Pesticide Registration System?

a) It reduces the need for state-level pesticide registration. b) It eliminates the need for pesticide labeling. c) It streamlines the registration process for pesticide products. d) It allows manufacturers to directly register pesticides without state approval.


c) It streamlines the registration process for pesticide products.

4. How does AAPCO foster collaboration in the field of pesticide regulation?

a) By providing financial incentives to state agencies. b) By requiring all stakeholders to follow specific regulations. c) By facilitating dialogue between states, manufacturers, distributors, and users. d) By limiting the use of pesticides to certain industries.


c) By facilitating dialogue between states, manufacturers, distributors, and users.

5. What is a key accomplishment of AAPCO in the field of pesticide regulation?

a) The development of new pesticides with reduced environmental impact. b) The implementation of a national pesticide ban. c) The development of uniform pesticide laws across the US. d) The elimination of pesticide use in agriculture.


c) The development of uniform pesticide laws across the US.

Exercise: Pesticide Labeling

Task: Imagine you are a farmer preparing to use a new pesticide on your crops. You need to understand the information on the pesticide label to ensure safe and effective application.

Scenario: You have purchased a pesticide product called "CropGuard" for controlling insect pests in your apple orchard. The label includes the following information:

  • Active Ingredient: Malathion (50%)
  • Directions for Use: Apply 1 gallon of diluted CropGuard per acre of orchard.
  • Safety Precautions: Wear protective clothing, including gloves, mask, and long sleeves, when handling and applying CropGuard.
  • Environmental Concerns: Avoid spraying near water bodies.
  • Re-entry Interval: Do not enter the treated area for 24 hours after application.

Instructions: Using the information provided on the label, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the main ingredient in CropGuard?
  2. How much diluted CropGuard should you apply per acre of your orchard?
  3. What safety precautions should you take when handling and applying CropGuard?
  4. What environmental concerns should you be aware of when using CropGuard?
  5. How long should you wait before entering the treated area after applying CropGuard?

Exercice Correction

1. **Main Ingredient:** Malathion (50%)

2. **Application Rate:** 1 gallon of diluted CropGuard per acre.

3. **Safety Precautions:** Wear protective clothing, including gloves, mask, and long sleeves.

4. **Environmental Concerns:** Avoid spraying near water bodies.

5. **Re-entry Interval:** 24 hours.


  • No specific books are directly focused on AAPCO. However, textbooks on pesticide regulation or environmental toxicology often mention AAPCO's contributions.


  • "AAPCO's Role in Ensuring the Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides" by [Your Name], [Publication Name], [Date] - This would be an article you could write yourself, summarizing the information provided above.
  • "The History of Pesticide Regulation in the United States" by [Author Name], [Publication Name], [Date] - Articles on the history of pesticide regulation often discuss AAPCO's role in shaping the regulatory landscape.
  • "The Role of State Pesticide Regulatory Agencies in Protecting Public Health" by [Author Name], [Publication Name], [Date] - Articles discussing state-level pesticide regulation frequently reference AAPCO's role in harmonizing standards and providing expertise.

Online Resources

  • AAPCO Website: - The AAPCO website is the most comprehensive source of information about the organization, its activities, and its publications.
  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - The EPA website contains information about pesticide regulation, including links to federal laws and regulations that AAPCO helps to implement.
  • National Pesticide Information Retrieval System (NPIRS): - NPIRS provides information about pesticides and their effects, including resources for pest control professionals, homeowners, and state officials.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information about AAPCO, use specific keywords such as "AAPCO pesticide regulation," "AAPCO uniform standards," or "AAPCO pesticide labeling."
  • Combine keywords: Try combining keywords to narrow your search. For example, "AAPCO + pesticide + registration."
  • Use advanced search operators: Google offers advanced search operators such as quotation marks (" ") to search for exact phrases, the minus sign (-) to exclude terms from your search, and the asterisk (*) as a wildcard to replace missing words.
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