Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: A 2 /O

A 2 /O

A2/O: A Powerful Tool for Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal in Wastewater Treatment


Wastewater treatment plants face the crucial challenge of removing nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen to protect our water bodies from eutrophication. One effective solution is the A2/O process, a biological treatment process developed by USFilter/Krüger. A2/O stands for Anaerobic, Anoxic, and Oxic, representing the three distinct zones within the system, each playing a crucial role in nutrient removal.

A2/O Process Breakdown:

1. Anaerobic Zone (A):

  • This zone is characterized by the absence of dissolved oxygen.
  • Bacteria in this zone break down organic matter and release phosphorus from the wastewater.
  • The released phosphorus is converted into a form readily available for uptake in the subsequent anoxic zone.

2. Anoxic Zone (2):

  • This zone has low dissolved oxygen but contains high levels of nitrates.
  • Denitrifying bacteria in this zone use nitrates as an electron acceptor for the oxidation of organic matter.
  • This process removes nitrogen from the wastewater in the form of nitrogen gas.

3. Oxic Zone (O):

  • This zone is fully aerated, providing high levels of dissolved oxygen.
  • The oxygen promotes the growth of aerobic bacteria, which oxidize organic matter and phosphorus.
  • This results in the removal of remaining organic matter and conversion of phosphorus into a form that can be readily removed through sedimentation.

Benefits of A2/O:

  • High Efficiency: The A2/O process achieves high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen removal, typically exceeding 90%.
  • Cost-effective: The system often requires less energy and chemical usage compared to other treatment methods.
  • Versatile: It can be implemented in various configurations, adapting to different wastewater flow rates and compositions.
  • Sustainable: The biological process minimizes the production of sludge and reduces the need for chemical additives.

USFilter/Krüger Expertise:

USFilter/Krüger, a leading provider of wastewater treatment solutions, offers comprehensive A2/O systems designed for optimal nutrient removal. Their expertise includes:

  • Design and engineering: Tailoring the A2/O process to specific site requirements and wastewater characteristics.
  • Construction and installation: Ensuring seamless and efficient system deployment.
  • Operation and maintenance: Providing ongoing support and optimization of the treatment process.


The A2/O process is a powerful tool for effective phosphorus and nitrogen removal from wastewater. With its high efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and adaptability, the A2/O system, particularly those offered by USFilter/Krüger, represents a reliable solution for achieving sustainable wastewater treatment goals. As we strive to protect our water resources, A2/O technology continues to play a vital role in ensuring clean and safe water for all.

Test Your Knowledge

A2/O Process Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the "A" in the A2/O process stand for?

a) Aerobic


Incorrect. The "A" stands for Anaerobic.

b) Anoxic


Incorrect. The "A" stands for Anaerobic.

c) Anaerobic


Correct! The "A" stands for Anaerobic, representing the first zone in the process.

d) Oxic


Incorrect. The "O" stands for Oxic.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the A2/O process?

a) High phosphorus and nitrogen removal efficiency


Incorrect. This is a major benefit of the A2/O process.

b) Cost-effectiveness


Incorrect. A2/O is often more cost-effective than other treatment methods.

c) Increased sludge production


Correct! The A2/O process minimizes sludge production, making it more sustainable.

d) Adaptability to various wastewater characteristics


Incorrect. The A2/O process is versatile and adaptable to different wastewater flows and compositions.

3. What type of bacteria is primarily responsible for nitrogen removal in the anoxic zone?

a) Aerobic bacteria


Incorrect. Aerobic bacteria require oxygen for their processes.

b) Denitrifying bacteria


Correct! Denitrifying bacteria use nitrates as an electron acceptor in the anoxic zone, converting nitrogen into nitrogen gas.

c) Phosphorus-oxidizing bacteria


Incorrect. These bacteria are active in the oxic zone.

d) Facultative bacteria


Incorrect. While facultative bacteria can adapt to both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, denitrifying bacteria are specifically responsible for nitrogen removal in the anoxic zone.

4. In which zone of the A2/O process does phosphorus conversion occur that makes it easier to remove?

a) Anaerobic zone


Incorrect. While phosphorus is released in the anaerobic zone, the conversion for easier removal happens in the oxic zone.

b) Anoxic zone


Incorrect. The anoxic zone is primarily for nitrogen removal.

c) Oxic zone


Correct! In the oxic zone, aerobic bacteria convert phosphorus into a form readily removed through sedimentation.

d) All zones equally


Incorrect. The oxic zone is the key for phosphorus conversion.

5. Which company is known for its expertise in designing and implementing A2/O wastewater treatment systems?

a) USFilter/Krüger


Correct! USFilter/Krüger is a leading provider of A2/O systems, offering comprehensive solutions from design to operation.

b) Aqua-Aerobic Systems


Incorrect. While Aqua-Aerobic Systems is involved in wastewater treatment, they are not specifically known for A2/O systems.

c) Veolia Water Technologies


Incorrect. Veolia is a major player in water technology but is not primarily known for A2/O systems.

d) Evoqua Water Technologies


Incorrect. Evoqua focuses on various water treatment technologies, but not specifically on A2/O systems.

A2/O Process Exercise:

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant is experiencing high levels of nitrogen in its effluent. The plant manager decides to implement an A2/O process to improve nutrient removal.


  1. Explain how the A2/O process would be beneficial in this situation.
  2. Describe the specific role of the anoxic zone in reducing nitrogen levels.
  3. Suggest two ways the plant manager could optimize the A2/O process for even better nitrogen removal.

Exercise Correction

**1. Benefits of A2/O for high nitrogen levels:**

  • The A2/O process is specifically designed for efficient nitrogen removal through the denitrification process in the anoxic zone.
  • It allows for targeted nitrogen reduction without relying solely on chemical treatment, which can be costly and environmentally impactful.

**2. Role of the anoxic zone in nitrogen reduction:**

  • The anoxic zone provides the ideal conditions for denitrifying bacteria to thrive. These bacteria utilize nitrates as an electron acceptor, converting them into nitrogen gas, which is released into the atmosphere.
  • The absence of oxygen in this zone is crucial for the denitrification process, as oxygen would inhibit the activity of denitrifying bacteria.

**3. Optimization suggestions for better nitrogen removal:**

  • **Fine-tuning the anoxic zone conditions:** Ensuring optimal conditions (low oxygen, high nitrates) can enhance denitrification efficiency. This might involve adjusting the flow rate or aeration levels in the anoxic zone.
  • **Introducing additional carbon sources:** Denitrifying bacteria require a source of carbon for their energy. Increasing the carbon content in the wastewater (e.g., through the addition of organic material or by adjusting the influent flow) can stimulate nitrogen removal.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. - Provides comprehensive coverage of wastewater treatment technologies, including A2/O processes.
  • Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modeling, and Design by Grady, Jr., C.P.L., Daigger, G.T., & Lim, H.C. - Focuses on biological treatment processes, offering detailed information on A2/O design and operation.
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation by Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F.L., & Stensel, H.D. - Provides practical guidance on the operation of wastewater treatment plants, including A2/O systems.


  • "Biological Nutrient Removal: An Overview" by Wentzel, M.C., & Marais, G.R. - A review of biological nutrient removal processes, including the A2/O system.
  • "A2/O Process: A Review of Its Application and Performance" by Liu, Y., et al. - Analyzes the application and performance of A2/O systems in different wastewater treatment scenarios.
  • "Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater Using Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Processes" by Crites, R., & Tchobanoglous, G. - Focuses on phosphorus removal mechanisms in BNR processes, including A2/O.

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Krüger website: - Explore their expertise in A2/O system design, construction, and operation.
  • EPA website: - Access EPA publications and information on wastewater treatment technologies, including nutrient removal.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): - Explore WEF resources, including technical publications and training materials on A2/O systems.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use terms like "A2/O process", "biological nutrient removal", "phosphorus removal", "nitrogen removal", "wastewater treatment".
  • Refine by source: Use filters like "website" or "pdf" to target specific types of content.
  • Explore academic databases: Utilize resources like Google Scholar and Web of Science to find peer-reviewed articles on A2/O.
  • Add location: Include specific locations to find local studies or applications of A2/O technology.
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