Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: busy waiting

busy waiting

Busy Waiting: A Wasteful Wait in the World of Computing

In the fast-paced world of computing, efficiency is key. Every millisecond counts, and a processor should be constantly working on useful tasks. However, there are times when a program might find itself stuck in a state of busy waiting. This is a scenario where the processor repeatedly checks a condition, waiting for it to become true, without performing any other useful work.

Imagine a scenario where a program needs to access a shared resource, like a printer. This resource can only be used by one program at a time, so a lock is implemented to prevent multiple programs from accessing it simultaneously. When a program encounters a locked resource, it has two main options:

  1. Busy Waiting: The program repeatedly checks if the lock is available. This involves constantly reading the lock status and looping back if it's still locked. This "busy loop" can be incredibly simple, sometimes only consisting of 2 or 3 instructions.

  2. Sleeping: Instead of constantly checking, the program temporarily suspends its execution, allowing the processor to work on other tasks. Once the lock is released, the program is woken up and can access the resource.

Why is Busy Waiting Considered Wasteful?

While seemingly simple, busy waiting has significant downsides:

  • High CPU Utilization: While the program is stuck in the loop, it consumes valuable CPU cycles that could be used for other tasks. This can lead to overall system performance degradation.
  • Increased Power Consumption: Busy waiting involves constantly checking the lock, which translates to higher power consumption compared to sleeping, where the processor can be put into a low-power state.
  • Unnecessary Delays: Other programs might be waiting to access the same resource. Busy waiting prevents them from doing so efficiently, as they might also get stuck in a similar loop.

Alternatives to Busy Waiting

Fortunately, there are better alternatives to busy waiting:

  • Sleeping: As mentioned earlier, the program can suspend its execution until the lock becomes available. This allows the CPU to work on other tasks, improving system efficiency.
  • Semaphores: Semaphores are a synchronization mechanism that allows programs to wait for a specific condition (like a resource becoming available) without constantly checking.
  • Spin Locks: While not as efficient as sleeping, spin locks can be useful in certain scenarios where latency is critical. Instead of constantly checking the lock, they only check it at specific intervals, minimizing the impact on CPU utilization.


Busy waiting might seem like an easy solution at first glance, but its negative consequences can significantly impact system performance and power consumption. It's crucial to avoid busy waiting whenever possible and opt for more efficient mechanisms like sleeping, semaphores, or spin locks. By using these techniques, we can ensure that our programs run smoothly and efficiently, utilizing valuable CPU resources wisely.

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