Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: remedial investigation and feasibility study (RI/FS)

remedial investigation and feasibility study (RI/FS)

Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS): Deconstructing Environmental Risks and Finding Solutions

The presence of hazardous waste at a site can pose significant risks to human health and the environment. To effectively address these risks, a systematic approach is crucial, and this is where the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) comes into play. It's a comprehensive evaluation process mandated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for contaminated sites, aiming to understand the extent of the problem and identify the most appropriate solutions for remediation.

What is a Remedial Investigation (RI)?

The RI is the initial stage, a detective process where investigators gather detailed information about the site. This includes:

  • Site Characterization: Defining the site's boundaries, identifying potential sources of contamination, and mapping the extent of contamination in soil, groundwater, and air.
  • Environmental Sampling and Analysis: Collecting samples of soil, groundwater, and air to analyze the presence and concentration of contaminants.
  • Risk Assessment: Evaluating the potential health risks to humans and the environment posed by the contamination.
  • Preliminary Data Analysis: Compiling and analyzing the collected data to understand the nature, extent, and severity of the contamination.

The Role of the Feasibility Study (FS)

Following the RI, the FS builds upon the gathered information to develop potential remedial solutions. This involves:

  • Remediation Technology Evaluation: Investigating and evaluating various remedial technologies suitable for the identified contaminants and site conditions.
  • Remediation Alternatives Development: Developing a range of feasible remedial options, considering factors like effectiveness, cost, time frame, and potential risks.
  • Remedial Option Analysis: Comparing the different remedial alternatives based on a standardized set of criteria, including technical feasibility, environmental effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and public health impact.
  • Preliminary Remedy Selection: Identifying the preferred remedy based on the analysis of various alternatives and a comprehensive evaluation of their pros and cons.

The Importance of an Integrated Approach

The RI/FS process emphasizes an integrated approach, considering the site's unique characteristics, the nature of the contaminants, and the potential risks involved. This ensures that the chosen remedy is not only effective but also safe and environmentally responsible.

Examples of Remedial Technologies:

  • Excavation and Removal: Digging up contaminated soil and transporting it to a permitted landfill.
  • In-situ Treatment: Treating the contamination directly in the soil or groundwater using techniques like bioremediation (using microorganisms to break down contaminants) or chemical oxidation.
  • Containment: Isolating the contamination to prevent its spread using methods like capping or barriers.
  • Pump and Treat: Extracting contaminated groundwater and treating it before returning it to the aquifer.

Beyond Remediation: Towards Sustainable Solutions

The RI/FS process extends beyond simply cleaning up the contamination. It also aims to prevent future contamination and minimize the risks associated with the site. This includes:

  • Long-term Monitoring: Monitoring the effectiveness of the chosen remedy and ensuring the site remains safe over the long term.
  • Institutional Controls: Implementing measures to restrict future use of the site or control access to prevent exposure to contamination.
  • Community Involvement: Engaging the community in the decision-making process to address their concerns and ensure transparency.

RI/FS - A Key Tool for Environmental Protection

The RI/FS process is crucial for protecting human health and the environment. It provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the risks associated with hazardous waste sites and selecting the most appropriate solutions for remediation. By employing a systematic and integrated approach, the RI/FS helps ensure that contaminated sites are cleaned up effectively and responsibly, promoting long-term environmental sustainability.

Test Your Knowledge

RI/FS Quiz: Deconstructing Environmental Risks

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a primary objective of the Remedial Investigation (RI) stage?

a) Defining the site's boundaries b) Identifying potential sources of contamination c) Selecting the most effective remediation technology d) Mapping the extent of contamination


c) Selecting the most effective remediation technology

2. The Feasibility Study (FS) is primarily concerned with:

a) Collecting environmental samples and analyzing data b) Assessing the potential health risks to humans and the environment c) Developing and evaluating potential remedial solutions d) Defining the site's boundaries


c) Developing and evaluating potential remedial solutions

3. What is the key advantage of an integrated approach in the RI/FS process?

a) It saves time and resources by combining different stages b) It ensures that the chosen remedy is both effective and environmentally sound c) It allows for quicker data analysis and decision-making d) It reduces the need for community involvement


b) It ensures that the chosen remedy is both effective and environmentally sound

4. Which of these is an example of an in-situ treatment technology?

a) Excavation and removal b) Bioremediation c) Containment d) Pump and treat


b) Bioremediation

5. Beyond remediation, the RI/FS process also aims to:

a) Maximize profits from the contaminated site b) Prevent future contamination and minimize associated risks c) Increase the value of the contaminated property d) Ensure the site is suitable for residential use


b) Prevent future contamination and minimize associated risks

RI/FS Exercise: A Hypothetical Scenario

Scenario: A former manufacturing plant is suspected of having soil and groundwater contamination. An RI/FS is initiated to assess the risks and find solutions.

Task: Imagine you are part of the RI/FS team. Based on the information provided, outline the key steps you would take during the RI and FS stages. Consider:

  • What data would you need to collect during the RI?
  • What remedial technologies would you consider for the FS?
  • How would you ensure community involvement in the decision-making process?

Exercise Correction

**RI Stage:**

  • **Site Characterization:** Define site boundaries, identify potential sources of contamination (e.g., former manufacturing processes, waste storage areas), and map the extent of contamination through soil and groundwater sampling.
  • **Environmental Sampling:** Collect soil and groundwater samples at strategic locations across the site. Analyze samples to identify the types and concentrations of contaminants present.
  • **Risk Assessment:** Evaluate the potential health risks to surrounding communities and the environment based on the identified contaminants and their concentration levels.
  • **Preliminary Data Analysis:** Compile and analyze the collected data to understand the nature, extent, and severity of the contamination. This helps to refine the site characterization and refine the next steps.

**FS Stage:**

  • **Remediation Technology Evaluation:** Based on the nature of the contaminants and site conditions, evaluate a range of potential remedial technologies like excavation and removal, in-situ bioremediation, containment, pump and treat, or a combination of methods.
  • **Remediation Alternatives Development:** Develop several feasible remedial options considering factors like effectiveness, cost, time frame, and potential risks. This could include different technologies, different levels of clean-up, and different monitoring plans.
  • **Remedial Option Analysis:** Compare the developed remedial alternatives based on a standardized set of criteria, such as technical feasibility, environmental effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and public health impact.
  • **Preliminary Remedy Selection:** Based on the analysis, identify the preferred remedy based on a comprehensive evaluation of its pros and cons.

**Community Involvement:**

  • **Public Meetings:** Conduct regular public meetings to inform the community about the RI/FS process, findings, and remedial options being considered.
  • **Feedback Mechanisms:** Provide opportunities for community members to submit questions, concerns, and suggestions throughout the process.
  • **Community Advisory Group:** Establish a Community Advisory Group (CAG) to provide ongoing input and feedback on the RI/FS process and remedial decisions.


  • "Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater" by R.E. Hinchee, D.W. Johnson, and J.T. Wilson: A comprehensive guide covering all aspects of site remediation, including RI/FS.
  • "Environmental Site Assessment: Principles and Practices" by W.H. Heidiger: Offers practical guidance on conducting thorough environmental assessments, including the RI/FS process.
  • "Hazardous Waste Management" by B.L. Savage and R.J. Prugh: A broad overview of hazardous waste management, with dedicated chapters on RI/FS and remediation technologies.


Online Resources

  • EPA Superfund website: This website provides a wealth of information on RI/FS, including guidance documents, case studies, and training materials.
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - Environmental Engineering: ASCE provides resources, articles, and publications on environmental engineering, including information on site remediation.
  • National Groundwater Association: This organization offers valuable resources on groundwater contamination and remediation, which are often central to RI/FS projects.

Search Tips

  • Combine specific keywords: Use combinations like "RI/FS process", "remediation technologies", "site characterization", and "risk assessment" to refine your search.
  • Utilize quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "remedial investigation feasibility study" will find resources that use this precise terminology.
  • Filter by file type: Use "filetype:pdf" to specifically search for PDF documents, which often contain technical reports and guidance documents.
  • Specify website: Include "" to limit your search to EPA resources.
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