Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: bushing transformer

bushing transformer

The Bushing Transformer: A Compact Solution for Voltage Measurement

In the world of high-voltage electrical systems, accurately measuring voltage is crucial for safe and efficient operation. This is where bushing transformers come in, offering a compact and integrated solution for voltage measurement.

What is a Bushing Transformer?

A bushing transformer is a special type of potential transformer (PT), specifically designed to be installed within a transformer bushing. This clever integration leverages the inherent insulating properties of the bushing to create a safe and efficient voltage measurement system.

The Function of a Bushing Transformer:

Like all PTs, a bushing transformer steps down high voltage to a safe level for measurement by instruments or relays. However, instead of being a separate device, it's built directly into the bushing. This integration offers several advantages:

  • Space Saving: By eliminating the need for a separate housing and mounting, bushing transformers significantly reduce the overall footprint of the equipment.
  • Improved Insulation: The inherent insulating properties of the bushing provide a reliable and robust insulation barrier for the transformer winding, further enhancing safety.
  • Simplified Installation: Installing a bushing transformer is straightforward, as it integrates seamlessly with the existing bushing structure.

How it Works:

The bushing transformer typically comprises a primary winding wrapped around the central conductor of the bushing and a secondary winding connected to the measurement circuit. The primary winding senses the high voltage passing through the bushing, inducing a proportional voltage in the secondary winding. This secondary voltage, now at a safe level, can be measured by instruments or relays.

Applications of Bushing Transformers:

Bushing transformers find widespread applications in various high-voltage scenarios, including:

  • Power Transformers: Measuring the voltage across the windings of power transformers for monitoring and protection.
  • High-Voltage Switchgear: Ensuring safe and accurate voltage measurement for switching operations.
  • Transmission and Distribution Systems: Monitoring voltage levels in overhead lines and underground cables.

Benefits of Bushing Transformers:

  • Compact Design: Saves space and simplifies installation.
  • Enhanced Insulation: Improved safety and reliability due to inherent bushing insulation.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Reduces the need for separate PTs and associated installation costs.
  • Integration with Existing Equipment: Seamless integration with existing bushing structures.


Bushing transformers are a crucial component in high-voltage electrical systems, offering a compact, safe, and efficient solution for accurate voltage measurement. Their integration with transformer bushings allows for space-saving designs, improved insulation, and simplified installation, making them an essential element in ensuring the reliable and safe operation of high-voltage equipment.

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