Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: AAEE


AAEE: A Leading Force in Environmental Engineering

The American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE) is a prestigious organization dedicated to advancing the field of environmental engineering. It serves as a platform for professionals, educators, and students to connect, share knowledge, and drive innovation in addressing critical environmental challenges.

What is the AAEE?

Founded in 1988, the AAEE is a non-profit organization comprised of a diverse membership of environmental engineers, scientists, and other professionals. The academy's mission is to:

  • Promote excellence in environmental engineering practice.
  • Advocate for sound environmental policy and regulations.
  • Provide professional development opportunities for members.
  • Recognize and reward outstanding achievements in the field.

Key Activities and Impact:

The AAEE engages in a wide range of activities to fulfill its mission. Some of its key endeavors include:

  • Publishing the *Journal of Environmental Engineering, a leading peer-reviewed publication showcasing research and advancements in the field.*
  • Hosting annual conferences and workshops that bring together top experts to discuss critical environmental issues.
  • Offering professional certifications, such as the *Certified Environmental Engineer (CEE)credential, to demonstrate expertise and competency.*
  • Providing scholarship opportunities for students pursuing environmental engineering careers.
  • Advocating for policies that support sustainable development and environmental protection.

The AAEE's Impact on Environmental Engineering:

The academy plays a vital role in shaping the future of environmental engineering. Its activities have a tangible impact on:

  • Driving innovation: The AAEE fosters a culture of research and development by providing a platform for the dissemination of new knowledge and technologies.
  • Elevating professionalism: The academy's certification programs ensure that environmental engineers meet rigorous standards of excellence and ethical conduct.
  • Influencing policy: The AAEE advocates for sound environmental policies based on scientific evidence and expert knowledge.
  • Mentoring future generations: The academy provides resources and opportunities for students to develop their skills and contribute to the field.


The American Academy of Environmental Engineers is a vital organization dedicated to advancing the field of environmental engineering. Through its various activities, the AAEE plays a crucial role in promoting excellence, fostering innovation, and shaping a sustainable future for our planet.

Test Your Knowledge


Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary mission of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE)?

a) To promote environmental awareness among the general public. b) To advocate for the use of renewable energy sources. c) To advance the field of environmental engineering. d) To provide financial assistance to environmental engineering students.


c) To advance the field of environmental engineering.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key activity of the AAEE?

a) Publishing the Journal of Environmental Engineering. b) Hosting annual conferences and workshops. c) Offering professional certifications. d) Providing legal representation for environmental engineers.


d) Providing legal representation for environmental engineers.

3. What is the significance of the AAEE's Certified Environmental Engineer (CEE) credential?

a) It guarantees employment opportunities for environmental engineers. b) It demonstrates expertise and competency in the field. c) It allows engineers to practice environmental engineering without a license. d) It is required for all environmental engineering students.


b) It demonstrates expertise and competency in the field.

4. How does the AAEE contribute to driving innovation in environmental engineering?

a) By providing funding for research and development projects. b) By organizing competitions for innovative environmental technologies. c) By creating a platform for the dissemination of new knowledge and technologies. d) By requiring all members to participate in research activities.


c) By creating a platform for the dissemination of new knowledge and technologies.

5. What is a key impact of the AAEE's advocacy for sound environmental policies?

a) It directly sets environmental regulations at the national level. b) It provides scientific evidence and expert knowledge to influence policy decisions. c) It enforces environmental regulations through its own legal team. d) It offers financial incentives for companies to adopt sustainable practices.


b) It provides scientific evidence and expert knowledge to influence policy decisions.

AAEE Exercise

Task: Imagine you are an environmental engineer working on a project to reduce air pollution in a city. You need to present your project proposal to a panel of experts, including members of the AAEE.


  1. Develop a concise project proposal outlining your plan to reduce air pollution.
    • Identify the specific air pollutants you are targeting.
    • Describe your proposed solutions (e.g., technological innovations, policy recommendations).
    • Explain how your project aligns with the AAEE's mission and values.
  2. Prepare a short presentation (3-5 minutes) to present your proposal to the panel of experts.
    • Highlight the key aspects of your project and its potential impact.
    • Emphasize the role of the AAEE in supporting and promoting such initiatives.

Exercice Correction

While there is no single "correct" answer, here are some elements to consider for a strong project proposal and presentation:

  • Specific Air Pollutants: Target pollutants like particulate matter (PM2.5), nitrogen oxides (NOx), or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) based on the city's specific pollution profile.
  • Solutions: Consider a combination of approaches like:
    • Technological: Implementing air filtration systems, promoting electric vehicles, or using cleaner combustion technologies in industries.
    • Policy: Implementing emission standards, encouraging public transportation, or incentivizing green building practices.
    • Community Engagement: Educating the public on air quality and encouraging behavior changes.
  • Alignment with AAEE: Connect your project with the AAEE's mission by emphasizing:
    • Promoting excellence: Using innovative and effective technologies.
    • Advocating for sound policy: Implementing regulations that reduce pollution.
    • Professional development: Engaging with other engineers and experts through the AAEE.

Presentation: Your presentation should be clear, concise, and persuasive. Be prepared to answer questions from the panel, demonstrating your understanding of the project's technical and policy aspects.


  • None specifically about the AAEE exist, but relevant books about environmental engineering include:
    • "Environmental Engineering: A Global Perspective" by Tchobanoglous, Burton, and Stensel
    • "Water Quality: An Introduction" by Davis and Cornwell
    • "Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse" by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc.
    • "Air Pollution Control Engineering" by Cooper and Alley


  • Articles about the AAEE can be found in the Journal of Environmental Engineering:
    • Search the journal's website using keywords like "AAEE," "American Academy of Environmental Engineers," or "Environmental Engineering."
  • You can also find articles about the AAEE in other publications like:
    • Environmental Engineering & Science News
    • Environmental Science & Technology
    • Water Environment & Technology
    • Engineering News-Record

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "AAEE," "American Academy of Environmental Engineers," "environmental engineering," "journal of environmental engineering."
  • Combine keywords: "AAEE environmental policy," "AAEE professional development," "AAEE certification."
  • Use quotation marks: "AAEE Journal" to find exact phrases.
  • Use filters: Filter by "News," "Scholar," or "Images" to narrow your search results.
  • Use advanced operators: Use "site:" to search within a specific website, like "".
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