Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: candlepower distribution

candlepower distribution

Understanding Candlepower Distribution: Illuminating the Path of Light

In the world of electrical lighting, the term "candlepower distribution" might sound obscure, but it's actually a crucial concept for understanding how light behaves. It describes the way a light source emits light in different directions, influencing the overall illumination of a space. This article delves into the concept of candlepower distribution, exploring its significance and how it's visually represented.

Defining Candlepower Distribution

Imagine a light source, like a traditional light bulb, emitting light in all directions. But the intensity of that light isn't uniform. Some areas receive more illumination than others. Candlepower distribution is a way of visually representing this variation in light intensity. It's essentially a graph, often a polar curve, showing how the luminous intensity changes depending on the angle from the light source.

The Polar Curve: A Visual Representation

The most common way to depict candlepower distribution is through a polar curve. This curve has the light source at its center, with radial lines extending outwards to represent different angles. The distance from the center to a point on the curve at a specific angle indicates the luminous intensity in that direction.

Understanding the Curve

Imagine a light bulb placed at the center of a polar graph. If the bulb emits light equally in all directions, the curve would be a perfect circle. However, most light sources have a directional bias. For example, a spotlight has a strong beam of light concentrated in a specific direction, while a floodlight spreads its illumination over a wider area. These differences are reflected in their respective candlepower distribution curves.

The Significance of Candlepower Distribution

Knowing the candlepower distribution of a light source is essential for a variety of reasons:

  • Efficient lighting design: By understanding the direction and intensity of light, lighting designers can select the most appropriate fixtures and placements to ensure optimal illumination for a specific application.
  • Predicting illumination levels: The curve helps determine the amount of light reaching a particular point in space, enabling accurate calculation of illuminance levels.
  • Optimizing light source selection: Different light sources have unique candlepower distributions. By analyzing the curve, users can choose the most suitable source for their needs, whether it's a spotlight for a stage or a soft, ambient light for a living room.


Candlepower distribution, while a technical term, plays a vital role in lighting design and understanding the behavior of light sources. By visually representing the variation in luminous intensity, this concept allows for informed decisions regarding fixture selection, placement, and overall illumination quality.

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